Full Name |
Psi-God The Sapphire light. |
Race |
Psi-God Init +25| AC [74/94*] TAC[42/62] FF[---] |HP800/800|F+73/93*|R+73/93*| W+75/95* | SR45/55 Mythic| Per +86 |
Gender |
Sapphire |
Size |
Shape Shifter |
Alignment |
No Alignment [ALL] |
Deity |
Herself |
Strength |
0 |
Dexterity |
40 |
Constitution |
30 |
Intelligence |
80 |
Wisdom |
30 |
Charisma |
50 |
About The Sapphire light
The Sapphire light - Elan - Epic Clever Godling{L30} - Psion - Ascendant {L20} - Epic Leader L10 - Mythic Overmind/Champion/Genius T10 [NO ALINMENT]
RACE ELAN Incorporeal(Ex)
N00:SAPPHIRE MIND 0 [Epic/Mythic [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - PSION/VITALIST [L29] [N]
N02 SAPPHIRE MIND 1 [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - Psion L20/Strategies L6 [L28][NG]
N01 SAPPHIRE MIND 2 [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - Psion L20/Strategies L6 [L28][NE]
N03 SAPPHIRE MIND 3 [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - Psion L20/Strategies L6 [L28][CN]
N04 SAPPHIRE MIND 4 [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - Psion L20/Strategies L6 [L28][LN]
N05 SAPPHIRE MIND 5 [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - Psion L20/Strategies L6 [L28][CE]
N06 SAPPHIRE MIND 6 [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - Psion L20/Strategies L6 [L28][CG]
N07 SAPPHIRE MIND 7 [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - Psion L20/Strategies L6 [L28][LG]
N08 SAPPHIRE MIND 8 [Epic/Mythic Intelligent Item /Epic Cohort - Psion L20/Strategies L6 [L28][LE]
Three Words: Psi-God, inscrutable, Leader.
The Sapphire Light, 'Lord of Sapphire Light', is an Incorporeal Demi Psi-God formed from Psionic power and collective faith. A hive mind shapeshifter, known as 'The Nine' reflects her collective minds. Incapairal outsiders she/he often takes the form of a 16' or 8' tall elf radiating pour blue psionic power with black and Electric Blue clothing made of force.
An inscrutable Hivemind mind of minds, incorporeal psionic Demi Psi-God. Who knows what a mind like that is thinking? If you are lucky and mind link to 'Sapphire', You may often hear other voices on the line. Talking with each other as if in a room full of others yet far away. To The Sapphire Light, "Good and Evil, law and Chaos', are just perspectives, points of view of the same thing, myself" Each of her minds has its own aliment giving her points of view.
Init +25; Senses True-Seeing/Aura Sight/Psionics/Magic Detect/ See Invisibility/360 Vision/Psi-Sence 120'/Dark Vistion 120'/Perception +86 [ALWAYS ON]
Linked Telepathy Plane wide' / READ MINDS ALWAYS ON***
Defeat Illusion: Automatically detect any illusion for what it truly is. No Will save is required, and the character doesn’t have to interact with the illusion.
Speed: 40' Move/ 40' flight / 155'x3 Nomad-Teleport-Step Move/swift action, Telepath 650'/Planes wide [Collective]
CMA: +32; {+15Base +15DEX* +0size +0misc}[+4Luck]
CMD +57 {10+15Base +2x15DEX* +0size +0misc}[+4Luck]
Base Atk: {+20/+15+10Base}
Melee: +39/+34/+29{+20/+15/+10Base,+15Dex} [+4Luck]
Ranged: +39/+34/+29{+20/+15/+10Base,+15Dex} [+4Luck]
Unarmed attack None
Telekinetic Force (Ps) [AT WILL] [720lb] [R1200']
Sensurum Powers Always on Incarnated Powers[Always on]
1:Know direction and location 2:Mythic Detect/Psionics/Magic 3:Mythic Touchsight 4:Mythic Empathy[30'] 5:Mythic Pierce the Veils
SR {45} Mythic SR {55}
[Once per round when your power resistance protects you from a power manifested by an enemy mythic creature, you regain one use of mythic power.]
