
Tome's page

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I'm currently working on some underwater encounters and NPC's as a result of recently aquiring the Races of Destiny book and reading the small section on Sea Kin, However I am currently away from my normal dwelling for a while and forgot to bring the Dungeon Masters guide. I have most of the relevant material memorized save the rules for underwater combat. Could one of you kind fellows please refresh my mind on the rules regarding underwater engagements? Advice on what sort of feats/skills/items are useful for amphibious combatants would be much apprecited.

Many thanks fellows.

P.S. If anyone can tell me where Sea Kin have previously appeared and/or provide some additional information on them it would be most helpful.

Just a thought, but what's evryone's favorite race?

Mine are the Thri-Kreen, because they're just so different and fun to play (plus they speak in clicks and whistles). The fact that they're almost always Chaotic doesn't hurt either.

Yay for the bug people!

Hi folks, looking for a group around the plymouth area in england. I looking to play D&D, d20 Modern or BESM d20; but preferably D&D. I can DM or Play and though I lack experiance I'm a fast learner (my main problem is finding people to play with). I'm sixteen as a point of interest and just want to try playing in real life for once (online is profoundly disappointing for me).

I apologise in advance if I end up holding your group back, I'll try to learn as quick as I can.

Thanks all.

P.S. is it just me or does the whole of this message sound rather immature?