![]() About TorfrunCrunch:
Tofrun Female human (Ulfen) sphere ranger 1 CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +2; Senses Perception +5 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield) hp 11 (1d10+1) Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +1 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20) or . . heavy shield bash +4 (1d4+3) or . . longsword +4 (1d8+3/19-20) or . . unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3 nonlethal) Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/×3) Special Attacks favored enemy (monstrous humanoids +2) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16 Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot Traits faithful artist, stowaway Skills Acrobatics +0, Climb +4, Heal +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +5, Perform (dance) +5, Perform (sing) +6, Profession (cook) +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5, Swim +4 Languages Common, Skald, Sylvan SQ track +1, wild empathy +2 Other Gear studded leather, heavy wooden shield, arrows (20), dagger (4), longbow, longsword, backpack, bedroll, blanket[APG], cutting board, wooden (2 lb), explorer's outfit, hammock[UE], knife, cutting (0.5 lb), ladle (0.5 lb), pot, seasonings, local (0.5 lb), silver holy symbol of Desna, skewer (1 lb), skillet[UE], tinder packet (0.5 lb), tripod, iron (3 lb), 3 gp, 3 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Favored Enemy (Monstrous Humanoids +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Monstrous Humanoids) foes. Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet. Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee. Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track. Wild Empathy +2 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy. Background:
She had to run. She knew that now. There was no place for her in Irrisen anymore, not after stumbling on the Jadwiga that had commissioned her master to escort him on a hunt in the arms of two young Jadwiga women, none of them wearing a stitch of clothing, and neither of the two women being his wife. She'd avoided the spells and the grabbing hands and hair. She ducked an arrow and ran on, heading west. It wasn't long before she heard of the bounty on her head. A minor fortune in coins and gems for her capture. The journey nearly did her in on more than one occasion. She fled west, past the border with the Lands of the Linnorm Kings to Kalsgard where she hopped on a ship bound for Riddleport. From there, she traveled south, paying for her supplies with entertainment and helping out with the cooking. === Torfrun arrived in the City of Monuments exhausted and weary. Her long flight from Irrisen had been harrowing, but now, she thought, she could rest. Her pursuers were far behind and even with her purse empty, she should be able to find a warm meal and a comfortable bed. At least that was what she had thought. It was barely an hour after her arrival when she spotted the tell-tale hair and clothing of one of the Jadwiga. Cursing her luck, she made for the docks and sought a ship to stow away on. If she could make it further south, or to the fabled city of Absolom, she might be able to find a place to hide. There! The Jenivere seemed like it would be a fine vessel to make passage on, and if the rumors were true, she would be heading south from here, into the warmer climes that the Jadwiga would find unbearable. All she had to do was hide and scavenge for whatever food she needed, then she'd be free. At least, that was her hope. With all of the stealth she could muster, she quietly slipped aboard the merchantman. === The captain's tirade finally began to lessen. Torfrun had been caught while sneaking some old bread from the galley the night after they had left Pezzack in Cheliax. The captain, needless to say, had been furious. "Tell me why I shouldn't toss you over the rail with the rest of the garbage?" Captain Kovack had asked in a snarl. "I-I can cook," Torfrun had blurted out, "I'm fairly good at it, at least better than who ye've got now." Alizandru Kovack still glared at the young ulfen woman, obviously trying to weigh the costs and benefits of having her pay for her passage by working in the galley. "Alright, I'll give you a chance. Don't disappoint me."
Hooks for the GM and other players:
- Torfrun has been on the ship since it set sail from Magnimar. - Due to discovering a rather prominent Jadwiga's infidelity, she now has a bounty on her head. Given that the man is rather desperate to keep his indiscretion a secret, it's rather sizable. - She did kinda take over the cook's job, so there's probably some animosity there. Relations with crew and passengers:
@GM: This is more for fun than anything, so if you see something that doesn't quite fit, let me know and I can change it. I'm going to see who gets picked before I do any of the PCs. Since being found out, Torfrun has been cooking the meals for passengers and crew as well as providing entertainment at night by singing and dancing. Given that, most everyone on the ship probably knows her at least in passing. Captain Alizandru Kovack - She is grateful that he gave her a chance and does her best to follow his orders, if for no other reason than to stay on his good side. Since she took over cooking the ship's meals and started entertaining the crew and passengers while not in port, the captain no longer sees her as a leech, but a lucky find. After all, anything that can keep his crew's morale up is a good thing. Aerys Mavato - Given that the half-elf only comes out for meals, Torfrun hasn't had much of a chance to get to know the woman. Although the ulfen gets the impression that the reclusive half-elf doesn't want to get to know anyone. Alton Devers - The first mate was the one that actually caught Torfrun and it was thanks to him that she was able to avoid a fight with the cook when she began to work for her passage. Despite his role in foiling her plans, Torfrun gets along well with the man and often fixes him something special as a show of thanks for his help. Gelik Aberwhinge - Torfrun gets along well with the gnome, enjoying his tales while the supper's soup simmers or after the meal is served. While his quips have gotten on her nerves a time or two, she enjoys his sense of humor and does her best not take the gnome's comments too seriously. Ieana - Torfrun doesn't know the Varisian well, but she does know that the scholarly woman has a habit of skipping meals unless reminded. Torfrun, more often than not, brings her meals to her cabin and makes sure that the woman doesn't starve in her pursuits. Ishirou - After he came aboard in Bloodcove, Torfrun has found Ishirou to be one of the more annoying people on board. It isn't any particular mannerism or even the man's quietness, but the aloof attitude. The ulfen is an down to earth sort and the man's continuing aloofness is so counter to her personality that she can't stand it. Jask Derindi - Torfrun's interactions with this prisoner consist solely of bringing him his meals and leaving as quickly as possible. Rambar Terillo - Torfrun has been at odds with the ship's cook since she began to work for her passage. While not exactly a culinary genius herself, she is skilled enough that she can produce a variety of dishes both from the ship's stores and from the fresh fish the ship is able to catch. Since she has unofficially taken over, the crew has enjoyed heartier meals and even when soup is on the menu, it is always thick and flavorful, even if better fare is to be had in port. Naturally, this is a point of contention between Ship's Cook Terillo and "that bilge rat stowaway whore," as he often calls Torfrun. After trying for a week to get on friendlier terms with the cook, Torfrun gave up, and makes sure that she doesn't have her back to him at all times. After all, it would be convenient for Terillo if the ulfen woman was to fall over the rail with a knife in her back. Sasha Nevah - Of the passengers on the Jenivere, Torfrun has come to like Sasha the best. After she began to warm up and show her more boisterous side, Torfrun was quick to befriend the other woman and often regales her with tales about the trouble she'd get up to while she was growing up.
