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In 1e Undead were explicitly immune to nonlethal damage as part of their Undead Traits and the Undead Trait in 2e doesn't mention this interaction at all. The mechanical aspects of that trait are now the positive/negative energy flip and being destroyed when reduced to 0hp.

Undead Trait wrote:
Once living, these creatures were infused after death with negative energy and soul-corrupting evil magic. When reduced to 0 Hit Points, an undead creature is destroyed. Undead creatures are damaged by positive energy, are healed by negative energy, and don’t benefit from healing effects.

In every undead creature I could find they had specific immunities to the Unconscious condition, probably because they are destroyed at 0hp, but not Nonlethal damage.

Creatures such as Golems don't have immunity to nonlethal as part of their traits either but the immunity is explicitly stated in the stat block of the creature.

Does this mean that Undead in 2e are just as susceptible to nonlethal damage as they are to lethal damage since being dropped to 0hp causes them to be destroyed?

Hi All,

I recently got Occult Adventures and I'm extremely excited by the Esoteric Magus Archetype. I've always wanted a Monk/Magus hybrid that just worked right out of the box without having to "get good" when they hit a certain level or use weapons other than the Unarmed Strike.

Now, I really like all of the replacement class features but I have absolutely no idea what Ki Arcana is supposed to do.

I can't use it for any normal Monk/Ninja related stuff because unless I multiclass I don't actually have the abilities to spend the Ki points on them.

I suppose there's the Chakra stuff in the book but a lot of that seems like garbage unless you invest a ton of feats into it and even then I don't think it would be worthwhile.

The best I can think to do with it is to double dip on Extra Arcana and Extra Ki to get 4 bonus points at the expense of 2 feats instead of 2 bonus points for 1 feat which also doesn't seem worthwhile.

Am I missing something with this class feature or is it almost entirely worthless without being Ninja 2/Magus, UC Monk 3/Magus, Ki Mystic 3/Magus, or Monk 4/Magus?

Any help would be appreciated as I'm at a total loss for the actual application of this alternate class feature.

Please let me know if there are any questions.

Thank you,

Hi All,

I had a disagreement with another player at my game about how the spellstrike ability works in regards to critical hits. I spent a little time searching but couldn't find anything that definitively came down on one side or the other.

So, the question: When using spellstrike with a basic, unmodified, scimitar at level 2, does the critical threat range for the strike get automatically modified by Keen?

Spellstrike: At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. If the magus makes this attack in concert with spell combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by spell combat melee attacks. This attack uses the weapon’s critical range (20, 19–20, or 18–20 and modified by the keen weapon property or similar effects), but the spell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier.

I was reading the bolded section like an equation where the critical threat range is X*2. X being 1 (20) 2 (19-20) or 3 (18-20) * 2 (keen or similar ability).

For example: A magus is spellstriking with a basic and unmodified scimitar and casting shocking grasp with it. He rolls a 15 on the attack roll and it hits. Does this cause the hit to become a critical threat?

Hi All,

I attempted to give a try and the game I tried to join was using the encumbrance rules.

This is the first time in my 20+ years of tabletop gaming experience that I've had to deal with item weight.

Being excited for the new Swashbuckler class I tried to make one but just having a chain shirt and all the normal adventuring gear (backpack, bedroll, rations, waterskin, etc.) put me over the light load limit which pretty much kills the Swash.

Are there any special tips or tricks to get the weight of your gear down?

Thanks for the help.

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Hi All,

The title says it all.

Does the Morningstar work with the new Swashbuckler abilities such as Swashbuckler Finesse and Precise Strike even though it's also a bludgeoning weapon?

Hi All,

I'm in a game right now where I feel like the DM is frustrated with the power level of my character (Rogue/Vivisectionist 4 armed freak) and I'm making this character to try and tone down my offense while still filling the Rogue-ish Arcane-ish slot.

For stats I'd be rolling 4d6 drop the lowest and selecting from the best of 3 sets. I have to roll in front of the DM so I won't know my stats until then. For available material we're using all core books. I'll be getting no traits for free and will be starting at level 5 or 6. I'll also be taking the +1 round of bardic music favored class option for the half-orc until I get lingering performance and then I'll probably be taking skill points. I would take human but with the limited performance that archaeologists get I figured I'd have to take extra performance at some point which would negate the extra feat.

With all that said, here's the build I've got so far.

Alternate Racial Traits

Acute Darkvision replaces Orc Ferocity
Scavenger replaces Intimidating
Skilled replaces Darkvision

Feat Progression

1. Point Blank Shot
2. –
3. Precise Shot
4. Rogue Talent - Combat Trick (Rapid Shot)
5. Extra Traits (Fate’s Favored, Criminal – Disable Device)
6. –
7. Lingering Performance
8. Rogue Talent - Weapon Training (Short Bow)
9. Manyshot
10. –
11. Deadly Aim
12. Advanced Rogue Talent (Feat – Arcane Strike OR Opportunist)

My major concerns:

1. By RAW, can I take Acute Darkvision even if I'm replacing the vanilla Darkvision with Skilled?

2. I've never played a ranged build before so I have no idea what the optimal feat progression is past Rapid Shot, especially with the luck bonuses factoring in.

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.


Hi All,

Sorry if this topic has been brought up and answered before but I couldn't find anything with the forum search or googling.

Assuming Aroden died, what happened to his body?