Basic*, Binary*, Huttese*, Jawa, Jawa Trade Language (*understand only)
About Tobikage
Short fat humanoid with constant smell of sour milk.
Experience: 0
Hit Points: 25 (Threshold 13)
Second Wind: 1
Destiny Points: 1; Force Points: 5; Dark Side Points: 0
Speed: 4 squares (x meters or xx feet)
Initiative: +6
BAB/Grapple: +0/+0
Defenses: Ref 15 (flat-footed 14), Fort 13, Will 11
Darkvision: Jawas ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness. However, they cannot perceive colors in total darkness.
Desert Dweller: When making Survival checks to resist the effects of exteme heat, Jawas can reroll the check and keep the better result.
Scavenger: Whenever a Jawa armed with an ion weapon successfully damages a droid or vehicle, the Jawa adds half its level in ion damage.
Skill Bonus: Mechanics is always a class skill for Jawas. A Jawa can choose to re-roll any Mechanics check, but must keep the second result, even if it is worse.
Small-Sized: As Small creatures, Jawas gain a +1 size bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +5 Size bonus on Stealth checks. However, their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium creatures.
Jury-Rigger: You may reroll any Mechanics check made to accomplish a jury-rigged repair. You must, however, accept the result of the reroll.
Clothing (credit chip tied to his account)
Backpack (Tool Kit)
Hip Holster (Ion Pistol with power pack [30 shots])
Schlunk (Pit Droid)
Credits in his account
200 credits
Schlunk (Pit Droid)
Small droid (2nd-degree); Nonheroic 2; CL 0; HP 5, Threshold 12; Init +3; Senses Perception +0; Spd 4 squares; DEF Ref 13 (flat-footed 11), Fort 12, Will 9; Base Atk/Grp +1/-2; Melee Unarmed +3 (1d2+2); Ranged by weapon +3; SA: None; SQ: Droid Traits; Str 15, Dex 14, Con --, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.
Feats: Skill Focus (Mechanics), Skill Training (Mechanics), Skill Training (Pilot), Skill Training (Use Computer).
Skills: Knowledge (technology) +6, Mechanics +11, Pilot +8, Use Computer +6.
Languages: Basic (understand only), Binary.
Systems: Walking Locomotion, Basic Processor, 2 Hand Appendages.
Designed by Serv-O-Droid to assist docking bay mechanics with repairs, the pit droid is remarkably sturdy and strong for its size. Unlike other Small droids, pit droids take no penalty to their carrying capacity for being Small. Additionally, pit droids fold up into a Tiny object when deactivated, allowing them to be stowed in a smaller space when unused. Many transport pilots keep a small number of pit droids in their cargo holds to assist with repairs, especially when they are the lone crew member.
Planned Generation for Ability Scores
25 points total
1 point in Strength (score of 9, -2 for Jawa race, final score of 7)
2 points in Dexterity (score of 10, +2 for Jawa race, final score of 12)
5 points in Constitution (score of 13)
13 points in Intelligence (score of 17)
2 points in Wisdom (score of 10)
2 points in Charisma (score of 10)