Toavandil Hanustar's page
69 posts. Organized Play character for Melda.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil looks at the bloody hole in his tunic. "I see your point, and it makes me a bit uneasy about our friendship. Please accept my response", he says.
He moves closer, in range of both of the remaining enemies, and swings his staff twice at the whiter one, then swirls his staff to block incoming attacks.
◆ Stride
◆ Flurry of blows @White Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 8 + 1 = 25 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 8 - 5 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 8 - 5 + 1 = 8 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
◆ Parry (& Rage) AC 19
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"I thought our response was quite clear, but it seems like you need a few more convincing points", Toavandil calmly states, moves near the white-dressed leshy, giving it his wooden arguments.
◆ Rage
◆ Stride
◆ Flurry of blows Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (5) + 8 - 5 = 8 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Now with rage.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Ah, missed that, if Toavandil doesn't have staff ready, replace rage with ready weapon and subtract 2 from damage.
And of course AC would stay at 19 then.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil looks a bit annoyed, different from his usual smug expression. "I'm afraid we have a disagreement about our destination, these striking remarks might change your opinion", he says, directed at the enemies. Then he follows his promise, steps up and quickly whacks the pinkish enemy two times.
◆ Rage, AC now 18
◆ Step
◆ Flurry of blows Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (4) + 8 - 5 = 7 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Note: Bo Staff has 10' reach
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Warfare lore: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Toavandil goes to lecture of the superiority of staves to swords, to a group of knights. They are not impressed.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil shows his skills in nature by going through the thickest mess of vines and just ripping them off.
Athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil tries to dodge the crowd.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
I'll decide then to go fast and loud, as it allows everyone to participate.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil has high stealth, but also high speed, trip weapon and strong melee, so I don't know which to prefer.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil goes to meet the captain, still his staff in hand.
He leans on it, and says: "You know one more thing that's marvelous with this? You don't need to risk your own balance at an inch's distance from your foe. Here, let me show, just how wonderfully it can hassle the steps from distance".
He steps farther and sticks the staff between his practice opponents legs, and tries a flip.
Athletics Trip with bo staff: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 1 = 14 +1 from rune added to trip weapons
I think I have one more hero point, let's use it here so I don't forget to use it during the quest.
Athletics reroll: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16
"Nice jump, but of course I didn't use all my strength as we are just practicing, you see the idea", he dismisses the failure.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil pulls out his bo staff and whirls it about as he enters the fight area. "So first we have to get into position", he says and rolls past the challenger.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
"Then a pair of good whacks", he continues and swirls his staff, first attacking with one end, then the other.
Melee #1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Let's reroll that 1
Melee #1(reroll): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Melee #2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
"And remember to keep the distance, to make the poor fellow waste time getting up to you. That is the basic routine", he ends his combat performance, and leans on his staff, looking confident that he has impressed the audience.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Ah, but not knowing it just makes the proof of prowess that much more impressive. I will certainly join this challenge and distinguish myself in your eyes", Toavandil states confidently.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar tries to entertain the Thane. He pulls out his staff, and starts presenting its usefulness. "It is splendid in many tasks, for example giving a bit more range", he says, and does a long pole vault with it. "And in a fight, you can trip someone with it", he says and flips a chair over.
"And of course, you can balance on it," he says, placing the staff on two rocks and walking along it, "Or balance with it", he says, standing on a stump and helping his balance with the staff.
Athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"I suppose it would be possible to give a presentation of physical perfection and elven expertise. That should count as entertaining, if not overwhelming", Toavandil considers his choices.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Ah but we are looking for some mortals! Not very interesting people, perhaps, but decent herbalists anyway", Toavandil says delighted from the possibility of succeeding in the mission so easily.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Of course we shall behave in this splendid feast. And I presume anyone here wouldn't be so foolhardy as try to challenge us", Toavandil tries reassuring the host.
"It is a rather fine forest you have here, very original. I am kind of expert in many things wooden myself."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Well, certainly. i am Toavandil Hanustar, and you correct in that we are Pathfinders. And why wouldn't we deserve a seat? We are the least boring faction there is. In fact we actively seek interesting things around the world", he tries to convince the team's worth.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Well, use of what nature provides, of course, friend." Toavandil answers Konbu.
"The place sounds rather pleasant. Apart from the minor inconvenience of possibly getting kidnapped or killed. Although herbalism isn't the most effective art against villains, so the threat may be quite minor", he states confidently.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Done all. The page didn't show me activity on the Discussion page, sorry for missing this.
