About Trawets AarockCharacter Sheet:
Size Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +3; Perception +9 DEFENSE
STATISTICS Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 23, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 17 SKILLS Skill Ranks: Appraise +10 (B1), Craft: Calligraphy +10 (B1), Intimidate +9 (8), Kn: Arcana +17 (8), Kn: Dungeoneering +14 (5), Kn: Engineering +9 (B2), Kn: Geography +11 (B2), Kn: History +11 (B2), Kn: Local +14 (5), Kn: Nature +13 (4), Kn: Planes +14 (5), Kn: Religion +14 (5), Linguistics +17 (B8), Perception +9 (8), Spellcraft +17 (8), Use Magic Device +12 (8). Total: 64 B: Favored Class: Wizard ½ usage of Versatile Evocation per level. 4 Stat Increases:
Wizard: Admixture Evoker Abilities:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wizards are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a wizard's movements, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail. Spells: A wizard casts arcane spells drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list presented in Spell Lists. A wizard must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time. To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the wizard must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a wizard's spell is 10 + the spell level + the wizard's Intelligence modifier. A wizard can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Wizard. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells). A wizard may know any number of spells. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying his spellbook. While studying, the wizard decides which spells to prepare. Bonus Languages: A wizard may substitute Draconic for one of the bonus languages available to the character because of his race. Arcane Bond (Ex or Sp): At 1st level, wizards form a powerful bond with an object or a creature. This bond can take one of two forms: a familiar or a bonded object. A familiar is a magical pet that enhances the wizard's skills and senses and can aid him in magic, while a bonded object is an item a wizard can use to cast additional spells or to serve as a magical item. Once a wizard makes this choice, it is permanent and cannot be changed. Rules for bonded items are given below, while rules for familiars are at the end of this section. Arcane School: A wizard can choose to specialize in one school of magic, gaining additional spells and powers based on that school. This choice must be made at 1st level, and once made, it cannot be changed. A wizard that does not select a school receives the universalist school instead. A wizard that chooses to specialize in one school of magic must select two other schools as his opposition schools, representing knowledge sacrificed in one area of arcane lore to gain mastery in another. A wizard who prepares spells from his opposition schools must use two spell slots of that level to prepare the spell. For example, a wizard with evocation as an opposition school must expend two of his available 3rd-level spell slots to prepare a fireball. In addition, a specialist takes a –4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic item that has a spell from one of his opposition schools as a prerequisite. A universalist wizard can prepare spells from any school without restriction. Each arcane school gives the wizard a number of school powers. In addition, specialist wizards receive an additional spell slot of each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a wizard can prepare a spell from his specialty school in that slot. This spell must be in the wizard's spellbook. A wizard can select a spell modified by a metamagic feat to prepare in his school slot, but it uses up a higher-level spell slot. Wizards with the universalist school do not receive a school slot. School: Evocation (Admixture) Opposition: Enchantment and Necromancy Intense Spells (Su): Whenever you cast an evocation spell that deals hit point damage, add 1/2 your wizard level to the damage (minimum +1). This bonus only applies once to a spell, not once per missile or ray, and cannot be split between multiple missiles or rays. This bonus damage is not increased by Empower Spell or similar effects. This damage is of the same type as the spell. At 20th level, whenever you cast an evocation spell you can roll twice to penetrate a creature's spell resistance and take the better result. Versatile Evocation (Su): When you cast an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types. This changes the descriptor of the spell to match the new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to GM discretion. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Scribe Scroll: At 1st level, a wizard gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat. Bonus Feats: At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, a wizard gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, he can choose a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, or Spell Mastery. The wizard must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. The wizard is not limited to the categories of item creation feats, metamagic feats, or Spell Mastery when choosing those feats. Spellbooks: A wizard must study his spellbook each day to prepare his spells. He cannot prepare any spell not recorded in his spellbook, except for read magic, which all wizards can prepare from memory. A wizard begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level wizard spells (except those from his prohibited schools, if any; see Arcane Schools) plus three 1st-level spells of his choice. The wizard also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to his Intelligence modifier to add to the spellbook. At each new wizard level, he gains two new spells of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new wizard level) for his spellbook. At any time, a wizard can also add spells found in other wizards' spellbooks to his own (see Magic).
