
Toirin's page

Organized Play Member. 77 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

Hello Everyone,

I recently bought the pdf for the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path. This is my first time GMing an Adventure Path. I wanted to print out parts of the book so I could make notes in preparation of running it for my group.

But! I am having trouble with the visibility in some sections. Essentially, the pdf has a cool looking design that adds a little bit of color to the edges of the page. However, when I print it, it comes out as a deep blue for 1/4 of the page on the bottom and while possible, it is extremely difficult to read the black lettering on the dark blue background.

Has anyone else had a similar problem? Any solutions to the problem? I was going to print out the player's guide for all my players, but now I really don't want to waste ink on something that is more readable if they just hop online...

I can run the adventure path off of a laptop, but I really don't want to as I feel like it is clunky and gets in the way of how I like to run things + I won't be able to write notes on the pages as I prep / the players alter things.

Hello everyone,

I have a group of people that I play with regularly that is very familiar with 3.5 rules and sometimes their understanding of Pathfinder rules comes from the 3.5 rule set.

Recently, we had a question about receiving critical hits on attacks of opportunity. Last time we met to play, the issue came up and the GM had remembered reading somewhere in the past that attacks of opportunity do not allow for critical hits. The way they made sense of what they had read was that an attack of opportunity is kind of a reflex type situation and it would not allow for a particularly precise or hard hit to land in the same way that they viewed a critical hit. We went with the GM's decision in the moment, but now that we all have time we are to look up the actual rules for Pathfinder.

Now I have examined everything I found in the CRB related to critical hits and attacks of opportunity and did not find anything proving it either way. I searched some in the forums and didn't find anything there as well. At this point I am starting to think that this was just a carryover from 3.5, but I am not very familiar with that system myself.

Also, the GM specifically did not think this was a house rule we had agreed upon in the past. Though I wouldn't care too much if it was a house rule since it would prevent monsters from getting crits on us whenever they get an attack of opportunity.

And so I open this discussion up to the rules lawyers out there to help me find anything about this subject, if there is a rule out there anywhere at all.

Hello everyone, I'm new to the message boards. I am working on building a lvl 11 character as a back up. (I play with a DM that doesn't look for, but doesn't pass up opportunities to kill characters)I thoroughly enjoy playing roguelike characters despite the hate they recieve on the boards.

Anyhow, I am building a ninja focused on sneak attacks using invisible blade frequently. I like the idea of going for a two-handed weapon due to the increased likilihood of actually hitting the target rather than the chance to hit 3 times with TWF but higher liklihood to miss with all of them. Also, I am only using CRB, APG, and UC because these are the only books I have so far.

Race: Half-Orc (Mostly for Darkvision)
level: Ninja 11 (contemplating doing Fighter 1/ ninja 10)

Stats (rolled)
Str: 19 (+1 from lvls, +2 from race, starts at 16)
Dex: 14 (+1 from lvl, starts at 13)
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 12

Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Moonlight Stalker, Moonlight Feint, Improved Initiative, Improved Crit (Falcion)
Feats I am considering: Skill Focus (Bluff), Improved/Greater Feint
Tricks: Vanishing Trick, Trap Spotter (I still need to do roguelike things), Black Market Comms, Offensive Defense, Invisible Blade
I want to get Evasion with the next trick at lvl 12.