About Torean SpellbaneTorean Spellbane PFS #: 1142-4
PFS Journal:
We Be Goblins: 1XP, 1PP, 500GP #1-37, The Beggar's Pearl: 1XP, 2PP, 509GP #3-09, Quest for Perfection part 1: 1XP, 2PP, 500GP #3-11, Quest for Perfection part 2: 1XP, 2PP, 501GP #5-08, The Confirmation: 1XP, 2PP, 430GP #3-13, Quest for Perfection part 3: 1XP, 2PP, 524GP #1-35, Voice in the Void: 1XP, 2PP, 886GP #6-12, Scions of the Sky Key part 1: 1XP, 2PP, 1194GP #6-14, Scions of the Sky Key part 2: 1XP, 2PP, 1180GP #6-16, Scions of the Sky Key part 3: 1XP, 2PP, 1915GP #6-18, From Under Ice: 1XP, 2PP, 1891GP #6-97, Siege of Serpents: 1XP, 2PP, 2520GP #7-00, The Sky Key Solution: 1XP, 1PP, 2505GP #7-02, Six Seconds to Midnight: 1XP, 2PP, 2272GP #5-14, Day of the Demon: 1XP, 2PP, 2254GP #0-07, Among the Living: 1XP, 2PP, 2182GP #1-49, Among the Dead: 1XP, 2PP, 3192GP #7-09, The Blackros Connection: 1XP, 1PP, 4077GP #6-98: Serpent's Rise: 1XP, 2PP, 4000GP #7-23: Abducted in Aether: 1XP, 2PP, 4497GP #7-98: Serpent's Ire: 1XP, 2PP, 5010GP #8-17: Refugees of the Weary Sky: 1XP, 2PP, 6159GP #0-20: King Xeros of Old Azlant: 1XP, 2PP, 2935GP #9-11: The Jarlsblood Witch Saga: 1XP, 2PP, 5459GP #5-10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread: 1XP, 2PP, 6055GP #10-15: Tapestry's Trial: 1XP, 2PP, 6011GP #1-40: Hall of Drunken Heroes: 1XP, 2PP, 6100.5GP Boons:
Hero of the Five Mountains When dealing with any dwarf from the Five Mountains region from now on, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-based checks. Confirmed Field Agent Free Wayfinder, 1PP less on Wayfinder enhancements Explore, Report, Cooperate Help on an assignment Friend of Janira +1 to Knowledge checks inside the Grand Lodge Grippli's Favor +2 on CHA based checks with gripplis Scholar of Ashkurhall +1 to Appraise, Knowledge, or Linguistics whenever you are examining architecture, objects, or writing of dwarven origin, or you can substitute your Perception or Sense Motive check. You can cross off this boon to apply the effects whenever examining architecture, objects, or writing of any origin for an entire scenario. Sky Key (Sargava) You have recovered one of the Sky Key components. This piece belonged to Sigrin, who founded Ashkurhall. Stinkeye's Friend When subjected to a gaze attack, cross off this boon to gain +4 insight bonus on a saving throw to avoid the gaze effect. Tapestry's Traveler When in the Hao Jin Tapestry, gain Favored Terrain (Hao Jin Tapestry) as per the ranger ability. One time use. Warm Friend in the Cold Land When in Irrisen, apply a +2 circumstance bonus to all Diplomacy checks. Can be used outside Irrisen for the same bonus, but then it is crossed off. Pathfinder's Excellence (Combat) Roll twice for an attack roll. If against Aspis, critical threat range doubles. Usable twice. Aslanti Wonders When adventuring anywhere that predates Earthfall, use this boon to choose two of the following: AC, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. Gain a +1 insight bonus for the duration of the exploration. Timelost Chronicler Gain a permanent +1 to Knowledge (History). Once per scenario, gain a single +1 to any d20 roll. Must be declared before the roll is made. Embeth Hound Gain an Embeth Hound (Riding Dog with +4 racial bonus to Climb and Swim checks in place of the normal +4 to Acrobatics). An Embeth Hound is combat trained and knows the Track trick. Henbane's Token Step out of time for 1 round as an immediate mental action. Cannot be affected by attacks or spells and can take no actions. Negates any attack if used immediately before it. One time use. Scholar of the Gates Ajar +2 competence bonus to Knowledge, Religion or Planes in regards to Demons, Devils, or Daemons. Aggressive Researcher Use boon to to get a final check of 25 for any Knowledge (Arcana, History, or Planes) check. Alternatively use the boon for a +5 to any roll of those rolls. Acquainted with Aslynn Aslynn knows who you are and what you did in Forae Logos. Unknown use. Impossible Feat Use boon to add 1d6 to any skill check, saving throw, or attack roll. If you rolls a 6, reroll and add the second roll to the bonus. Max bonus of +18 from rerolls. Trustest Pathfinder Allows access to purchase special items Acquainted with 322 You know 322. Later Use. Apparatus of the Mantis You have recovered a unique apparatus of the crab in the shape of a giant mantis shrimp. You can purchase this unique apparatus of the mantis for 60,000 gp rather than its normal cost. The Lantern’s Secrets Once per adventure you can use this boon before rolling an Intelligence-based skill check to add 1d4 to the result. If you have 10 or more ranks in that skill, you can choose to add 1d8 instead, but doing so deals 1d2 points of Wisdom damage to you. Zey’s Gratitude Use one of the following spells as a spell-like ability: dispel magic, fireball, greater invisibility, or stoneskin Esoteric Research Gain access to items when an Aspis Agent is defeated. Joliryn's Foe Gain access to a modified Minor ring of Spell Storing. Unwavering Resolve When saving against a fear or confusion effect, use this boon for a +2 bonus. On a failed fear save, gain temp hit points equal to twice your level. On a failed confusion save, roll twice and choose for the confusion effect each round. Earth Affinity Interacts with other boons Deep Sky Explorer Swift action to gain Elemental Spell feat or energy resistance 10 for acid, cold, electricity, or fire for 1 minute per Earth Affinity boon. One time use. Linnormhide Armor Use to purchase Dragonhide armor or dragonhide shield made out of crag linnormhide instead, ruding the price by 500gp. Such armor grants immunity to Fire damage. One time use. Rare Weapons Grants access to Butchering Axe and Orc hornbow. Spend 2PP to change an existing feat to Exotic Weapon Proficiency with either weapon. Spend another 2PP to change any feats for specific weapons (such as Weapon focus) to apply to these weapons. Accumulating an Army (Mammoth Riders) Cumulative with other Army boons Advocate for Hao Jin [][][] Check a box to gain +2 to Sense Motive and Gather Information checks for the adventure. Liberator of 322 (legacy) Useful in PFS2e Honored Guests of the Hall Free drinks at Cayden Cailean's temple in Absolom; +1 to knowledge skill checks when you consult them. Dwarf Inquisitor (Spellbreaker) 10
Racial Abilities
Class Abilities
Equipment and Misc
Torean is a proud member of the Five Mountains clan, and a devoted member of the Church of Torag. He belongs to a small sect of Torag’s Hammers, Inquisitors known to seek out enemies of the Church and the dwarven people. His particular sect trains to enhance their natural magical resistance. Torag faced grueling tests, getting magic thrown at him again and again until his body and mind were trained to avoid the worst. He was asked to join the Pathfinders to watch over any other dwarves in the Society and protect the Pathfinders from debilitating magic. Appearance/Personality:
Torean is a fiery dwarf, fully intent on using his gifts to shield others from black magic. Sporting a fine red beard, he wields a warhammer or axe, charging at any spellcaster who presents a threat. |