
Sanduro Dzotsi's page

751 posts. Alias of Tusk the Half-Orc.


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Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro watches the interrogation of Quietus's corpse in fascinated discomfort. The aura and effect of Varvatos's spell is disquietingly close to the magic used to raise the undead, but he knows that Pharasma will grant the same spell to her clerics - and to him, if he were to ask for it - so the similarities must only go so far. Still, he's relieved when the interrogation of the dead cultist is complete.

Garret Fallows wrote:

”Ask us what you will, and we will answer to the best of our ability, putting our trust in you to help us prevent the destruction of you home as ours was destroyed,” says Garret earnestly.


Sanduro nods his agreement. "Do you want to question us together, or separately?"

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider
Ketra Driscoll wrote:
"A place to stay and a bath! Do we look like vagrants that much?"

Sanduro waves an arm, encompassing the entire group from Roslar’s Coffer and nods at Ketra. “Does she really need to answer that question? Thank you very kindly, Ma’am, that sounds like exactly what we need.”

Does Sanduro know anything about winter wights?
Knowledge (Religion) + Guidance: 1d20 + 11 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 11 + 1 = 25

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider
Ketra Driscoll wrote:

OK, loot sales distribution time!

I've assumed one quarter of the loot vanishes into the ether and/or gets claimed by Silvia remotely. For everything after Rosalind joined, she's also part of the loot split (she takes Silvia's quarter).

Garret: +27276 gp
Sanduro: +27276 gp
Ketra: +27276 gp
Rosalind: +1981 gp

Don't spend it all in one place!

Thanks for working this out!

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Let's make it unanimous.

Sanduro nods in agreement.

"From what I've heard, the Pathfinders are supposed to have done good work in Varisia over the last few years, helping Magnimar recover from [insert spoilers for Shattered Star]. I have a couple of cousins who trade with the Magnimar lodge occasionally and say the couple who runs it seem mostly trustworthy. But then let's definitely find some new gear." He takes a whiff of the leather armor he's been wearing since before they woke up in Roslar's tomb. "Maybe all new gear."

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider
Ketra Driscoll wrote:
"Dandelion? Uhhhh..." Ketra scrunches her nose "I don't really know yet. She's definitely got her own game, but she was helpful for us. Garret wouldn't be doing nearly as well without her intervening. But I also think she's doing what she's doing for her own purposes, not out of the goodness of her heart. If I had to guess."

"I agree, Dandelion's goals may be aligned with ours for now, but I wouldn't call her a friend. I don't think a spellcaster of her power - or anyone with that much power - really has friends."

Ketra Driscoll wrote:
"I guess we should keep an eye on that Lyonette then. No chance we just convince your dad she's trouble, but she did seem weirdly emphasized in the GM's narration of the scene close to him. And that would be a great place to hide if I was an evil cultist who was plotting the downfall of villages and cities across Golarion." She shrugs "But I don't think we can do too much. Unless she's a ghoul in disguise. Then we could use a spell to sense her, right?"

Sanduro thinks for a moment, then shakes his head. "There may be a spell that can detect the corpse eaters and other undead, but it is not one that Pharasma will grant me."

Detect undead isn't one of the spells added to the death druid spell list, but we do get grave words which is ... not helpful in this circumstance.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

"Wallace! It really is you! I wasn't sure..." Sanduro trails off and cocks his head as though listening to someone, then sighs. "Zsofia says I should 'Ask Beefcake if Mustache is still following him around.' Her words, not mine."

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro stares at the Lord Commander in horror. "He told you Roslar's Coffer was destroyed, warned you about what was happening, and you ... what, assumed he had gone insane? Even when your messenger didn't return and you had no word from the fort at Roslar's Coffer in all that time?"

The duskwalker takes a breath and refrains from saying anything more in an effort not to antagonize this self-important buffoon.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Embarrassed, Sanduro pulls Zsofia back into his consciousness. I think your deadly weapons are peacebound now. Hopefully we won't need you to punch anyone on short notice.

The druid listens uncomfortably to the discussion in the Lord Commander's office; he intends to stay quiet and let his friends with military experience do the talking. But he bristles at the implied criticism from Wallace's father.