Toavandil can as well be on front, but he's pretty fast and runs around anyway so it really doesn't matter.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
A proud-looking elf, wearing plain clothes and carrying a pair of poles or staves on his back enters the scene. He introduces himself: "Well hello there. I am Toavandil Hanustar. I have been asked to bring my knowledge of advanced elvish technology to help in the mission. I am sure nothing that it cannot handle comes along."
He glances at Konbu, and continues: "Clearly I am not the only expert in this area of knowledge. Marvelous."
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar walks over to the defeated priestess. "This presents us another kind of challenge", he says as she pokes the priestess with his staff, "although the locals might accept the outcome, no village is an island by itself, but connected to the world. The national government did accept her, I presume, so there may be some issues ahead when they find out she's gone".
He looks at the scarecrow. "Good scarecrow, have you considered what actions would be taken next at this kind of situation?"
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Fortitude: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Toavandil Hanustar shudders under the spell's effects. "Well that did cause pain, I'll give you that. We just have to see who can take more of it", he comments. He runs behind Hyphy, repeats his attack routine when Shardul distracts the enemy, and retreats out of the area of the spell, if Teflar would repeat her action.
◆ Stride
◆ Flurry of blows Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 6 - 5 = 9 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Flank & lesser cover, I think.
◆ Stride
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar has reach with the bo staff.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar runs to the scarecrow. "The construct chap seems to be on the side of the people here. Apologies, lady, but I must introduce advanced elvish pain delivery equipment to you now", he says and whirls two strikes aimed at Teflar's painful body parts.
◆ Stride
◆ Flurry of blows Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (15) + 6 - 5 = 16 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"A bit tricky situation then, I would say. But as I said earlier to my friends here, there should not be a law against faith of any kind. Still if the local priestess has the acceptance of the nation, returning the people of Desna to the village may produce some unpleasantries. Logical choice would be to escort them to safer lands, but the length of travel is a bit of a challenge. Tricky indeed", Toavandil Hanustar joins the conversation.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
When the party reaches the cave, Toavandil Hanustar whips out his staff. "At least this time there isn't bushes all over the place. A bit shame we didn't get much of a hint what kind of trouble it is here."
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Ah so, we have a possible detective story here. Marvelous perception there, dear Rahgat. Yes, let us follow the tracks to find more clues and answers to this little mystery. Keep your senses up for any more peculiarities", Toavandil Hanustar agrees with Delta.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"That does sound like a possible motivation, at least good enough to check. I suppose you may have some insight to her capabilities. What kind of hindrances could she produce to stop us making her accountable for her actions?" Toavandil Hanustar asks Teflar about the apprentice.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"We are now quite well informed to tread carefully around the priestess. Next, start treading." Toavandil Hanustar says and follows Hyphy.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"From your reaction I suppose you were not familiar with any possible connection to Desna. It should not affect you, unless local practices unfairly punish people for relations to suspicious individuals. Even association to any particular god should not be grounds for punishment." Toavandil Hanustar discusses the found symbol.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
There isn't a rule in the rulebook for defining what a monk should believe in, so I haven't yet thought about it. He's just a monk of monkiness this far.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar nods at Delta's work in treating the animal.
"Well, as long as we are here we might as well meet them all. Seeing the couple first seems wiser, we could get more information about this influential priestess" he suggests.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar pokes the dirt with his longer pole a bit. "I suppose you are right. Let us follow the trail and find the bothersome menace."
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Yes, I am familiar with the concept of riding" Toavandil Hanustar comments confidently and tries to mount a horse.
Athletics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"A curious priestess, indeed. Going to families first sounds reasonable, we can find out more about the religion here, too. First thought does make me suspect the church a bit, but there isn't that much pain in just disappearing?" Toavandil Hanustar agrees.
Oops sorry for not filling the macros. His skills are quite useless for recall knowledge so it probably didn't matter much.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Communication and carrying a product of finest elven carpentry" Toavandil Hanustar comments. "My scarecrowish is a bit rusty, but we have to work with what we have. This is again a jolly good opportunity to get the admiration of the simple people. Shall we have a chat with this Rannan fellow?"
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"What kind of route from Druma to Absalom goes through Nidal? The Druma lodge must have gotten a useless travel agreement as a part of some deal and they didn't know what to use it for and pushed it to the first unlucky soul who asked for a trip. And now I'm stuck in here for a week", Toavandil Hanustar complains his fate as he walks around shopping.