[b]AC [74/74*] TAC[42/62] FF[---]
[10+27**[Back up 13]Armor*+15Deflection*+15Dex+5Items+2Dodge+0NA+0Size+4Luck [+20* Godling]
Crit hit, sneaks 50% miss chance.
Damage Reduction:
10/Epic / [Fast healing 20r Stat DMG 1p per round, all body parts grow back]
AC Powers Runing
Mythic Force Armor [+13AC]
MYTHIC Force Screen +15AC[Shield] [Deflection bonus]
[30x6+10]480+140feat+100Mythic = [720/death on -1240, Godling revive, Mythic revive]
Aging, Hunger, thrust, Mind-affecting abilities [Mind Block], sleep, and paralysis.
Incorporeal creature has no physical body. It can be harmed only by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons or creatures that strike as magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities. It is immune to all nonmagical attack forms. Even when hit by spells or magic weapons, it takes only half damage from a corporeal source (except for channel energy). Although it is not a magical attack, holy water can affect incorporeal undead. Corporeal spells and effects that do not cause damage only have a 50% chance of affecting an incorporeal creature. Force spells and effects, such as from a magic missile, affect an incorporeal creature normally.
*When you are affected by time stop or similar effects that alter your time relative to the manifester’s, you can expend one use of mythic power to take a standard action during the effect.
Str -- [+--][Base --] [Incaoreal No STR]
Dex 40 [+15][Base 29][Legendary body +6][+5 Legendary Gifts]
Con 30 [+10][Base 17][Legendary body +6][+5 Legendary Gifts][+2 Mythic]
Int 80 [+35][Base 50][Legendary Mind +6][+5 Legendary Gifts][+4 Mythic][+2Race][+14 Levels]
Wis 30 [+10][Base 17][Legendary Mind +6][+5 Legendary Gifts][+2 Mythic]
Cha 50 [+20][Base 39][Legendary Mind +6][+5 Legendary Gifts]
For: [+73/93*]{+17Base,+35int+10Legendary Gifts}[+4Race][+1Trait][+2Feat][+4Luck]/[+20Circumstance*]
Ref: [+73/93*]{+17Base,+35int+10Legendary Gifts}[+4Race][+1Trait][+2Feat][+4Luck]/[+20Circumstance*]
Wil: [+75/95*]{+17Base,+35int+10Legendary Gifts}[+4Race][+1Trait][+2Feat][+4Luck]/[+20Circumstance*][+2Psicyistal]
Defence Powers Always on Mythic Incarnated
1:Mythic Adapt Body , 2:Mythic Barred Mind Personal , 3:Mythic Sustained Flight , 4:Mythic Inertial Armor[Mythic][+27AC], 5:Mythic Force Screen, 6:Mythic True Metabolism
01:Dodge 02:Blind Fight 03:Cunning Killer+4Th +4DMG 04:Combat Expertise Combat 05:Harmonic Resonance [Psionic]06:lightning-reflexes 07:Great Fortitude 08:Iron Will 09:Practiced-leader10:A Special kind of leader11:legendary-leader 12,13,14:/15:/16:/17:/18/19Extra Cohort[L26] 20:Uncarnate_Psicrystal
REV-FEATS ->Craft Wondrous Item
EPIC FEATSEpic Path finder
21:Epic Leadership[Epic] 22:Epic Legendary Commander[Epic][X10 followers]23:Epic Boon Cohort 24:Extra Lineage Domain 25:Extra Lineage Domain26:Epic Psionic Focus[Epic][Psionic] 27:Epic Maximize Power28:Epic Dodge1/round, automatically avoid all damage from an attack. 30:Aura of Gold[Morale][Epic] [+1 Luck]
REV-FEATS ->Scribe Epic Tattoo/Craft Epic Wondrous Item[Epic][Psionic]
T01:Mythic Leadership [Mythic cohorts] T02:Mythic Manifesting (Ex) [gain 10 Mythic powers] T03:Mythic Dule Path[Champion] T04:Mythic Dule Path[Genius] T05:Mythic Deep Focus T06:Mythic Fast Step(Mythic) Nomad step as a swift action. T07:Mythic Ascendant Power(Metapsionic) T08:Mythic Powers Known(Mythic) [+10 Mythic powers] T09:T08:Mythic Powers Known(Mythic) [+10 Mythic powers] T10:mythic-psionic-item-Mind 00
REV-FEATS ->Scribe Mythic Tattoo [psionic]
1:Psicrystal Affinity [psionic] 2:Psionic Body Psionic [psionic] 3:Scribe psionic Tattoo [psionic] 4:Maximize Power[Metapsionic] 5:Fast Step[psionic] Nomad step as a Move action. 6:Persistent Power[Metapsionic]
