
Tiasar Soseshtian's page

96 posts. Alias of CampinCarl9127.

Full Name

Tiasar Soseshtian




Wizard 1 | HP 8/8 | AC 14, T 13, FF 11 | CMD 12 (+2 vs grapple) | Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3 | Init +5 | Perc +1 (+2 with familiar)










Nethys, Alseta


Common, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Sylvan, Thassilonian

Strength 7
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

About Tiasar Soseshtian

Male Wizard 1
N Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +5; Senses Perception +1 (+2 with familiar); low-light vision
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +3 dex)
hp 8
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.

Melee Dagger -2 (1d4-2)

Ranged Light Crossbow +3 (1d8)
Str 7, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB -2 (+2 to escape grapple); CMD 11 (+2 vs grapple)
Traits Scholar of the Ancients, Tireless Logic, Warrior of Old
Drawbacks Sheltered
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (conjuration), Augment Summoning
Skills (8 points; 2 wizard, 4 INT, 2 background)
ACP -0
(1) Appraise +11
(0) Escape Artist* +5
(1) Knowledge (Arcana) +9
(1) Knowledge (Local) +8
(1) Knowledge (Nature) +8
(1) Knowledge (Planar) +8
(1) Knowledge (Religion) +8
(1) Linguistics +8
(0) Perception +1 (+2 with familiar)
(0) Sense Motive +1 (+2 with familiar)
(1) Spellcraft +8 (+2 to identify magic items)
*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses
+2 Spellcraft to identify magic items (race)
+2 Escape Artist (race)
+1 Knowledge (arcana) (trait)
+1 Knowledge (history) (trait)
+2 Perception (familiar)
+2 Sense Motive (familiar)
+3 Appraise (familiar)
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Sylvan, Thassilonian

Special Abilities:

Slender Elves with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks, on combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple, and to CMD against grapples.

Illustrious Urbanite (conjuration) City elves gain Spell Focus with conjuration, illusion, or transmutation spells as a bonus feat, and when casting spells of this school they can choose to leave undamaged any building or structure that would normally be affected.

Elven Magic Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

Arcane Focus Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively.

Low-Light Vision Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Scholar of the Ancients You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) checks, and begin play able to speak and read Thassilonian.

Tireless Logic (1/1) 1/day when you make an Intelligence-based skill check or ability check, you can roll twice and take the better result.

Warrior of Old You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.

Sheltered Whenever you have less than half your max health you are shaken.

Arcane Bond Morde

Opposition Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy Opposition school spells use two spell slots of that level to prepare. Wizards take a –4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic item that uses an opposition school spell as a prerequisite.

Conjuration School (Teleportation)

Summoner's Charm Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). This increase is not doubled by Extend Spell.

Shift (7/7) At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.


0th (at will)
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Acid Splash

1st (3/day)
Summon Monster 1 (Prepared)
Color Spray (Prepared)
Silent Image
Feather Fall (Prepared)


Carrying Capacity
Light 0-23 lb. Medium 24-46 lb. Heavy 47-70 lb.
Current Load Carried 0 lb.

Money 31 GP 9 SP 0 CP
Dagger (2gp) (1 lb.)
Light Crossbow (35gp) (4 lb.)
-Bolts x10 (1gp) (1 lb.)
Haramaki (3gp) (1 lb.)
Spell Component Pouch (5gp) (2 lb.)
Backpack (2gp) (2 lb.)
-Spellbook, Travelling (1 lb.)
-Inkpen (1sp)
-Ink Vial (8gp)
-Journal (10gp) (1 lb.)
-Trail Rations (5sp) (1 lb.)
-Waterskin (1gp) (4 lb.)
-Acid Flask (10gp) (1 lb.)

