Thundarson's page

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

When I arrived home today, and opened my mail, I was happy to see that my Paizo order had arrived - but, (much to my bitter disappointment) what I had received was NOT my Darklands Fire Cave Expansion flip-tiles, but Starfinder's The Devastation Ark Adventure Path #2 of 3, The Starstone Blockade.
How do I remedy this situation? Do I need to return said product to you in order to get my order? HELP!!
I sent an email, and learned that I might need to post here....


Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I have a player who would like to create a permanent "Speak With Animals" talisman-type object to allow their character to speak with their pet, and was thinking that a magical charm or fetish would do just the thing.
Comments, suggestions, ideas? Thank you!!