1:Piercing Power[Metapsionic] 2:extra-power-knownpsionic 3:Enlarge Power[psionic] 4:Speed of Thought [psionic] 5:Empower-power[metapsionic] 6:unconditional-power[metapsionic]
-: Psionic Talent[psionic][Domain feat] -: Godling Leadership* 1:luck-of-the-gods {+1 Luck Bonnus, Becomes +2 with trait, on all Saves} 2:Divine Trait Focus
Elephant in the Room Feats
Agile Maneuvers: Use Dex for CMB with finesse weapons Combat Expertise: -9 attack| +9AC Deadly Aim: -9 ranged attacks, +18 damage Weapon Finesse: Use Dex to attack with finesse weapons
Power Attack:
From Items
-:Alertness (Ex)
The presence of a psicrystal sharpens its master’s senses. While a psicrystal is within arm’s reach (adjacent to or in the same square as its owner), its owner gains the Alertness feat.
FROM Weapon and Armor Proficiencyes All simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with all shields (other than tower shields)
Psions: Armor does not interfere with the manifestation of powers.
ITEM: Mythic Epic Tattoo of the Nomad
-:Dimensional Dervish-Dimensional Agility-Dimensional Assault-Dimensional Savant
1:Indomitable Faith = +1 Will Saves 2:Resilient = +1 Fort Saves 3:Quick Reactor = +1 trait bonus on Ref saves.
Leadership {+3 Leadership}
Natural Born leader {+1 Leadership} Rebel leader {+1 Leadership} Ethical leader {+1 Leadership}
--:Cunning+30 Skill Points
Focused Mind[Background]+2 trait bonus on concentration checks Bruising Intellect Intimidate uses Int no Cha Fate’s FavoredAny luck bonus increases by 1 metacreative-talent Manifest Cyristal Daggers Psigifted Power +1ML {xxx} psionic-power-focus[Mind thust] telepathic-talent +2 Saves vs mind psychoportive-talent instant 5' step [Fouces] psionic-theory [+2 Spell Craft checks Vs Psionics]
-=Skills=- 30x[+6class+35Int]=[1230] / 2x30 Background =[60] / 3x30 item] [3x30]
^Autohypnosis (Wis)+83{+30rank,+35Int*^+3class}[+10Item][+4Luck]
^Climb* Incaporal
^Craft(Scribe Psionic Tattoo)(Int)+74{+30rank,+35Int+3Class+2Item}[+4Luck]
^Disable Device+52{+30rank,+15Dex+3Class}[+4Luck]
^Disguise (Cha)+64{+30rank,+20Cha+3Class}[-1race][+10 circumstance bonus][+4Luck]
^Escape Artist*(Dex)+50{+30rank,+15Dex+3class}[+4Luck]
^Handle Animal [/i](Wis)+48{+30rank,+13Wis+3class}[+4Luck][BS]
^Perception(int)+86{+30rank,+35Int*^+3class}[+10 competence][+4Luck][+2 feat][+4 Enhancement Power]
^Perform (Sing)(Cha)+56{+30rank,+20Cha+3Class}[-1race][+4Luck]
^Sense Motive(Wis)+74{+30rank+35Int*^+3Class}[+2Power][+4Luck]
^Sleight of Hand*(Dex)+52{+30rank,+15Dex+3Class}[+4Luck]
^Spell/Psionic craft(Int)+84{+30rank,+35Int+3class}[+2Item][+4Luck]
^Swim* [+4Luck] Incaporal
^Use Magic/Psionic Device(Cha)+54{+30rank,+20Cha+3Class}[-1race][+4Luck]
^Kn (Arcana/Psionics)(Int)+90{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+1trait][+6Item][+10Item]
^Kn (Dungeoneering)(Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item]
^Kn (Engineering)(Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item]
^Kn (Geography)(Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item]
^Kn (History)(Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item]
^Kn (Local)(Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item]
^Kn (Nature)(Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item]
^Kn (Nobility)(Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item][+5Mythic]
^Kn (Planes) (Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item]
^Kn (Religion) (Int)+79{30rank,+35Int+3class}[+4Luck][+5Item]
Concentration [+82][30CL+35Int+5Item+10Item+2Trait]
-=Languages=- [ALL + Telepathy
Clever Godling L30/b], Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier., [b]Class Skills [ALL Skills]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency All simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with all shields (other than tower shields).
Lineage Domain
1:Psionics Domain
Granted Power: Gain Psionic Talent as a bonus feat
