The recruitment and application process can be a pain, I know. I have applied to games I was very excited about and faced real disappointment when I wasn’t selected. It’s a reality of this game style. That said, I want to give you a little insight into what I as a GM look for in PCs, in order to (1) improve your chances of being selected, and (2) create an applicant pool full of characters I admire. It’s win-win!
First, note that a substantial part of the campaign will be “urban” adventure. As such, you should probably avoid characters that are entirely lacking in social skills (I’m looking at you, min-maxed barbarians). It’s not that these characters aren’t valuable, but I am anticipating a very gritty, politically-driven campaign, and I want characters with brains. However, also note that you’ll still be doing PLENTY of adventuring and engaging in LOTS of combat, so well-rounded characters are a must. I am a firm believer in the “Forge of Combat” philosophy. That article is linked above under the “Required Reading For All Players” spoiler. That includes you! Did you read it?
Second, I value role-playing over roll-playing. I realize that many players relish the number-crunching game of optimizing builds, but they and I are playing different games. As I mentioned, I’m looking for gritty, complicated, and politically-motivated characters. Are you one of those? I don’t believe that optimization and characterization are mutually exclusive, either. Of course you can play that lethal barbarian/alchemist you’ve been dreaming of building--you just have to do it with personality :).
Third, you must put effort into your writing. I am by no means a great writer, nor do I expect you to be, but you don’t have to be a great writer to be a great role-player.