"Everyone in that town was killed except for us, sir, and we were as good as dead at first, too. It was days before we even made it back from the Boneyard - I wish that was an allegory, but it's the simple truth. Your son Wallace survived as well and started back with us, but decided to take a different path, but I thought he meant to find you as soon as he could - if he's here, he'll back up the first part of our journey. Anyway, once we did make it back to the world of the living, we found that the town was cut off by the dome Garret's referring to, sir. We believed that nobody could pass through it in either direction until we managed to dispel it, except for the cultists we defeated in our efforts to gain the knowledge we needed to do so."

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro starts to surrender his bow with a shrug, then pauses when he sees Ketra hesitate.

"Should I keep my bow? I'm not sure what peacebonding it would look like. I could unstring it, maybe?"

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Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

“May I?”

Calling first for a bit of Pharasma’s guidance, Sanduro peers over Garret’s shoulder at the black diamond.

Spellcraft+guidance: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 9 + 1 = 29

“That’s…” the druid’s voice drops to a whisper, “that’s impossibly powerful magic, is what that is. How did you… not even a wish…”

Sanduro looks up at Dandelion. “Thank you for healing our friend, my lady.”

Check the spoiler - it’s a helluva thing to read with PCs at 7th level!

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro interrupts Zsofia with a question as though he was following up on Ketra's query.

"And what kind of goods do you have available?"

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Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro wakes early and anxious, but that’s nothing unusual for him. He manages not to rush through his morning prayers (will update prepared spells later today). He helps where needed with the destruction of the Maw but mostly waits on the side for the damned thing to finally be destroyed.

Responding to Rosalind, he says, "I agree with Garret, you've done more than your share already. I don't think you'll find any of us worrying too much about fitting your magic into a narrow box. Speaking of which...."

Sanduro excuses himself for a minute to sit down against a wall and close his eyes. He tunes out the conversation around him and concentrates on calling out to Zsofia, inviting her to return to the world of living for a while longer.

Sanduro opens his eyes in surprise at a loud THUD behind him, followed by a familiar voice swearing at him.

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Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

“Vigil sounds right. If my family’s caravan ran into trouble around Roslar’s Coffer after the explosion, they might decide to fall back in that direction rather than risk the Northern Fangwood.”

Sanduro winces as he shoves a stiffening arm back into place as they wrap up their adversary’s corpse.

“I can’t do anything about the rot or the stench, but if you want to try to question Quietus tomorrow, I can ask Pharasma for the power to make his corpse answer.”
Death druid adds speak with dead (among others) to the usual druid spell list.

He peers back through the doorway to the center of the nave, where they have dragged the corpses of the cultists and arranged them as neatly as they could given the party’s exhaustion. “Zsofia is going to be so pissed she missed all this.”

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro steps back into the doorway and looses an arrow at the wounded cultist.

+1 seeking longbow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 211d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro takes a step back. "I need a few seconds to concentrate!"

The druid calls on his goddess to send them an ally as an inadequate replacement for Zsofia.

Sanduro takes a 5' step and begins casting summon nature's ally III, replacing crypt flame blade.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider



Sanduro cries out in surprise when the crypt thing appears, then pulls himself together enough to notice how badly Garret has been injured. He yanks the wand from his belt and draws on its magic to give the sorcerer a little healing.

Cure light wounds (CL1 wand): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Ouch. A very little healing.

“Sorry it isn’t more, Garret.”

Sanduro looks up at the thing from the crypt and gulps.

I really wish Zsofia were here.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Just a reminder that the zombie cultists are sickened for 1 round unless they made their Will saves.


Sanduro leaps back in surprise (5' step) when the crypt thing appears, then pulls himself together to cast his last spell.

Sanduro casts crypt flame blade and waves the fiery scimitar at the thing from the crypt.

"Hey, ugly! Over here!"

I was considering having him cast on the defensive but with a +10 modifier vs. DC 21 and Sanduro's rolls...

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Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Finally filed the *#&(% brief I’ve been working on all month.

Sanduro’s eyes widen at the foes spread out before him. “Well, that’s not great. Lady of Graves, help us put down these unliving abominations!”

With his quick prayer, Sanduro casts crypt burning sands, covering a large section of the nave around Quietus and his minions with shifting sand. Bursts of flame erupt randomly throughout the area (yellow ellipse on the map).
Duration: 7 rounds. The area is difficult terrain, and deals 1d4 points of fire damage to any creature that ends its turn in contact with the ground within the area of effect (no save). Any undead creature damaged by a crypt spell is sickened for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s original level (1 round in this case); a DC 14 Will save halves the duration. A living creature killed by a crypt spell is treated as having been killed by a death effect.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro’s move speed is 40’, so he could get a little closer.

