Golem in Progress

Tristan Thorne's page

1 post. Alias of Balodek.

About Tristan Thorne


Player: Balodek
Background: Lunar Colonist
Faction: Ultimate
Morph: Fury
Gender Id: Male
Actual Age: 25
Current Moxie: 3
Rez Points: 0
Motivations: +Immortality +Individualism +Personal Development

Energy = 16
Kinetic = 16

@-rep = 30
c-rep = 0
e-rep = 0
f-rep = 0
g-rep = 0
i-rep = 20
r-rep = 0


COG 15
COO 25
INT 15
REF 25
SAV 10
SOM 20
WIL 25

TT 10
LUC 50
IR 100
WT 13
DUR 65
DR 98
DB 2


Ego Traits:

Morph Traits:
Innocuous, Tough (Level 3)


Implants: Direction Sense, Eidetic Memory, Clean Metabolism, Enhanced Respiration, Skin Pocket, Temperature Tolerance, Enhanced Respiration (specific), T-Ray Emitter, Medichines

Gear: Chameleon Cloak, Backup Insurance (mod), Tactical Networks, Standard Muse, Flashlight, (5x) Nanobandage, Repair Spray, (3x) Emergency Rations, Helmet (full), Body Armor (heavy) (w/ Shock Proof), Knife, Vibroblade, Light Rail Pistol (w/ Smartlink,Safety System), Sniper Rifle (w/ Smartlink,Safety System, Imaging Scope, Silencer), (100x) Armor Piercing Sniper Rounds, (100x) Regular Sniper Rounds, (200x) Regular Pistol Rounds, (10x) High-Explosive Grenade

Credits = 0


Weapon Skill DV
Unarmed 50 1d10 +2
Knife 50 1d10 +4
Vibroblade 50 2d10 +2

Weapon Skill DV
Light Rail Pistol 85 2d10 +2
Sniper Rifle 85 2d10 +8
Thrown 35 3d10 +10


Academics: Military Science: 55 COG
Academics: Philosophy: 55 COG
Animal Handling: 10 SAV
Beam Weapons: 25 COO
Blades: 50 SOM
Climbing: 20 SOM
Clubs: 20 SOM
Control: 25 WIL*
Deception: 10 SAV
Demolitions: 55 COG*
Disguise: 35 INT
Flight: 20 SOM
Fray: 75 REF
Freefall: 45 REF
Freerunning: 40 SOM
Gunnery: 15 INT
Impersonation: 10 SAV
Infiltration: 55 COO
Infosec: 15 COG*
Interest: Military History: 55 COG
Interfacing: 15 COG
Intimidation: 40 SAV
Investigation: 45 INT
Kinesics: 10 SAV
Kinetic Weapons: 75 COO
Language: English: 85 INT
Language: Cantonese: 55 INT
Language: Spanish: 55 INT
Navigation: 15 INT
Networking: Autonomists: 10 SAV
Networking: Criminals: 10 SAV
Networking: Ecologists: 10 SAV
Networking: Firewall: 25 SAV
Networking: Hypercorps: 80 SAV
Networking: Media: 10 SAV
Networking: Scientists: 10 SAV
Palming: 25 COO
Perception: 55 INT
Persuasion: 40 SAV
Pilot: Aircraft: 25 REF
Pilot: Anthroform: 25 REF
Pilot: Exotic Vehicle: 25 REF
Pilot: Groundcraft: 35 REF
Pilot: Spacecraft: 55 REF
Pilot: Watercraft: 25 REF
Profession: Security Ops: 45 COG
Profession: Squad Tactics: 55 COG
Profession: Military Ops: 45 COG
Programming: 15 COG*
Protocol: 10 SAV
Psi Assault: 25 WIL*
Psychosurgery: 15 INT
Research: 15 COG
Scrounging: 45 INT
Seeker Weapons: 25 COO
Sense: 15 INT*
Spray Weapons: 25 COO
Swimming: 20 SOM
Thrown Weapons: 35 COO
Unarmed Combat: 50 SOM


Implant Details
Direction Sense: (EP p. 301) Can designate a direction as north/up and it has no trouble retracing routes.
Eidetic Memory: (EP p. 301) Perfect recall of long term memories but regular attention is needed to memorize details.
Clean Metabolism: (EP p. 304) Morph is immune to most infections, has no bad breath, no scent and amore efficient digestion.
Enhanced Respiration: (EP p. 305) Morph can breathe in 0.2 to 5 atmospheres and can hold breath for up to 30 minutes.
Skin Pocket: (EP p. 305) can hide small items +30 bonus to concealment
Temperature Tolerance: (EP p. 305) Comfortable in -30 to +60 temperature
Enhanced Respiration (specific): (GC p. 154)
T-Ray Emitter: (EP p. 306) Emits t-rays 20m in atmosphere or 100m in vacuum
Medichines: (EP p. 308) Morph ignores 1 wound, if it suffers 5 wounds it is placed in medical stasis and distress signals are send out. It allows synthmorphs to heal.
Gear Details
Chameleon Cloak: (EP p. 315) Allows effective invisability when a character is stationary. Provides +30 to Infiltration when a character is moving faster than a slow walk.
Backup Insurance (mod): (EP p. 330) Periodic Ego backup possible stack retrieval and reinstantiation into a basic morph in the event of death. For high risk individuals.
Tactical Networks: (EP p. 331)(See also p.205) Tactical, real-time, data sharing and squad coordination software.
Standard Muse: (EP p. 332) Digital personalities designed to assist a character in everyday life and work.
Flashlight: (EP p. 333) Handheld or wearable works in spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet.
Nanobandage: (EP p. 333) Self sterilizing medical system treats all injury from poison to trauma. Severe injuries may req. physical first aid. (See also p.208)
Repair Spray: (EP p. 333) Repairs 1d10DV/2hrs. Repairs 1 wound/day. Cannot repair object with more than 3 wounds, assists in repair, +30 to all repair rolls
Emergency Rations: (GC p. 159)