The_Sentry's page
61 posts. Alias of tumbler.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
At first, Sentry sinks like an anvil. He flails about for a bit before taking in what Mariner is doing and mimicking it as best he can. Soon he is brute forcing his way around with quick kicking legs, but his form is terrible.
"I am a sword and a shield. There are threats to humanity. Aliens, mutants, maniacs. I was created to protect against those threats. My development and programming are incomplete. I do not know how to achieve this purpose, but I know what I am here to do."
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Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
I will use a Power Stunt to add Swimming to my Strength Array if that is acceptible. Then a Hero Point to buy off the fatigue. That gives me Swim for the duration of this scene.
"Yes, I understand. Cavitation. I can hear all of it. Even better than before. Sound propagates through this medium quite well...I find almost everything about "everyone else" strange. People seem to lack purpose. I know exactly what my purpose is. And most of you waste so much time. Sleeping, studying, snacking. Most of their existence is devoted to these trivial matters. It is maddening. I can understand the pleasure that they experience when eating pizza. But everything is so slow to them. How can they stand it?"
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"OMAX is tactically smart. You know about plans. I don't know about anything. I know how to listen, and I know how to hit things."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Funny, my other character idea for this campaign was a fiery sword wielding angel, Zauriel style.
"As I have learned from acquiring pizza, I did leave currency for these media discs. Ocean's 11 starring Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, also Ocean's 11 starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Julia Roberts. My research suggests that George Clooney is secretly Batman, but this seems likely to be a misdirection."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Sentry vanishes for a moment before reappearing with a stack of DVDs. "From our local Lord Mart: Ocean's 11, 12, 13, and 8." To OMAX, "There appears to be some sort of cypher in the naming of the films." and back to everyone, especially Oddball. "If these are the template for your heist, then we will review them."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
I think if something doesn't move us forward we are going to end up in an Ocean's movie marathon with Oddball, Sentry, and 23. Which I'm all for, but I'm not sure that excites anyone else.
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Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Oddball could absolutely talk us into something different. Sentry is not suggesting tactics I think are a good idea. And OMAX-23 is on the same frequency, I think. We are just playing our programming. And I'm pretty sure Mariner just wants to get the plot moving. Which probably we all do.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Yes. Let's go. I don't know anything about being underwater, but you could drag me along. I don't need to breath. And I can definitely cause a distraction."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Show me where these places are and what these devices look like and I will go retrieve them. Why waste time?"
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Until he learns some things, force is going to be Sentry's go to answer.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"If we want them not to have these devices, why don't we just take them ourselves? Then these villains would have to take them from us."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"I can observe the place without cease. I do not need rest."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Star Boy is a kid Graviton?
So we failed to stop the first group. We beat most of them, but one of them made off with the component. We need to stake out PLASMUS. That team is a bunch of heavy hitters.
I'm not sure The Sentry would get to any of those conclusions.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
I'm here. Intrigue and mysteries aren't really Sentry's wheel house.
I think people mostly just need the hook set so we can get to whatever Braniac wants us to do.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Yes, tell us what you want."
The Sentry hovers inches above the ground, his feet dangling, his arms crossed.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Probably Stealthy characters should do a scout.
Or Sentry could probably penetrate the walls in a different way...
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
I think we never replied to Braniac to set up the meet, but yes, let's do it.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Sentry arrives in a blur. "Who is this Braniac? Friend? Foe? Classmate?"
He holds a Labriola's pizza box in his right hand.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Let me know if Sentry gets annoying. I'm really trying to think through what his "just fell off the turnip truck" origin means. He isn't stupid, but he doesn't understand any social norms yet. At the same time, I know how that sort of thing can be bothersome. If if gets to be too much don't hesitate to let me know.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Why would that be cheating? There is work to be done. We do it."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Oddball, I don't have any homework. Maybe I could do some of yours. Then you would have time to go with us."
Ready to move on whenever.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Sorry, Canary. I don't know what an opera is. Or Le Cid. But yes. I accept your invitation."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"I will have to try those things. Maybe some of you will want to try them with me."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
The Nightwing wrote: "You will become better at saving people by learning some of the things that they value in life." He says to the more determined people in the group. "And what do you value? What do you do with your life?"
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Those without powers are required to sleep. To eat. I do not have these limitations. I will devote myself to protecting them. That is my life," Sentry says as he bites into the side of a piece of deep dish pizza.
"What is it that we are seeking in our patrol? I have no life to balance."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"We are having hot dogs. But I can get you a pizza."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
OMAX-23 sniffs the air, then points toward a hotdog vendor in the distance;
I'm going to take this opportunity to roleplay that Sentry has never eaten. I mean, he doesn't have to.
"Yes. Let's share a meal in celebration of our success."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Once the officers have taken away the muggers, Sentry will turn to Canary and O.M.A.X-23. "Nothing else. What do we do now?"
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Sentry moves to get the victims to their feet. "Are you in need of medical assistance? I can transport you to a hospital."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
The Sentry seems confused for a moment, perhaps surprised at the response. Then he slaps his hands together with a sound like thunder.
Free action to set array to Shockwave. They resist with Dodge. DC 27. One degree of failure is Dazed and Vulnerable. Two degrees is Stunned and Prone. This is a 30 foot radius sphere, so it will also affect the victims.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Sentry delivers his companions at such speeds that they seem to appear at opposite sides of the muggers. He hovers overhead, his feet hanging just above eye level of the tallest mugger.
His eyes glow with a red light. "Villains, desist and surrender. I am The Sentry, and I will gladly burn you to ash if that is what you prefer."
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Someone is threatening their life in return for taking their material possessions. I apologize if this causes any discomfort, Dazzling Canary."
Wow, I just realized. Is Dazzling Canary a hybrid of Dazzler and Canary?
