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Dear Paizo, Just got back from holiday to my latest bundle of Paizo goodness (hence the late report), and I've received one item twice, and one not at all. I have: 2 x PF#34 Blood for Blood
The rest of the shipment is fine. Can you please let me know how to get a replacement? Thanks and regards,
Have I broken something by trying to bundle too much in with my subscription? 10 days since the "shipping soon" email... it's been two months since my last bundle of Pathfinder goodness so I'm getting withdrawal, and there's a Christmas present in there I'd like to get over to the UK in time too. Thanks,
Dear Paizo, I've just restarted some of my subscriptions (order #1214536) - after six months of no new Paizo goodness, I realised I miss having your products to read, even if I'm not managing to play at the moment. However, my AP subscription is starting from October, #27. Is there any way I can roll this back to start from #26, or even #25? Or have I firmly missed the boat there, and I'll need to order them separately? Thanks and regards,
Just received the following from Amazon for my Core Rulebook order, placed 24/7: We regret to inform you that the following items have been delayed as we are still awaiting stock from our suppliers : Jason Bulmahn "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook"
Can I assume that this is a typical Amazon big fat shipping date lie, and that if there were any copies to be had in the distribution channel before the November re-print, they'd have had them by now? Did *anyone* in the UK actually get a copy from Amazon? Also, question to Paizo - is the November estimate for the reprint to have the book off the presses in China, or in the hands of distributors? If the book has to go China -> Paizo -> UK -> Amazon -> me, I'm guessing there's little chance of acutally having it my hands for Christmas at this point :( Sorry to rant a little, just trying to get a handle on what's going on so I can set my own expectations accordingly...
Dear Paizo, Please can you cancel my subscriptions to both Pathfinder Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Chronicles after the current order for PF#18 and the Second Darkness Map Folio ships? You're producing some excellent products, but I've bought enough from you over the last year or so to last for several years at the rate I get to game, so regretfully finance and space dictate an end to the regular subscriptions. I'll hopefully still manage to pick up individual items as and when they really grab me, so I'll look forward to more great things from you in the future. Thanks and regards,
Many thanks to Paizo for the free pack of item cards in with my last order, but I really have no plans at all to use them. (I opened the pack to have a look, they're nice art and all, but...) So, as long as no-one at Paizo objects to me using their message boards to re-give away stuff (and apologies if they do), free pack to the best justification as to why you deserve them :)
Not sure if this is quite the right place to point it out, but I couldn't see a better option: "Prepare for Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition with the latest release for D&D Miniatures! Dungeons of Dread is the first expansion to completely tie in to the new system, with new rules. And all of the miniatures in the set take their queue from the 4th Edition Monster Manual." It's "take their cue". Cue is a hint or prompt. Queue is what left-pondians insist on referring to as a line ;) Sorry, I probably need to get out more, but these things bug me...
I'm reading through the Skinsaw Murders (yeah, way behind, but I'm just getting a group together to start RotRL), and I'm really impressed with the haunted Foxglove Manor. I hope I can create a convincing enough atmosphere to pull it off, when we get that far. One question though, for those who have already run it - how are you presenting the information to your players? I've done "hidden information" with passing notes before, but that would lose the opportunity for drama and good descriptions - there's only so much you can write (or a player will bother to read) on a post-it. Are you just describing both points of view to the whole group, and relying on the players being good enough with "Chinese walls" to make it work? Passing notes? (Maybe if I wrote up all the notes for the haunted players in advance they could be descriptive enough) Take the haunted player into another room? I've searched the old posts, but most of the haunting discussion seems to be around the mechanics rather than the logistics of staging it... Cheers,
I've just ordered a Pathfinder subscription, and I took the option to start from #6 for a bit of catch-up. (I've bought #1 already, I'll buy #2-5 separately). When I placed the order, it was showing #6 pending, next volume will be #7. Now I've had the notification that #6 has shipped, my subscription details are showing #8 as the next volume, no sign of #7 anywhere. Have I confused things by trying to get two volumes shipping in March? Do I need to order #7 manually - and if so, I'm going to miss out on the free PDFs, right? I was thinking about adding a Chronicles subscription too - am I going to hit the same problem if I try to start back-dated and get the Runelords Map Folio? Thanks in advance,