Psionic Amplifier (Su): [38/day]
A aura emanates 15 ft. out from you. All psionic powers manifested within the emanation either gain a +1 bonus to their manifester level or increase their saving throw DC by +1, chosen by the manifester when he manifests the power. This manifester level increase allows additional augmenting of the power being manifested. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Int modifier.
Dispelling Touch (Ps): [7/Day]
At 8th level, you can use a targeted dispel psionic effect as a melee touch attack, with a manifester level equal to your cleric level. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level and one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.
2:Thought Domain
You are a scholar and a sage of legends. In addition, you treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.
Lore Keeper (Sp): Beats a DC80
You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack,
you gain information as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your cleric level + your Int modifier.
Read Minds (Su): DC60
At 8th level, you can broaden your mental spectrum to encompass those around you. Doing so allows you to read the mind of every creature within 30 feet as if you had cast detect thoughts. This ability allows you to read the surface thoughts of any creature that you are aware of after only 1 round of concentration. Creatures in this area are allowed a Will save to negate the effect. The DC of this Will save is 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your int modifier. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
3:Time Domain
Granted Powers: You can stop time momentarily and can shift backwards in time briefly as well.
Moment of Pause (Sp): [38/Day]
As a melee touch attack, you can stop time for one creature briefly, freezing them in place. For one round, the creature can take no action and experiences time as if that round never took place. Because the target of this ability does not experience the flow of time it cannot be affected by any event, attack, spell or effect as per the time stop spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Int modifier.
Time Shift (Sp): [1/Day]
Beginning at 8th level, three times per week and no more than once per day, you can briefly shift time backwards. You can shift back no further than 1 combat round or 1 minute of noncombat time. Any actions that took place during the time you shift back before are considered to have not taken place yet, and all actions pick up at the point you shift back.
4:Nobility Domain
You are a great leader, an inspiration to all who follow the teachings of your faith.
Granted Powers, Inspiring Word (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. That creature receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You can use this power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier., Leadership (Ex): At 8th level, you receive Leadership as a bonus feat. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on your leadership score as long as you uphold the tenets of your deity (or divine concept if you do not venerate a deity).
5: Knowledge Domain {feat}
You are a scholar and a sage of legends. In addition, you treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.
Granted Powers: Lore Keeper (Sp): You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack, you gain information as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. Remote Viewing (Sp): Starting at 6th level, you can use clairvoyance/clairaudience at will as a spell-like ability using your cleric level as the caster level. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
6:charm-domain{feat} You can baffle and befuddle foes with a touch or a smile, and your beauty and grace are divine.
