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I just recently made a dual wielding Soulknife, using the Gifted Blade archetype, and I am planning on going into the Dark Tempest Prestige Class, but I'm not sure how to build him. I hardly every make magic users, so I am not very experienced in building them. From what I've gathered, based off all the class abilities from the dark tempest, it's basically all about shooting off spells after a melee hit, more importantly, after a critical hit. Here's the feats and blade skills I plan on going with that to utilize the crit fishing style:
Two weapon fighting
Improved critical
Critical focus
Critical refocus
Empower power
Exploding Critical (B)
I'm also going to take the psicrystal affinity and expanded knowledge (share pain) feats because that combo is amazing for survivability.
Does anyone have any advice for my remaining feats, or feats I should replace?
Bloodrealm wrote: Korthis wrote: When it happened I pretty much stopped functioning socially and kind of glanced with an awkward smile and chuckle when people were deciding what to do or asked me things. That's perfect. Just keep doing that. That's basically 2 Charisma right there.
Someone telling you that a low-Charisma character should be loud and rude doesn't know what Charisma is. If you ever wanted to roleplay a piece of wood, now's your chance! Normally, when people put forth zero effort into their character and have no character concept and are nothing more than stats on a piece of paper, it's boring and dumb and defeats half of the game. When it is ACTUALLY your character concept to be like that....you have my interest. I really want to know more about how this goes.

Absorbing may not be as good as it first appears, but I still love it. The decision between ignoring one (two) spells instead of using psychic strike for the high damage abilities is a big one, but in those situations where I'm a low health, playing defensively, I'm glad I have it. Just in case I need it. Which I have, once. Could have probably been alive without it, but better safe then sorry.
Yeah, it pretty much is a magus. The mindblade archetype is so similar they could be twins. The difference is powers vs spells. There's a reason I love psionics. The Vancian spell system, to me at least, is archaic and too simple. The only reason it's still around is tradition. Look at what happened with 4e tried to remove it. The entire D&D community lost their collective g~+*&@ned minds. We literally have Pathfinder because of 4e. More to Pathfinder's creation that just the spell system revamp, but that definitely helped. I digress.
Anyways, as far as improved critical, I personally prefer to just have keen on my weapons. Only takes a +1 enhancement slot and frees up a feat. I'm used to playing a fighter, and I was so spoiled with getting a feat every single level. So I'll take anything other than a feat to accomplish the same goal.

I, too, am interested on what the advice for this would be. Only difference is, I'm playing a dual-wielding gifted blade, with a high wisdom instead of strength.
I would highly recommend the blade skills Absorbing Blade and Combat Slide for survivability. Flat out ignoring a spell against you, twice since you dual wield, is amazing. Combat Slide gives you more 5-foot steps, which you can never have enough of, and you can use it as an immediate action. Other blade skills are helpful. Dual Imbue, Powerful Strike, and Twin Strike are great. I'd also recommend the feats double slice and two-weapon rend. All will help out with damage output. None of those are crit based, I know. Which is what your original question was about.
One of the best parts about being a gifted blade means I get a manifester level. Which means I get a psicrystal. Which means I can cast Share Pain, which splits up damage between me and another willing target, and Vigor, which gives me 5 temp hit points per power point spent. And the psicrystal gets the shared power ability, which means every spell i cast on myself, also effect it. So, in the end, reduce all damage by half, with a ton of temp hit points to spare.
What I'm actually thinking about doing is going into the Dark Tempest prestige class. I know that both the gifted blade and dark tempest rely on the psychic strike for completely opposite reasons. Gifted blade gives it up completely for the ability to cast spells, and the dark tempest uses it to full powers when scoring a crit. I can take the blade skill powerful strike to gain more so I'm not super far behind if I wasn't originally a gifted blade, and I think the benefits of being able to cast spells besides on crits and having a larger power point pool way outweighs the detriment. However, I still want to know how to optimize my build for hit crit after crit.
TL:DR I want advice too, but using WIS instead of STR
Silentman73 wrote: Hands down, Dreamscarred Press' "Ultimate Psionics". I never once thought that the 3.5 "Expanded Psionics Handbook" could be outdone. DSP did it, and with aplomb. It's a monster book (with a monster price tag, sadly; $80 brand new), but man, is it worth it... Seconded. I love psionics. Got this book and never regretted it. Most DM's I've dealt with hate psionics and won't allow them, but I finally convinced my friend to let me play one. Running a soulknife, and they don't suck like in 3.5!
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I would play him as a character who doesn't want to do ANYTHING, ever. In the ability score damage section of ability scores, it states "A character with a Charisma score of 0 is not able to exert himself in any way and is unconscious." Compare to the others: wisdom - incapable of rational thought and is unconscious, strength - too weak to move in any way and is unconscious, constitution is flat out dead. I would say that the only reason you're getting up and going to eat and literally not starving to death is because that sandwich isn't really that far away. And it's already made. And it's your favorite. I guess.
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I love psionics. Lot of people hate them because "psychic powers don't fit in a world of magic and spells."
I haven't looked too much into the bloodrager yet, but it does look like exactly what I want, other than half barbarian half sorcerer, which one 20 level class is pretty much always going to be superior to two 10 level classes combined. My GM can be pretty stubborn about what is allowed and what isn't but I'll keep trying to convince him to allow those feats. It fits the character and his story and really, wouldn't come up all that often. Thanks!
In 3.5 Unearthed Arcana, there is a set of feats called Spelltouched Feats, and I was wondering if there is a Pathfinder equivalent? Specifically, the Live My Nightmare feat.
I want to make a Barbarian, raised and lives outside of civilization who has had zero interaction with magic and sees a traveling (evil) wizard. Spellbound (har har) he sees this and becomes obsessed with magic. He agrees to be experimented on by the wizard. Disaster ensures, naturally. But, in doing so, he now has the ability to cast spells and use magic, i.e. multiclass as a sorcerer, and also now has the Live My Nightmare spelltouched feat. Now, is there anything in Pathfinder that operates the same way as that feat, or am I stuck with making this character in a 3.5 game?