Sanduro rushes up near the doorway and tries to place the stormcloud onto the invisible Quietus, again following Rosalind’s directions.

Aggressive Thundercloud (DC 15 Reflex: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 3) = 10

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro waves a hand to send the roiling stormcloud across the room to Z-Rosalind, then fires an arrow at the soldier’s undead doppelgänger.

Aggressive thundercloud (DC 15 Reflex negates): 3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) = 10

+1 seeking longbow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 191d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Is Quietus alive or undead?

Sanduro calls out a short prayer to Pharasma and with a flash of lightning, a storm cloud covers Z-Wallace.

Aggressive thundercloud (electricity damage; DC 15 Reflex negates): 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5) = 12

"This has to be incredibly creepy for all of you. I've never been so grateful to the Lady of Graves for the protections that came with my rebirth as I am right now."

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Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

We're going into L14, right?

Wand of cure light wounds (CL1): 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

"Hold on a minute." Sanduro taps Rosa with the healing wand, wincing internally as he uses one of its few remaining charges, then nods in satisfaction as the last of her bruises fade away. "There, at least we'll all go into this in decent shape."

He pulls out his own potion of invisibility, but hesitates. "I don't know what the room looks like or how everyone in it will be arranged, but if it's like some of the larger rooms we've seen here and some of our adversaries are further back, try not to rush them there are enemies closer to the entrance. One of my few remaining spells is the one that covers the area in burning sand and sickens the undead; I don't want to cast it onto either of you, unless you happen to be resistant to fire - not a bad thing to be, if Garret's going to be tossing in fireballs while you're invisible. Also," he plucks a card from his pouch, "do you think they might be distract by an ogre mage walking in, while we sneak in unseen?"

He checks his cloak to make sure his brooch of shielding is securely fastened, then uses the edge to clean the lenses of his deathwatch eyes before putting them back on and picking up his bow. He will drink his potion of invisibility after using the ogre mage card but before going into the room.

Ready when everyone else is!

Deck of illusions, 9 of diamonds

Sanduro already used his 2nd level pearl of power to cast barkskin on Ketra, hopefully that's still going.
Wand of CLW: 3 charges
Sanduro’s remaining spells: crypt burning sands, aggressive thundercloud, and crypt flame blade.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro stands up and nods resignedly. “I don’t have much magic left and I don’t like risking another battle without Zsofia, but we can’t choose when to meet our fates. I’ll fight with what I have.” He checks to make sure his gear is secure, puts an arrow to his bowstring, and nods to show he’s ready.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Isn't that one of the dead soldiers from the fortress we met in the Boneyard? Sanduro watches, stunned, as Rosalind leaps into lethal action. Maybe not. She doesn't look dead.

Shaking off his surprise, Sanduro conjures a ball of flame and hurls it at the Horribly Spiky Woman. Another sphere of fire appears in his hand almost as soon as he finishes his throw.

Produce flame (ranged touch attack): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 151d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Recall Knowledge*: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Knowledge (nature & religion) +10 (already added), Knowledge (planes) +12 (+2 over result)

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Perception (take 10): 10 + 8 = 18

"I hope we won't need this antitoxin, but given how things are going, I'm glad to have them!"

Holding an arrow on the string of his bow, Sanduro steps into the wrecked sitting room behind Ketra and whispers, "What do you think? Should we go in quietly or loudly?"

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro nods reluctantly. “I don’t have many spells left, but the few I have should be useful in combat.”

Looks like what he has left are: produce flame, crypt burning sands, aggressive thundercloud, and crypt flame blade.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

"All right, that's a start. We're going to make camp once we get ourselves into a secured position let's do what we can for you right away."

Sanduro casts remove sickness, then goes back to healing more of Mirhet's injuries.

Heal (Treat Deadly Wounds: Healer's Hands (6/7) + Healer's Satchel (5/5)), take 10: 10 + 17 = 27
Healing: 7 + 3 + 3 = 13

Heal (Treat Deadly Wounds: Healer's Hands (7/7)), take 10: 10 + 15 = 25
Healing: 7 = 7

"Silvia, can you use your prayer bead if Mirhet needs more healing?"