Scroll of Color Spray x2 (25gp)
Scroll of Grease (12.5gp)
Scroll of Identify (12.5gp)
Scroll of Silent Image (12.5gp)
Scroll of Infernal Healing x2 (25gp)
Scroll of Summon Monster 1 x2 (25gp)

Public Background:
Tiasar Soseshtian recently came to Magnimar on a ship that arrived from Greengold. He made his face known in various inns and taverns across the city as he went about asking for adventuring work, and was apparently very picky about the jobs he would take despite his admittedly limited experience. He was eventually picked up by a much more experienced adventuring party for a "one and done" job. They had lost their own wizard to retirement and had need of somebody who could identify a magic item for them. Apparently despite the best efforts of the experienced adventurers he was forced to incapacitate one of their enemies with a spell, and the dwarf in their group was telling the story loud and drunk to anybody who would listen.

Detailed Background:
Kyonin, the spiritual home of the elves, has existed for millennium. It is well known that before Earthfall, the elves foresaw the destruction of the Starstone and the coming Age of Darkness. They were forced to abandoned their ancient home, retreating from Golarian with the Sovyrian Stone to the mysterious realm of Sovyrian. They left behind them little more than legends and fantastical ruined cities. But what is less known is that some elves remained on Golarion. Some stayed as stewards of their former homes and ancient cities, too bound by honor to desert their posts. Some stayed out of a loyalty for Golarion, seeing the other humanoid races as friends and allies that could not be abandoned in their time of need. Some stayed believing that they could survive the cataclysmic event or believed that the seers were wrong, sheer stubbornness preventing their escape. Vesryn Soseshtian stayed to guide those who refused to leave. A powerful and respected elder, he believed that if the elves who remained ended up surviving the fall of the Starstone, they would need to be united and strong in order to survive the fallout.

Earthfall came to pass, and although the remaining elves were not instantly swept from existence, the challenge of surviving in the Age of Darkness was immense. Vesryn held many of the scattered elves together, ready to fight this strange and dark new world with races marching up from the dirt and the sky blotted out. There was never happiness or peace. But with the guidance of Vesryn, there was survival, and a sense of belonging otherwise missing in the absence of the rest of the elves.

Eras passed. The elves and their hampered numbers never grew or flourished, their long life spans and frugal procreating leading them to simply endure. They were a small and close-knit community that were lead by different generations of the Soseshtian family through the eras. The struggles were immeasurable and the fate of the leftover elves was always precarious. But as the Soseshtian family endured, so did they. For a time.

In 2497 AR, the greatest threat to the elves since Earthfall itself came to Kyonin. The nascent demon lord Treerazer, who had been wandering Golarion since the Age of Darkness after being banished in response to his failed usurp of Cyth-V'sug. He had been tormenting Golarion, but when he learned of the exodus of the elves and the power of the Sovyrian Stone, he concocted a plan to obtain it and use its power to regain access to the Abyss. He began searching Kyonin and leaving a trail of death in his wake. The elves learned of Treerazer's presence and made preparations to flee Kyonin to safer lands. But when the current leader, Verinias Soseshtian, become aware of Treerazer's plans for the Sovyrian Stone, he rallied the elves to fight and protect their precious artifact and their only link to their brothers and sisters.

For nearly fifteen years the elves fought against Treerazer and his army of minions. Time and time again the two sides clashed, the elves too weak to kill the demon lord but too smart to throw their lives away, using strategic attacks to slow and hamper Treerazer's efforts without outright confronting the creature in the open. Treerazer grew more and more frustrated with the irksome elves, and in 2511 AR he devised a plot to follow the elves back to where they called home. He was successful and discovered the city of Iadara, where most of the leftover elves resided. The next day he came with all of his minions and marched on Iadara. The forest was a sea of elven blood. The only survivor of the Iadara Massacre was Verinias Soseshtian.

Verinias was devastated. What few elves remained were scattered in the wind, and it was his own rallying cry that brought about the death of so many. He wandered the forests of Kyonin for decades in a deep well of depression. It wasn't until he saw two elves being slaughtered by Treerazer's minions that he snapped out of his stupor. He could wander the forest forever pitying himself, but that would do the elves no good. Treerazer still needed to be dealt with, as his access to the Sovyrian Stone would be a threat to all of Golarion. Verinias decided to use the power of the artifact against him. After millennium of separation, he traveled to Sovyrian and confronted the elves who still yet lived. For years he convinced, begged, and threatened the elves to do something about Treerazer. Eventually his work paid off, and in 2632 AR the elves returned to Golarion with a fury, driving back Treerazer into the Tanglebriar and reclaiming their lost homeland.

