
Thosys's page

70 posts. Alias of Mulban.


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Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys jokingly confronts Hadrian, "Hey, knocking down this wall is my dumb idea, get your own."

Perception:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

"Yeah,Thosys says in a hoarse whisper.We really need to make sure she is capable of getting over. Besides, will this wall even support us. Wait a sec, I might have just had another really dumb idea...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

"Yeah, lets go!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Sputtering, floundering on the ground while getting his cloak off of him, Thosys thinks, That was an incredibly stupid thing to do...

After calming down, Tho will drink a healing potion.

Heal: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

This is why I stay in the back...Thosys thinks while trying to remain calm.

Thosys will try to keep going towards the island, if he can't make it this round he will gladly take the rope Zumii offers.

Swim: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Oh, thank god! I will never criticize these virtual dice ever again.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys knows he has to get over the moat, somehow. He takes a few steps back, runs and jumps. And he really, really hopes he makes it.

Jump (I'm using a straight strength check) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys tries his best to maintain some measure of composure after an arrow flies much closer to his head than he ever wanted. Dammit, I'm supposed to be the one shooting!

Thosys reloads his crossbow and fires at the goblin at K11.

Hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Dam: 1d8 ⇒ 5

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

My internet now works at work again!

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

I'm assuming that saves, so I will continue with my strike

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys positions himself at M17 and shoots his Xbow at G3.

Hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Dam: 1d8 ⇒ 6

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys will continue his policy of readying his crossbow and staying quietly in the back.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

My internet connection has been crap for the last few days, it happens over here sometimes.

Thosys will wait patiently while Salm and Lia return.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys tries his knife throwing trick again.

Hand of the Apprentice

Hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Dam: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Turning his attention to Tobias, Thosys pulls out his dagger, seems to focus on a spot above his trapped teammates head and throws it.

Hand of the Apprentice
Hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Dam: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys lets loose with a Magic Missile at the goblin in front of Lia.

Dam: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys is shocked after seeing what happened to Tobias. But regains his composure when the goblins charge in. Thosys takes aim with his crossbow and shoots at the closest one.

Hit:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Dam:1d8 ⇒ 8

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys is just going to do his best to make sure he isn't in the way. But he does have his crossbow out in case it is needed.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I'm here, back in Iraq, but able to post regularly at least.
"Please be careful Lia."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I survived Vegas, everyone should check it out at least once in their lives

Thosys didn't think there would be so much pro bono work in adventuring, but there is a child to consider.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Hi, just a reminder that the time I won't have ready access to the internet has started. I'm actually in Kuwait right now. Anyways, I'll check back tomorrow. After that tho it will be a day or two when I will be out of the loop. Then after that I plan on being in a 15 day drunken stupor.

Thosys looks at Salm with a sardonic grin on his face, "I guess we just hold our horses then?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1
Kjob wrote:
Thosys wrote:

I assume Tarvi isn't interested in seeing Thosys's "Magic Wand", maybe at a later date.

Thosys would be more than happy to help in the morning, but at the same time, it could be dangerous being out and about. He will prepare some spells.

** spoiler omitted **

Looking at your prepared 0th lvl spells, you realize with Pathfinder they're cantrips and once you have 1 prepared you can cast it at will? The x2 acid splash is redundantly redundant :)

Thanks. I must have forgotten that detail. I don't have my book with me at the moment, so I will replace it this evening. Resistance is still a choice, right?

Since we are taking this moment, I am going on leave next week! It will start next Wednesday. There will be a few days I will not have access to a computer, I will do the best I can. And when I spend a few days in Vegas, no telling what I will be up to. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I assume Tarvi isn't interested in seeing Thosys's "Magic Wand", maybe at a later date.

Thosys would be more than happy to help in the morning, but at the same time, it could be dangerous being out and about. He will prepare some spells.


Lvl 0:
Acid Splash X 2

Lvl 1:
Magic Missile

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1
Deadshot wrote:

Tarvi looks over at Thosys with a measuring look. Deciding to continue the conversation she says, "I would like to have more expertise and have done much reading. However, one needs formal training to be successful and my parents do not approve of my interest in the arcane arts. They are only interested in marrying me off to whichever boor has the largest dowry. As if their jewelry store did not bring them enough coin."