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"Wait. Someone is in trouble. Anyone want to save them with me?"
He will wait only a moment before taking any volunteers and jetting off.
Setting Array to Flight 16 (which is 8 miles as a move action). Affects Others for anyone who wants to tag along. Strength set to total of +7. Remember I have interpose, so if there is an attack I can intercept it.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"A mind tried to interfere with my thinking earlier and I shrugged it off. Let me focus for a moment..."
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
Any sense of where the threat might lie?
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
"I think we may have won?"
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Well, crap. I was thinking of him being so strong that normal objects wouldn't slow him down, but didn't think to give him permeate. I'll just make it a character thing.
And since OMAX has plans, anyway, let's just do that.
Sentry turns his head upward, "We should deal with the one above first. Of course..." He grabs O.M.A.X-23 in one hand and Canary in another and rockets upwards. Turning his gaze back to O.M.A.X, he says, "Why is this best move?"

Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Sentry is young and impatient. Whatever this Timber Wolf fellow is, his allies have identified it as an enemy. He cocks his head, listening carefully, then moves swiftly into the building to engage with this foe. Along the way, he finds OMAX-23 and says, "There are opponents below. Come with me and face them!"
Not quite sure how far away that is. I'll use a free action to adjust my array to be able to move to there if I can get there without impediment. Also, my flight has affects others, so if OMAX is willing, I will grab them and bring them along.
All-out attack to lower dodge and parry by 5 and raise attack by 5.
Unarmed attack: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 5 = 30
If a 900 foot move will get me there, then that is a DC 28 Toughness Save. If I need 1800 feet, then DC 27 Toughness.
Grab: 1d20 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 6 + 5 = 24 If that hits, Strength or Dodge vs Current Strength (13, so DC 23).
Also, whoops, maybe realizing it isn't my turn. If it isn't, just save this for later? And I can take anyone else who wants to go.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Oddball the 2nd wrote: Oddball takes a few seconds to shift and lash out. She rolls forward and throws another ball her electroball, seeking to see what this fellow did with electricity.
Ball Lightning Ball: Burst Area Damage 8 (electricity, DC 23; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 18, Increased Range: ranged)
That electroball is a burst attack, so you don't need to roll to hit with it. It just affects an area.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
The Sentry hangs in the air, waiting to defend his allies.
Free action to set Flight Rank to 6, meaning I can move half a mile as a move action. If someone is hit by an attack that is not an area attack nor a perception range attack, I will use my Interpose Feat to move to be struck by the attack.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35Super Senses: Senses 13 (Accurate: Hearing, Analytical: Hearing, Extended: Hearing 4: x10k, Extended: Vision 1: x10, Penetrates Concealment: Hearing, Ultra-hearing)
The Sentry takes a moment to seek out opponents, sorting out the sounds of his team.
I can hear everything within 2 miles ignoring barriers. Analytical should allow me to distinguish pretty much anything from anything else.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Is the person who is facing off against Nightwing (I'm guessing Karate Kid?) the only remaining opponent?
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Toughness: 1d20 + 20 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 20 - 1 = 25Using Luck for a reroll. Now have 0 hero points and 0 Luck.
Toughness: 1d20 + 20 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 20 - 1 = 25That becomes a 16, so 35, so no effect.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Free action to reconfigure Kryptonian Array. Flight 5 gives me 450 feet as a move, Shockwave 12.
The Sentry's gaze snaps upward toward Lightning Lass. He moves toward her at impossible speeds, compressing the air in front of him as he goes, the shockwave spreading outward from his destination.
Move action to move toward her, stopping 10 feet away. Shockwave. DC 22 Fortitude save. Fail is Dazed and Vulnerable, Fail by 5 or more is Stunned and Prone.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
How far away from Sentry is Lightning Lass, and how close can he get to her without being in the whilrwind?
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Dodge: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Toughness DC 27: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23-1 to saves vs damage.
Free action: Maintain Grab, Standard action: do Strength Damage (so DC 31 Toughness save vs squeezing for Ferrous), Move Action to ascend 60 feet. Ferrous can make a Strength check vs my Strength. If he succeeds, I don't move. My Strength is currently 18. Not much chance of moving him, but worth a shot.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
I'll go with bound and still holding OMAX.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
The Sentry flies into a fury seeing Ferrous grab OMAX 23. He drops on the metal man like a meteor.
Unarmed all out attack: 1d20 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 3 = 21 Ferrous is blind, so his active defenses should be halved.
If that hits, DC 33 Toughness Save.
Move action to move to Ferrous Lad. Standard action to attack with all out attack shifting 3 from active defenses.
If that hits, then
Fast grab attack check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
If that hits, then resist the grab DC 28 using his Strength or Dodge.
My Dodge is now 0 and Parry is now 1.
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Sentry Will Save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 Yeah, not going to go down on the first roll. Spend a Hero Point.
Sentry Will Save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16That becomes a 17, so 27, so no effect!
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Art Init+ 3 | Dodge 3 Parry 4 Toughness 20 (10 impervious) | Fortitude 15 Will 9 | Perception +17 (Extended Hearing 4, Accurate, Analytical, Penetrates Concealment, Ultra-Hearing, |Vision 1, | Hero Points: 0| Luck 0
Hearing Cosmic Girl threatening one of the few entities he considers a friends, The Sentry responds. Where he had been floating calmly at a great height, he turns his head and right fist toward Earth and moves at great speed to wherever Cosmic Girl is waiting. A sonic boom follows him as he presses the atmosphere.
Using Flight 15 to move to Cosmic Girl, then free action to switch array to Enhanced Strength 16.
"I am not sure what you mean by 'The Frumpy One," but if you intend to harm the one known as Omax, then I will stand against you and you will not prevail."