Granted Powers: Dazing Touch (Sp): You can cause a living creature to become dazed for 1 round as a melee touch attack. Creatures with more Hit Dice than your cleric level are unaffected. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. Charming Smile (Sp): At 8th level, you can cast charm person as a swift action, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Int modifier. You can only have one creature charmed in this way at a time. The total number of rounds of this effect per day is equal to your cleric level. The rounds do not need to be consecutive, and you can dismiss the charm at any time as a free action. Each attempt to use this ability consumes 1 round of its duration, whether or not the creature succeeds on its save to resist the effect.
Divine Traits 2ed+1/6th+2/10th4+3/14th+4/18th+5/22ed+6/26th+7/30ed+8 = 35TD
Legendary Beauty I (Ex): [1TD] Diplomacy and Perform skills are always class skills. Gains a bonus equal to half his class level to Diplomacy checks made to make a request of a creature that is at least indifferent toward him (see the Diplomacy skill). Additionally, once per day he may make a Diplomacy check to make a request of a creature that is unfriendly or hostile toward him (though he does not gain the benefit of this trait on such checks, as the targets are not at least indifferent). Each time he uses this ability on a specific creature, it becomes immune to this ability until the godling gains a level.
Legendary Beauty II (Ex): [2TD] The godling’s presence lifts spirits and inspires artists. Creatures within 60 feet of the godling that can hear or see him gain a circumstance bonus to Perform checks equal to the godling’s Charisma modifier. Additionally, creatures within 60 feet of him that can hear or see him who gain a morale bonus (from any source) act as if that bonus were 1 higher. Additionally, so inspired are those who work to assist the godling that if a character takes an aid another action to help him, the godling gains double the normal bonus. Source: The Genius Guide to the Godling Ascendant
Legendary Beauty III (Su): [3TD] The godling can focus his resplendent appearance on a single creature, and overwhelm it with his divine demeanor. This counts as a charm monster spell, using the godling’s level as the caster level and with a saving throw of (10 +1/2 level + Cha modifier). 1/day He may use this ability once per day, but may never have more than one creature under the thrall of his beauty at a time. If he focuses his immortal magnificence on a new creature to charm it while a previous charm from this divine trait is still in effect, the previous charm immediately ends.
Legendary Beauty IV (Su):[4TD] Add Charisma modifier as a bonus to his armor class and saving throws against attacks and effects made by creatures with an Intelligence score who can passive them.
Paramortal I: [1TD] Does not need to eat or drink., Paramortal II: [2TD] Never fatigued, gains darkvision out to +60 feet. , Paramortal III: [3TD] The godling does not need to sleep. If the godling has a class that grants spells that normally require a full night’s sleep, the godling instead regains spells once per day (at a time agreed upon by the player and GM). Preparing spells for the day still requires an hour of meditation. The godling ages only 1 year for every 50 years that pass.
Paramortal IV: [4TD] The godling is never blinded, confused, deafened, fatigued, or exhausted. The godling does not age, and is immune to magical aging.
Instinctive Power Manifesting I (Ex):[1TD] The godling can manifest a power instinctively, taking the normal time to perform the necessary words and gestures, but leaving his attention free to focus on other concerns (which may vary from combat to movement to concentration on an existing spell). When he uses this ability, he may manifest a power (with a manifesting time of one standard action or less) by taking a combined move action and a swift action (which must be taken in the same round). This leaves him a standard action free for other acts he wishes to perform, though he cannot use it to manifest a power or use a spell-like ability. Manifesting a power with this ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity (the godling isn’t distracted enough to let his guard down). The godling can only use instinctive manifesting with 0-level spells (as they are simple enough to cast without paying much attention). The godling may use this ability twice per day. Source: The Genius Guide to the Godling Ascendant
Instinctive Power Manifesting II (Ex):[2TD] As Power Manifesting I, but now the godling can use the ability with powers of nearly any level, though he cannot use instinctive Power Manifesting with the highest-level spell he is capable of casting (he’s not mastered such spells to the degree required for instinctive spellcasting).