Cure Serious Wounds (if needed):

Cure serious wounds (CL5): 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (6, 1, 3) + 5 = 15

It looks look Silvia may have lesser restoration prepared today, in which case she might be able to get Jando on his feet. If she has any more uses of lay on hands left today she could use those for healing Mirhet as well, depending how far down Mirhet is after all of the above.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

"I'm sorry, Jando, I won't be able to do anything for you until we camp for the night but I promise we'll take care of you and you'll be OK." Sanduro does his best to make the downed ranger comfortable.

When Keira and the injured prisoner stagger out of the room together and the other duskwalker pulls off the prisoner's hood, the druid is taken by surprise. "Mirhet! Thank the Lady of Fate you're alive! Oh, that looks painful. Let's start healing some of these wounds. May I put a hand on your shoulder?"

Assuming she agrees and has hit point damage:

Heal (Healer's Hands (5/7) + Healer's Satchel (4/5)): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
Healing: 7 + 3 + 3 = 13

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider
Trevor86 wrote:

Edit: Whoops, apparently mixed up the gameplay thread and the discussion one. Sorry about that! Regardless:

Hey everyone, nice to meet you all!

I was graciously invited by Crusaderwolf to join the campaign, knowing him from a long running war for the crown PBP here on the forums. We're in the process of statting out a former NPC to become a PC due to storyline reasons. I'll try and get them statted out fully tomorrow as I understand said character joining is pretty much imminent (depending on party choices).

Tentatively, the build is a main healer Inquisitor using the Ravener Hunter archetype to gain healing abilities from the life domain. To boost the combat potential a bit outside of healing, it will have either the sacred huntmaster or sanctified slayer archetype and fight with either a pet or to try getting flanks for sneak attacks. Out of combat it can be built to have thievery skills and trapfinding. The build should be fairly decent at what it tries to do. My only real concern is it is a bit MAD and might be spread a bit thin, espcecially the one with an animal companion.

Are there any specific wants/requests from the team for a new character to shore up any obvious holes in the group?

Welcome, Trevor86! I meant to say this earlier, but +1 for a build that includes trapfinding & disable device. Our current trapfinder is Sanduro's phantom who finds traps by going incorporeal and sticking her head through solid objects and disables them by turning corporeal and kicking them really hard. This strategy has had limited success (but we can absolutely continue it if you want to go in a different direction).

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Arg, just realized I updated my spells on Sanduro’s profile before we actually rested. I’ve got a pretty good idea what he has and hasn’t cast yet, though.

“Jando! Ketra, be careful!”
Sanduro pulls Jando out of the doorway in case the symbol goes off again. “Is there someone else in there? Are they in the same condition Jando’s in?”

Heal check to see what condition Jando is in, take 10: 10 + 17 = 27

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

This has been bugging me. I've played plenty of characters who wouldn't flinch at killing the prisoner, but I don't think the teenager fresh off the Varisian caravan would be quite that brutal. If Zfosia were here, that might be another story, but she isn't.

"I think we should sleep on it, at least. In the meantime, Ketra, would you please help me prepare the body? We won't be burying it, obviously, but we can at least clean it up and wrap it, so that when things get back to normal... well." He looks around awkwardly. "Anyway, I'd just feel better about doing that instead of leaving it here in front of her sister."

If Silvia doesn't solve the problem, Zsofia will probably step up.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro doesn't have either, so he'll take the other amulet.

"Um, we really don't want to leave them with those robes, either. I'm not going to wear one," he shudders at the thought, "but we should get them to a church outside where they can be properly paid for destroyed."

We'll take everything on the loot list, of course, but Sanduro couldn't just pack away the robes of bones without comment.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider
Ketra Driscoll wrote:

Ketra gestures the others back into the hall and asks "How do you feel about striking Big Q now? We're a little injured, and maybe missing a few spells, but we've probably still got a little surprise on our side. I'm a little tired out myself, but I've got a potion that'll make me invisible and can take the lead."

"Alternatively, we find our way back downstairs, and wait to recoup our strength by getting Zsofia back with us and getting a good rest. What do you all think?"

Sanduro wiggles a hand from side to side. “I understand the value of surprise - our usual tactic of moving fast and hitting things has worked pretty well so far. But I don’t have many spells left, and I’d be uncomfortable heading into what’s likely to be a tough fight without Zsofia. I’ve gotten used to having her around, and if we’re going to face evil doppelgängers of Garret and Silvia, I think we’re going to need all the help we can get.”

