Th'kaal's page

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I'm trying to make a new race that is balanced with core races. It's what I want the elves to be. At first I was going with the subtype of Great Old One for a Fey, but that was too powerful. I was going to use three illusion spells for various distractions. But I also wanted even the lowest level to be able to do a fey bargain. But that seemed very powerful until I remembered a story my grandmother said.

So, I was wondering, Limited Wish useable once per full moon, only when completing a contract when the elf gets in return something of equal or greater value. At no other time can this be used.

If using the race points, what would you put this as a cost?

I haven't been able to find this anywhere in the game. I thought perhaps providing the ship with all the basic life functions and just hand waving it to say it's alive. However, there is no Self-Repair system. I thought about something like the scutters from Red Dwarf, or even the little bio-mechanical drones from Farscape....

I already figured that you could use a Mechanic/Scholar or a Mechanic/Xenoseeker. There is even Technomancer/Spacefarer or Technomancer/Xenoseeker.

The part I see most compelling is the idea of the soul, because androids have them. Would a ship thus need a soul to be considered alive? Anyone have any thoughts on this?