Timothy Hanson's page

Organized Play Member. 384 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

As I was thinking about some of the complaints I have with the APs in general I realized that I do not really have any complaints with any particular authors, and it got me wondering if people think they could be able to pick out the author of a given adventure just by reading it. I know there are some avid AP readers on these boards and I want to know if people have noticed certain styles coming from certain authors, or if each person has distinctive traits in their works.

I think I can pick out James Jacobs work if I was tested, and I notice a lot of similarity between Brinewall Legacy and Burnt Offering, but I am not sure if I would be able to pick out anyone else.

I know that there is a lot of crossover in Paizo products and I was just wondering if there are any references to other APs or other characters from family members and the like in S&S.

Alright, so I want to plan an adventure where some of or all of the characters have a span of missing time where they can not remember things. Does anyone have any advice on how I might go about this. I am thinking only a few days missing (3 or 4).

I figure the PCs will be off doing something, that they will backtrack and discover, and will lead them to figuring out the reasoning for the memory lose. Does anyone have any advice getting from the Start to the Finish though?

Alright I did a search and did not see it come up. How does one calculate the DC of the Half-fiend spell like abilities?

Is it 10+ 1/2 HD + Wis or Int mod which ever is higher

Is it 10 + spell level

Something else entirely?