
Tol Phontos's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Maybe I'm just missing something, or I'm just being a dumb, but can someone explain to me what happens when you miss with a Spell that doesn’t have a spell attack roll as part of a Spellstrike?
The first bullet point seems to indicate that the spell can still be used, but I would really appreciate a clarification.

For people who have run Malevolence:
how hard would it be to scale it up in level while retaining the core of the adventure?
I really like the idea of Malevolence, but my players are gonna be around level 7 or 8 after their current adventure, so I would have to put some work into it.

As the title says.
I haven't found anything about this while searching the net, so any input is welcome.