Feats and Traits:
FEATS 1- Spell Focus (Evocation) 1- Spell Specialization: Fireball (Racial bonus) 1- Scribe Scroll (class bonus) 1- Alertness (Familiar) 3 -Intensified Spell 5 -Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) 5 -Maximize Spell (Class Bonus) 7 - Improved Familiar: Faerie Dragon RACIAL TRAITS Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet. Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). Traits
Artifact Hunter:You’ve always had an interest in magic, but you’re fascinated with those legendary magic items known as artifacts. You’ve spent years researching these mythical relics and committed the stories and legends about them to memory, making you something of an expert on the subject. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify the properties of magic items and a +1 trait bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and one of these skills (UMD) becomes a class skill for you. In addition, whenever you first encounter an artifact, there is a 50% chance (+1% per level) that you recognize the artifact and know its name, origin, and something of that artifact’s powers, abilities, or dangers. Exactly how much knowledge you possess is left to the GM’s discretion. Gear:
Wizard Robes (1#), Dagger 2gp (1#), Quarterstaff (4#), Winter blanket 5sp (3#), Scroll Case 1gp (.5#), flint and steel 1gp, ink 8gp, inkpen 1sp, a mess kit 2sp (1#), soap 1cp (.5#), a spell component pouch 5gp (2#), 6 days trail rations 3gp (6#), waterskin 1gp (4#) Total: 25# Handy Haversack 2,000 gp (5#)
Scrolls: Comprehend Languages 25 gp, Mage Armor 12.5 gp, Read Magic 6.25gp. 1st Level Spells: 11
2 gp 4 sp 4cp. 22,022.8 33/66/100
Trawets was born to two powerful magic users. His father Andrew Aarock was a wizard who used metamagic constantly and created new spells. His mother Ruth Aarock was a sorceress who specialized in fortifications, both magical and mundane. He absorbed magical knowledge from a young age from his parents and adept himself with languages and documents. He gained the greatest pleasure though from destroying things. His mothers knowledge of defense was used to figure out the best way to take them apart. He used his fathers metamagic knowledge to empower his own spells. Trawets is a very devoted follower of Mystra as he knows his skill with magic wouldn’t exist without her. Trawets was part of an adventuring party that had a successful trip into the Haunted Halls of Evenstar. His comrades retired on their treasure but Trawets continues on as he knows that in order to improve his magic it must be used. Trawets is 6'10", weighing 210 pounds and proudly dresses in wizard robes as he is extremely proud of his profession. He keeps his brown hair cut short and has blue eyes. Spellbook:
All Cantrips except Enchantment and Necromancy First Level
Second Level
Third Level
Fourth Level
Familiar: Werbakinadividraushum, “Widowmaker”:
Faerie Dragon CG Tiny dragon Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +8 Defense
Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +6)
Special Abilities
Spells A faerie dragon casts spells as a 3rd-level sorcerer. Daily Resources:
Force Missile (7/day) Used: 0 Spells Memorized: Cantrips (4):
First Level DC: 16/18 Evocation (6+1):
Second Level DC: 17/19 Evocation (5+1): Third Level DC: 18/20 Evocation (5+1): Fourth Level DC: 19/21 Evocation (4+1): Fifth Level DC: 20/22 Evocation (3+1): Dice:
[dice=Ray of frost]1d20+1[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d3+1[/dice] [dice=Quarterstaff]1d20+1[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d6+1[/dice] [dice=Dagger]1d20+1[/dice] [dice=Damage]1d4+1[/dice] [dice=Perception]1d20+3[/dice] [dice=Appraise]1d20+8[/dice] [dice=Kn: Arcana]1d20+8[/dice] [dice=Kn: Dungeoneering]1d20+8[/dice] [dice=Kn: Geography]1d20+8[/dice] [dice=Kn: Local]1d20+8[/dice] [dice=Linguistics]1d20+8[/dice] [dice=Spellcraft]1d20+8[/dice] [dice=Fort Save]1d20+2[/dice] [dice=Reflex Save]1d20+4[/dice] [dice=Will Save]1d20+3[/dice] |