The Steel Refrain |

I'm looking at a possible illusionist wizard build, and am concerned that at higher levels True Seeing is really going to become a problem.
While I appreciate that Mind Blank will help with some of that (such as allowing the wizard to remain invisible via Greater Invisibility), it really hurts the flavourful offensive options available to an illusionist. For example, True Seeing will trump things like Phantasmal Killer (and by extension, Weird) and other similar spells (such as Phantasmal Asphyxiation). It also dramatically reduces the effectiveness of the Shadow spells.
So I was thinking: as a high level wizard illusionist, I'm smart and obviously know this True Seeing thing is a problem -- so what would I do to deal with it? Well why not research and create a spell to specifically counter it?
Hence the following spell idea:
School: abjuration; Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (finely ground black onyx powder worth 250gp)
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
You surround yourself with a sphere of power with a radius of 5 feet per caster level that negates the effect of see invisibility, true seeing, or any effect akin to either of those spells. These sight-enhancing divination effects continue to work outside the affected area, but anything within the area is not revealed (including darkness effects, invisibility, illusions and anything else that would otherwise be revealed). This spell has no effect on other senses, such as blindsense, blindsight, scent or tremorsense.
Does this seem like a reasonably balanced spell? I designed it fairly quickly, but note that it is a level or two higher than True Seeing (which is cleric 5 and sorcerer/wizard 6), has a similar material component cost and duration to True Seeing, and the same sort of radius as Invisibility Purge. It is a level lower than Mind Blank, but has a much reduced duration and none of the anti-scrying effects the latter spell has.
My thinking is that it does not offer an illusionist a total defence against divination magic and requires getting a little closer than they might prefer to get off offensive spells, but at least it would invalidate True Seeing as a total counter to an illusionist's tricks. It would also open up Mirror Image as a valid defence again!
Interested in people's thoughts...