Torfrun is short by the standards of the often towering ulfens. She barely tops five feet five inches, causing some to doubt her heritage, until she mentions that she's form Irrisen. The need to import food and the oppression of the Ulfen by the Jadwiga does much to explain her relatively diminutive stature. Her frame is more compact than most, and it's only due to her apprenticeship to a rather well-known hunting guide and tracker that she would eat well enough to fill out with well-toned muscle. Silver hair, blue eyes, and fair skin make her stand out among the darker skinned sailors like a shined silver piece among copper pieces. She is attractive, with expressive eyes and a bright smile. She dresses in sturdy clothing that is a little too large for her, but not so much that it hinders her movements.
Torfrun's is an jovial, open personality. She tries to get along with others and to keep an open mind, but she often chafes under strict rules and tends to snipe at those that take life too seriously. She'd rather dig in to solve problems than to complain about them and sees obstacles as challenges to overcome. The one point she is tight-lipped about is why she left Irrisen and by extension, why she stowed away on the Jenivere.
Old Torfrun:
Backstory Cold. Pain. That was all she felt as she lay naked in the snow as a storm began to move in. Her breath came out in clouds of icy steam as white was slowly stained red. There was laughter in the thunder, and voices. Voices calling for someone. Her? She felt heavy and numb. Her vision blurred and narrowed. She remembered hearing once that death was like this, but like some many other thoughts that she had since she found herself lying on the ground, it faded too quickly for her to focus on it. Her thoughts went quiet. There were voices again, closer she thought. Were they calling for her? She tried to keep her eyes open, to move, to left her head, but she couldn't. Too much of her strength had been stolen by her injuries and the cold. All she could do was watch as everything faded into darkness. === It was warm. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt warm. Her pain was dulled, and something, bandages, perhaps, was wrapped around her wounds. She opened her eyes and found herself in small room light only by a crackling fire. "Morning, deary, You're a lucky one, y'know? They found you cold as ice and bleedin' mor'n well-fed pig just slaughtered," an old woman said when she noticed that she was awake. Rest, Rest was what she needed. Everything else could wait. It'd only be a little while, and then she could put things right. === Fives years. It had been five years since that day she found herself in the snow and bleeding. The wind was bitter, as were her thoughts. She was no closer to putting things right than when she'd woken up in the old healer's cottage. Her ragged cloak whipped about in the wind as she trudged through the snow. The town was just ahead. A group of bandits and other nithlings had begun preying on the travelers and traders on the road south, and the Jarl had put a bounty on their heads. She had three of them by their braids in one hand. "Well, well, well. Lookit this! The Runt returns!" A chorus of Laughter rose up from the gates as she approached. She said nothing. Nothing she could say. She was clanless, she served no Jarl, and she was small, as much as it galled her. They let her through. To not do so would be to offer an insult, and while the nickname of Runt could be passed off as a joke, mostly, refusing hospitality would likely have them all before the Jarl, who would not be pleased with them. She sighed. Five years and she still had trouble figuring these people out. At least they paid the promised bounties without a bother. That thought lifted the gloom from behind her eyes a bit. A hot bath and a good meal awaited her this night, and that thought Carried her all the way to the guard house. "Ah, three o' 'em bastards, eh? Well, just give me yer name an' we'll get ye yer gold," the man out front said. "Torfrun," she told him.
She has silver hair in a long braid, pale skin, and brilliant arctic blue eyes. She’s pretty, though most have to look close to see that since her clothing is that of a wild man and she often appears very disheveled. She appears to be in her early twenties at most and despite her line of work has very, very few scars. Stats
HP: 56
MSB: +4
Fortitude: +6
Speed: 30
STR: 18
Ability Score Allocation
Fighter Bonus Feats:
From Level: