Solveig Ayrdahl

Thesa Abigail DeMore's page

No posts. Organized Play character for thaX.

Full Name

Thesa Abigail DeMore


Human (Vedrani)


Cavalier (Ghost Rider)











Strength 14
Dexterity 13
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Thesa Abigail DeMore

Thesa was born during a battle between city states in Ulfen, and her mother, along with baby Thesa, was taken prisoner by the victors. She never knew her mother or father, and was raised by a high ranking soldier. She was, in childhood, used as a servant. She did chores, cooked, cleaned, changed linens and went on to laundry, sweeping, mopping as she got older. She was taken from the residence when she had reached her latter teens, and began working at a brothel, as a cook at first, then as a barmaid serving the men waiting or just in for a bite.

In the two years before she was put in the regular rotation of the girls available for services, there was six customers who request her graces. The management accepted the requests and Thesa had been introduced into the world of intimacy. After her first pregnancy, after her daughter was taken into custody of her constodian, she was officially a "girl of negocable affection." Before she was freed by the Bellflower Network, she had birthed two more daughters and a son, all of which was taken away after being born.

Thesa never had "fun" in her young life and does not take her new lease on life lightly. She found that she had latent powers and abilities that manufested themselves when the control of her patron was severed. She has since joined the Pathfinder society, hoping to right the wrongs that has been done to her and the people that she was taken from.

She also has vowed never to be with a man again.

In the last year, she has trained under the great tulage of Marcos Farabellus, learning how to wield weapons and wear armor. She has shown him, in private, how she can summon Clarice and other abilities that she discovered. She respects the brash man and is somewhat relieved that he has not tried to iniciate any intimate suggestions between him and her. She realized that he was very dedicated to someone, a woman she has never met. She would have longed for a relationship of that caliber if she had known that such a love had existed when she was younger. Though she is true to her vow, taken on the ship going away from the land she knew, in her heart she knows that her own scared heart can be softened if the right man would dedicate himself to her.

She has doubt that such a man exists for her, but a slim hope is held in her being that it may come to be, sometime in the future.