He notices Shardul, and greets her: "Well hello there fellow alpaca-helper! Did they bless you too with this rather indirect route back home?"
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Well of course it should be..." Toavandil Hanustar starts with a smug tone, then glances at the group. "Actually I would prefer Sprinkle. Would be fairest for all of my fellows."
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
OK now I found some text for it:
"It can't make Strikes, but it can use trained skill actions for skills for which it adds your spellcasting ability modifier. If it attempts an attack roll or other skill check, it uses your level as its modifier."
so it can "attack" but not "strike"? Does that mean it might be able to trip or grapple? Flanking says it has to be able to "attack" so it is a bit unclear. And the first forum posts that I found are similarly in disagreement. Anyway, it didn't matter in this case, I'm just wondering the official rule.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
I suppose the corgi mount gives flank? It is an ally, can act (it won't because it is not commanded, but could act), and as it is small the bloodsucker is in reach? Going with this assumption, Toavandil Hanustar does his hit-and-run trick, hitting from the corgi-provided flank.
Toavandil Hanustar considers a moment, then decides. "You are so slippery you need a foot in the face."
He runs again to the enemy, swirls a quick pair of kicks at it, and retreats again, assisted by the corgi barking on the other side.
◆ Stride
◆ Flurry of blows (unarmed) Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 7 - 4 = 19 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
◆ Stride
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"And now it is too far for me to use the tactics. This is a bit tedious", Toavandil Hanustar comments the elusive beast's movement.
He runs to pick up his staff and positions himself on his estimation at an optimal distance from the enemy.
◆ Stride
◆ Pick up bo staff
◆ Stride
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar opens his eyes. He looks at the gash at his side. "Again? This is getting bothersome, at least my tailor is happy", he complains. He gets up, gives a punch followed by a kick to the beast, and retreats.
Bah, wrong window post. See discussion for rolls.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar opens his eyes. He looks at the gash at his side. "Again? This is getting bothersome, at least my tailor is happy", he complains. He gets up, gives a punch followed by a kick to the beast, and retreats.
◆ Stand up
◆ Flurry of blows Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 7 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 7 - 5 = 22 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
◆ Stride
The beast was flanked when I attacked so it should a crit?
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Can we get somewhere where it wouldn't have the constant +2 AC from cover? 24 is just too high.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Rather slippery one. Might be better to force the chap to open ground", Toavandil Hanustar continues analyzing the tactics.
"But now you are at least a bit surrounded, so let's use it". He repeats his usual maneuver, swirling a pair of strikes and preparing to parry.
◆ Stride
◆ Flurry of blows Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (1) + 6 - 5 = 2 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
◆ Parry AC 20
Well that's the worst average attack roll pair ever.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"Well that's cunning, monastic training perhaps?" Toavandil Hanustar ponders the beast's actions that mimic his own tactic.
He runs past the beast, swirls his staff to give a pair of quick whacks and takes a defensive pose. "It doesn't like to be close so let's surround it to make it a wee bit worried", he calls to the team.
◆ Stride
◆ Flurry of blows Strike 1 attack: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 1 = 22 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 Strike 2 attack: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 6 - 5 = 15 Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
◆ Parry AC 20
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar runs to join Shimmer, then readies his staff for defense. "Let's see what kind of sucker this is, then."
◆ Stride
◆ Stride
◆ Parry AC 20
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar watches out for any enemies that could attack the group, his staff in his hand. The longer pole is again on his back.
Scout, so +1 initiative for the group?
Perception initiative: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 1 = 17
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
"I don't think it's necessary to bother the sheriff. It's something that likes blood and can get over fences, and leaves tracks. We can easily find it and make sure your her is safe", Toavandil Hanustar states looking in the direction the tracks seem to go.
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout
Toavandil Hanustar points with his pole in the general direction the tracks go. "Yes, I agree, it seems that it was hunger of some kind that is the motivation. We do have an estimate of the direction and will follow it". Then he points at the dead alpaca. "The analysis could have used more samples, did you notice anything uncommon on the removed bodies? Whose decision it was to remove them before investigation?"
He walks nearer the fence and taps it with his pole. "And although the current problem didn't come through this, it could use a bit of new wood here and there."
LG Male Elf Monk 2 | Speed 35 ft. | AC 19 (20 with parry) (18 with rage) | hp 30/30 | Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +6 | Percep +4| Focus 0/0 | Hero: 2 | Conditions: None | Exploration: Scout