maybecca's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I know the answer to this is no and for very good reasons, or at least I'm pretty sure it is, but why not post anyway?

I like a lot of the card sets Paizo have been putting out, and would be tempted to subscribe if it wasn't for the pesky ones with all those icky Pathfinder rules on them. Item cards! Face cards! Even the chase cards, honestly - the only rules content on the cards is the DC, and I can ignore a number. But... I don't play Pathfinder, or a D&D close enough that critical decks are useful to me, let alone the buff and condition cards.

Dear Paizo, can I have a subscription to only the item/face/universalish decks and not the ones tied tightly to the rules, and also a pony?

Ah, I'll probably just keep picking a few up here and there when I stop by a better game store than the ones in my city. International shipping to the UK would eat the cost savings anyway. Besides, if Paizo did do it they'd miscategorise something with too many rules for my tastes or vice versa and I'd have Internet rage at them, or something. It's not exactly a practical idea!

You also can't airmail a pony.