The druid raises an eyebrow at Garret’s offer of redemption to the murderous shape shifting sorceress, but holds his tongue.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Works for me!

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

I don't think I can target an invisible enemy with a spell that doesn't require an attack roll, can I? If I can, then Sanduro targets Blue; otherwise, Red.

Sanduro finishes his prayer and, stepping into the room, calls down the lightning (1/7 used).

Crypt call lightning (DC 16 Reflex half): 3d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4) = 8

Crypt spell effects:
Crypt Spell
You can infuse your magic with the unswayable power of the Boneyard, sending foes to face ineluctable judgment.

Benefit: You can enhance any spell that inflicts hit point damage to become a crypt spell. A creature that dies within 1 round of being damaged by a crypt spell is considered to have been killed by a death effect for the purpose of being returned to life. An undead creature damaged by a crypt spell gains the sickened condition for a number of rounds equal to the spell's original spell level; this duration is halved if the undead creature succeeds at its saving throw against the spell. If the spell does not allow a save, the target can attempt a Will save to negate the sickened effect. A crypt spell gains the death descriptor.

A crypt spell uses a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell's normal spell level.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

This would have been a good day for Pharasma to have given me that spell that outlines everything in flames from the First World.

"Quietus? His gang are the ones with the creepy neck tattoos, right?"

Staying in the hallway for the moment, Sanduro begins a longer than usual prayer to the Lady of Graves, beseeching her to rain lightning on their enemies (casting crypt call lightning, full round to cast).

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro looks around, not expecting to see anything that Ketra hasn’t already spotted.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

“Nice finds! That glue could be useful. Should we try the east hallway next?”

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

"Seems like they understand us, too." Nocking an arrow to his bowstring, Sanduro follows the cats to the doorway leading to the south hall and peers out to see if they're still visible and which direction they went.

Perception, take 10: 10 + 9 = 19

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Spellcraft vs cauldron, take 10: 10 + 9 = 19

“Oh, it’s a Blackwick Cauldron! They’re usually made of wicker, though. Not immediately useful, but it’s definitely not a bad thing to have. Let’s put it in that very useful bag.”

Ketra Driscoll wrote:
"I suspect very strongly they are not." Ketra grimaces "If we aren't immediately in trouble we should lock them somewhere where they can't follow us."

Sanduro takes another look at the kittens. “Is it possible that they’re normal cats, but they drank from the holy fountain and were protected from the wave by that? Although…” he rubs his temples like he’s starting to get a headache “… that doesn’t change the fact that these lynxes don’t belong in Vigil. Somebody might have brought them here, but I agree, those two oddities together - the cats being apparently unaffected by the wave that killed or warped everything, and being too far from home for easy explanation - are cause for concern.”

He turns to the warrior of Ragathiel. “Do you get the sense that they’re malicious, Silvia?”

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

“That’s what it sounds like to me! I don’t know how we might use it, but it sounds like it has to be part of the solution.” He glares at the incomprehensible writing on the scrap of vellum Ketra found. “I wish we could read this, though. Those wights were up to something more than just waiting for us.”

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro pages through the books, puzzling over the note in Necril and taking a cue from Ketra to focus first on the books that were already opened. He takes some time to try to find any additional clues that might help them out of their situation.

Linguistics (decipher Necril): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 2 = 10
Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 12 + 2 = 27
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 2 = 25

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

I apologize - rough week at work ahead of the long weekend.

“I really should have spent more time learning to work with animals. Of course, I wouldn’t need to if Zsofia were still here…”

Does Sanduro have any insight into this type of lynx?
Knowledge (Nature)?, take 10: 10 + 10 = 20

Sanduro casts detect magic and joins Garret in scanning the room for magical auras.

Perception, darkvision, take 10: 10 + 8 = 18
(I assume Sanduro doesn’t see anything new. Just to confirm, the kitten doesn’t have a transmutation aura, just something on the other side of the bookcase?)

“Does anyone else have any jerky or leftovers from dinner last night? I used mine for the bear, but it seems like the simplest way to lure out whatever’s lurking in there. If it’s really another big cat.”

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider
Ketra Driscoll wrote:
"I sure feel blind without Zsofia peeking everywhere..."

“You and me both!” Sanduro casts detect magic and follows several steps behind Ketra, looking around anxiously. (Sanduro is 15’ back or more, trying to avoid blocking anyone else’s line of sight or Ketra’s line of retreat if needed ).