Thosys smiles sympathetically and says "While I am sure your parents only want what they think is best for you, in truth, the quest for arcane knowledge can be a long, lonely path. If you want, perhaps I can teach you a few cantrips. Hardly the secrets of the universe, they do provide a foundation upon which great power can be built."

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys smiles as he sits down opposite Tarvi. There is only so much about magic you can learn from books. To truly learn about the Arts, one has to go out and see how Arcane energies interact with the world around them. Do you have much experience with magic?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

After freshening up and eating, Thosys decides it might not be a bad idea to have a few drinks and socialize a bit. When he sees Salm he says,"Good work out there earlier. Lets say next time we try not to split up the party."

Oh, and if Thosys can find that red head, all the better...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys is greatly relieved to be back in relative safety. I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I could use some rest

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys checks himself, making sure he is in one piece before drinking one of his potions. After this he waits to find out what direction to run the hell out of here.

Potion = 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thats right Tobias, you might have inflicted 2 points of damage! :)

Thosys will continue fighting defensively and distracting the Hellknight while Zumii finishes him off.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys will position himself on square V21 and start to fight defensively, so as to give Zumii a flanking bonus.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Total Defense sounds good to me, thanks. I can still take a 5 foot step, right? I am going to start making my way over to Zumii. Aw screw it, I just read about Withdrawing on page 188. I'll stop short at square V23.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I am debating between drinking my healing potion and then going to a full defensive stance, or just going total defensive stance.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Are you sure you're not confusing me and Salm? There's nobody near me, according to the map anyway, unless I'm reading it wrong.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Sorry, been having some internet problems.

Thosys sees the cleric aiming at him and fires his crossbow, hoping to shoot him before getting shot himself.

To Hit:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Confirm Crit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys rushes out into the open. (L22) and reloads his crossbow, hoping to draw some more of the knights away from the wagon.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys comes out of cover, takes careful aim with his crossbow, and fires at the possible cleric.

Hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Confirm 1d20 ⇒ 6
Dam: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Oh well, at least I hit.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Initiative:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys hastily prepares a scroll of Acid Splash.

Are the Hell knights coming from the North? Thosys will position himself at G 50, behind the bush, with his crossbow readied.

Stealth Roll: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1
Salm wrote:
"Foolhardy or not, it's the plan we have."

Indeed. Let's just try to hope for the best.

Deadshot, do I have time to pen a scroll, probably just another acid splash?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I am going to agree with Salm here. I'm not going to worry too much if someone ends up dead. I won't go out of my way to kill anyone, and I hope we do succeed without killing, but if it comes down to one of them or one of us...Thosys lets his words trail off. Now, lets finish up the planning, we don't have much time.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I have some ability to create Alchemical items, if you have some materials, I can be of some use at least in this endeavor. As to the actual combat, I will try to make myself useful, somehow.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Only a few hours to prepare? Hmm. Lia might be on to something. What about escape routes? I would like to know how we plan on getting out if something goes wrong.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I guess my timing was way off If Thosys manages to catch the eye of the red head, he will say hello, or at least wave lamely. But he won't go out of his way, cause he's totally cool like that.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I really hope we're not waiting for my reply, I didn't have much to add for my part, I can try, just to be sure

The name of the group is fine, however, won't a court of law be more interested in what you do then in what you call yourselves? Thosys takes a few more bites of food, and continues. I'm not trying to insult you all, please don't take it that way.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Yes, thank you, your hospitality is most gracious After handing over his cloak and and other garments to be washed, Thosys relaxes a bit and eats. I can't imagine these knights would give up the search too easily, how long do you suppose we will be here?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys follows the others up the ladder.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Lets get going, folks.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Thosys looks at Salm with an expression of shock. Aw, screw it, he's right! Thosys rears his right hand back as if he were going to throw something, and before it reaches it's apex a small green ball forms in it.

Casting Acid Splash
1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 2 - 4 = 3
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

I really don't want to know why these knights have designated themselves "Of the Rack". Thosys grabs his staff and watches to see what Lia and the others have in mind.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

In a quiet voice Thosys says,Lets try to get out of here, quickly

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

These things are tough! Dammit, think man, there has to be some way to help Zumii. Uncertain of how to help, Thosys watches his companions.

Sorry guys, not sure what I can do right now

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Wizard (Universalist) 1

Hmmm, how does one know how well you are doing against a creature like this?Thosys ponders for a second while casting Magic Missile at the zombie Salm attacked.

1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Wow, try not to be too jealous folks

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