A millennium has passed since the return of the elves. The Soseshtian bloodline still persists, with Kothar Soseshtian as the sole inheritor in the Age of Lost Omens. He grew up as an exemplar of the elves, training in both their way of magic and blade to become an eldritch knight of significant renown. He fell in love with a wild elven druid named Amaera who showed him the mysteries and wonder of the forests of Kyonin. They were happy for decades and he sired a son who he named Tiasar. But when traveling in southern Kyonin they came upon some of the devastation of Treerazer, and Kathar felt a deep pang of guilt. It was his blood, his ancestors who failed to rid Golarion of such a monster. And he was blessed with great power, but used it for nothing but selfish desired.

Amaera tried to turn him away from his foolish quest, but he would not be swayed. Furious at his stubbornness she left him, taking their child with him. Kathar was saddened at the loss but knew it was for the best because of what he planned to challenge. He sought after and pleaded with the silver dragon Baelesti for help. Baelesti had always been protective of the elven race and had a deep-seated hatred for Treerazer, but feared to confront the creature alone. Together they battled the nascent demon lord, but even their power combined was not enough. Kathar was slain and Baelesti escaped with grievous wounds. The silver dragon went into seclusion and hasn't been seen since.

Tiasar was still young when his father left. He had nothing to remember his father by except his arcane studies and his old spellbook. Amaera pushed Tiasar to further his magical education and put his foolish father behind him. Although he did spend the rest of his adolescence in Iadara with his nose in books, he could not get the thought of his father being slain by Treerazer out of his head. As his father and many of his ancestors, he became obsessed with the demon lord and how he may rid Golarion of the creature once and for all.

Tiasar focused his studies on outsiders and the planes, searching for any weakness the creature may have. He knew that death would not stop such a monstrosity, and conventional methods of confrontation may not be enough. But even upon finishing his education he still had no answer to the questions he sought. Once he scoured the libraries and probed the mind of every elder willing to talk to him, he realized the answer could not be found within Kyonin. He must expand his search. Perhaps it would take decades, centuries, but he would travel Golarion and maybe beyond to gain the power needed to confront Treerazer.

Tiasar is a tall, thin elf with silver hair, pale skin, and sky blue eyes. His hair is neatly parted to either side, most of it tucked behind his ears. His appearance is immaculate and he has a certain softness about him, giving the impression of somebody who's not used to hardship.

Tiasar is pragmatic scholar who is immensely interested in the Great Beyond. He believes in seeing things from all available perspectives, sometimes forgetting to have one of his own. He has a faint detachment from society and more often than not takes a "logical" approach to situations rather than a "good" approach.

He is used to spending more times with books than people and occasionally he goes into an almost trance-like state of deep thought when thinking about something. He has the lofty ideal that no problem can be solved without magic, even using magic for everyday convenience such as lifting a drink to his mouth or flipping the page of a book. That combined with his cultural ignorance can make him distant from humanity, but he is always willing to learn and understand more.

Tiasar keeps record of all his adventures in his journal. The entirety of Tiasar's journal is written in elven. As the campaign unfolds this spoiler will have more and more entries added to it to chronicle his journey.

Arodus 10, 4707
This is the journal of Tiasar Soseshtian, son of Kothar and
Amaera, last living descendent of Verinias Soseshtian. This
journal is meant to chronicle my journey through Golarion,
whatever may come. I left Kyonin three months ago, against
the wishes of Amaera, in order to further pursue my magical
education. After confering with our greatest sages I realized
that a life spent reading books and practicing minor tricks
in the comfort of a library would do little to increase my
abilities. I write this fully realizing it is folly to think
that I, a fledgling conjurer, stand any chance against such
a creature as Treerazer. But if I have any hope of attaining
the ability to challenge the creature, I must temper myself
in the flames of the world. I must see the furthest lands and
learn from every source available. Perhaps I am just being
foolish and this is an attempt to run away from home, and I
just hope I find something else out there away from Kyonin
that will distract me from the burden of my lineage. I often
think that is the case, although I hope I am wrong.