Perception, take 10: 10 + 8 = 18

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro runs over to Ketra and begins healing her as quickly as he can.


Healer’s Hands:
DC 20: 7
DC 30: 7+7
Healer’s Hands + Healer’s Satchel:
DC 20: 7+3
DC 25: 7+3+3
DC 30: 7+3+3+7

Cure moderate wounds: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (7, 8) + 7 = 22

Healer’s Hands (4/7) + Healer’s Satchel (3/5): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37
The Word: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Total healing: 22 + 20 + 5 = 47

I think that takes Ketra back to just 3 hp below max.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

“I think if we kill, it stays dead! But they’re strong-willed and can frighten you as easily as they can drain your life! We have to stop Ketra’s bleeding - she isn’t just losing blood, she’s losing a bit of her vitality with every drop!”

Fort save every time you take bleed damage or take 2 points of Con damage! The rest in the spoiler.

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Ketra and Sanduro had pretty good Knowledge (Religion) checks - any info in response to our questions?

Jando Parr wrote:
"If we destroy it, will it come back?"

“Give me a second to think about it!” Sanduro takes a step back and fires at the polong.

+1 seeking longbow (ghost touch): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 151d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30

If Ketra’s asking about defenses, I’ll ask about special attacks, special abilities/qualities, best save.

“I think we’re really going to miss Zsofia’s help this time! And Grandmother Túnde never taught me a rhyme, that would have made it easier to remember what she did say about these things…”

Sanduro concentrates a moment and all of his weapons begin to glow faintly. He steps back 5’, nocks an arrow, and waits nervously for the combat to start. Using Ghost Hunter to give all of his weapons the ghost touch property for 1 minute. p

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

If Ketra’s barkskin has worn off, Sanduro will use the 2nd level pearl of power to cast it on her again before we try ladling anything out of the fountain (+3 enhancement to natural armor, 70 minutes).

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

Sanduro looks from his friends to the bear, pulls back his bowstring, then relaxes and returns the arrow to his quiver.

“You’re right, Garret. But it isn’t a bodak or any kind of undead. It’s been mutated by the same explosion that affected the town, but it’s alive. Maybe if we shut off whatever’s sustaining the dome it would have a chance to recover?”

The druid pulls out whatever food he has in his pack, presumably his share of the leftovers from the last time the party was able to hunt or forage. He wraps it up loosely in the tattered remnants of his Varisian scarf, its bright colors now faded and stained, and tosses the package into the room - gently, quietly, so as not to wake the beast - before moving to start putting the partially dismantled barricade back into place.

“I can’t stand to leave it to starve, and I’m less convinced than I thought I was that we should put it down to end its pain. Hopefully we’ll find some answers soon and clear away whatever evil miasma is causing all this, and we’ll be able to release it. If it doesn’t recover then, at least we’ll know there’s no chance before we kill it.”

Sanduro’s stomach rumbles a bit and he smiles ruefully. “And in the morning, I’ll ask Pharasma to grant me the magic to create some more nourishing - and filling - meals for us.”

Male duskwalker druid (death druid) 7 | HP: 39/39| AC 17* T 13 FF 14* | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +10 (+6 vs. neg nrg, death eff; +4 (class) vs energy drain; +2 (race) vs undead, sakhil) | Init: +3 | Perc: +8 (darkvision), SM: +3 | Speed 40 | +1 seeking longbow +9 (1d8+1/x3); mwk sickle +9 (1d6), ghost hunter 1/day | Spells: 4th 1/1; 3rd 3/3; 2nd 4/4 1st 4/5 |*Active: Ext. Mage Armor, Longstrider

“It looks like it was cared for once, and I doubt the poor creature could not have wandered so far into the tomb by accident.” Sanduro looks sadly at the bear and shakes his head. “I don’t think we can cure it, but I really don’t like leaving it to its misery. I think… I think the kindest thing we could do for it probably would be to put an end to its suffering, free its spirit to rejoin the River of Souls. Scholars can debate whether animal spirits are truly souls, but I don’t have any reason to doubt it.”

He unslings his bow and nocks an arrow. “Garret and I should probably try to save our spells if we want to try to make it out of here before we camp for the night. Maybe Silvia, Jando, and I can take it out from a distance? Well, Silvia and Jando, at least.”

Sanduro can certainly be persuaded to leave the bear alone to avoid an unnecessary combat, but he’ll be sad about it.