Conna the Wise

Traken's page

167 posts (214 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

How do you use names around the table? Do you use the person's name or the character name?

For my group, we just call each other by our actual names. Most of the time, we don't even know what the character's names are (or even race). I haven't figured out if this is good or bad yet...

Saw a lot of threads asking about good party compositions for this AP, and was wondering what kind of horrible partys people have run into. Mine seems to almost take the cake.

I decided to be very lax with creation rules. 48pt buy, and pretty much anything you wanted as long as I approve. Reason for this is because we only have 3 people, and my groups really hate using cohorts and friendly NPCs.

We have:

Elf Rogue2/Fighter 1. Uses a bunch of wine bottles to fight with. Is usually drunk most of the time so sets off a lot of traps.

Human Brawler 3. Home brew class that might be similar to a chaotic monk but without any kind of magic/divine stuff.

Goliath Barbarian 3. Only reason the party is still alive. He's the only one that can hit anything most of the time and does way too much damage. Anyone that has played with goliaths know how strong they are.

I'm trying to figure out how they are still alive. No one carries any kind of healing, whatsoever. Now... Do you change everything to accomidate them (changing adventures) or just keep going?

This has been bugging me for awhile.

PHB 179 states that it costs 100gp per page to write down a spell in a normal spellbook.

DMG 249 states that with Boccob's Blessed Book you can "fill the 1,000 pages with spells without paying the 25gp per page material cost."

So which one is correct? Personally, I rule that it only costs 25gp per page, but that's probably because I always play the Wizard that usually turns out dirt poor.