Arodus 25, 4707
I have arrived in Greengold. I want my journey to begin far
from home, and the port city will allow me to make quick
travel to a far destination. I inquired with the local elves
about where would be a good place for adventuring and economic
opportunities. I received numerous answers with varying levels
of detail depending on how accommodating they were when pressed
for details. After cross-referencing the justification for
each destination I have decided to begin my journey in the
city of Magnimar. It is a large port city on the western banks
of Golarion, and will be easy to travel to via ship. I will
use the last of the money I have brought from home to charter
passage there, and once arrived I will find work. I will have
to expect to be self-sufficient during this journey, which
will itself be a learning experience. But if I cannot handle
something so trivial, how could I overcome a challenge such
as Treerazer? I relish the learning opportunity.

Rova 7, 2707
I am confused why ships are such a popular method of travel.
The impact on my stomach has been debilitating, and I often
spend much of my day hurling over the edge of the stern.
Although none of the sailors seem to be experiencing such
an issue, and only a few of my fellow passengers are. It is
with regret I am unable to study this further, for most of
my time is currently preoccupied with aforementioned hurling.
Expect no further entries until I deal with with this condition.

Rova 15, 2707
I arrived in the city of Magnimar yesterday. My stomach has
settled and I am feeling myself again. Today I set out to look
for adventuring work!

Rova 16, 2707
My research was a success, for there is great availability of
adventuring work available in Magnimar. There are all sorts of
odd problems and jobs posted in various taverns across the city,
and even more if you are willing to speak to the barkeeps. I
gathered a list of all the available jobs and will research them
in order to find which is the most efficient to pursue and is
within my capabilities.

Rova 16, 2707, entry 2
Important note, adventuring jobs go as quickly as they come.
After returning to many establishments to make further inquiries
about the details of a job, numerous jobs had been taken down,
likely taken by other adventurers. I will have to research
quickly and make some judgement calls.

Rova 17, 2707, entry 3
I have found an excellent job! Low risk where my skills are
needed and with a significant payday. Apparently some more
'well known' adventurers have a job to retrieve an important
amulet from a local thief, and they had been warned that this
thief intends to use a "needle in a haystack" approach to
hiding the amulet. I will not be tested in combat yet, as the
adventuring group thinks the criminals they will be facing are
too dangerous for me. I am both relieved and disappointed. I
know that I need to dip my feet into the adrenaline-filled rush
of combat sooner or later, but it is good to find some work
where my life will not be put on the line. I am to follow behind
them at a safe distance while they clear our the criminal's
hiding place, and when the time comes they will call me forward
to help identify the true amulet hidden among the fakes. It is
an excellent opportunity not only for the monetary incentive,
but also because I can observe the more experienced adventurers
and inquire about their actions in order to learn more.

Rova 18, 2707
I sit in the comfort of an inn, recalling how the job went, and
even remembering it makes my heart race. Things went smoothly
and as expected, I was following along and writing notes, when
one of the criminals had made their way around my companions
and rushed me! I was fortunate enough to have my companions
shout at me in warning, and before the thug reached me I got
to try my color spray spell on a living target for the first
time. It worked to marvelous effect, completely disabling him
and allowing my companions to take over without a scratch. The
rest went smoothly, I identified the true amulet amidst the
forgeries, and we returned in victory. The dwarf insisted I
join them for a drink and the rest agreed, so now my head is
swimming comfortably while my chest is warmed. It seems I was
efficient in my expected duties, so I am pleased with the
results. I still worry about the first time I will be in real
combat and will risk getting injured, but that is a worry for
another day.