Instinctive Power Manifesting III (Ex):[3TD] As instinctive Power Manifesting II, but the godling may use the standard action that remains after using instinctive Power Manifesting to take any normal action, including Power Manifesting or using a spell-like ability.
Seer I:[1TD]As a standard action the godling can attempt to gain knowledge and learn rumors about a given topic. This functions as the gather information function of the Diplomacy skill (expect for the reduced time taken) and the godling gets a special check to determine success. The check is 1d20 + (godling level x 1.5) + the godling’s spellcasting attribute modifier. The godling may only make a single check for a given topic, and cannot make a new check until she has gained another godling level. If the godling casts a divination spell with a percentage chance of gaining information (such as augury or divination), the godling adds her spellcasting attribute modifier to the chance of s
Seer II:[2TD]When not distracted (under circumstances calm enough the godling could normally take 10 on a skill check), the godling may examine a spoken statement made by another creature to see if it is an intentional deception or equivocation. The godling makes a Sense Motive check opposed by the speaker’s Bluff check. On a successful check, the godling is aware if the speaker is intentionally lying, concealing the truth, making a partially true statement, or omitting important details that change the context of the statement examined. The godling is not aware which of these evasions is taking place, nor the motivation for the deception, only that the speaker has intentionally avoided telling the whole and complete truth. The godling can only examine one specific statement per round. This ability can be used a total number of times per day equal to 3 + the godling’s spellcasting attribute modifier. Additionally, any time the godling casts a divination spell with a duration of concentration (including those with concentration to a maximum duration, or concentration plus a number of rounds after concentration ends), the godling can maintain concentration on the spell as a swift action each round
Hardy I (Su): [1TD] Do not require food to survive, Hardy II (Su): [2TD] The godling can survive without food or water indefinitely without penalty.
Scion Talents [x4ST][-4ST-2GST]
Channel Energy (Su): [1ST] You may channel energy as a cleric does, using your godling level as your cleric level.
You may do this a number of times per day equal to 1 + 1/2 the modifier of one ability score of your choice
Spell/power - sense (Su):[1ST] Whenever the godling cast’s an area spell/power, she may make a Perception check to notice creatures within the area. This can allow a godling to know the exact location of creatures within a power’s area, but outside the godling’s line of sight
Force of Intellect (Su): [1ST] Your deific heritage manifests in the form of an amazingly strong intellect, which allows you to accomplish things through sheer mental acumen rather than physical ability or natural talent. This intellect also powers a barrier of divine defense which helps protect you from harm. You may add your Int mod, rather than any other ability scores, to your saving throws. (Replace your Con mod with your Int mod for Fort saves, your Dex mod with your Int mod for Ref saves, and your Wis mod with your Int mod for Will saves). You may also use your Intelligence modifier rather than the normal ability modifier for three skills of your choice. Once these skills have been selected, the choice cannot be changed. You cannot take this talent if you already have the force of brawn or force of personality talents
Sigil-marked: [1ST]
The godling’s skin is covered in marks, which may be tattoos, brands, birthmarks, or ritual scars. Once per day, the godling may absorb a scroll or potion into her skin, creating a new mark. (If a scroll is absorbed, it may only have spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less.) The godling may then use the scroll or potion as a standard action at any time in the future, causing the marks that represented them to be erased. Only the godling may be the target of a potion she has absorbed in this way. If the godling could not normally use the scroll, she makes a special Use Magic Device check (against the normal DC to use the scroll), with a bonus of 3 + her godling class level + her spellcasting attribute modifier. Source: Genius Guide to the Mystic Godling
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): [1GST] This talent functions like the rogue ability of the same name.
Retribution (Su): [1GST] When foes dare to strike your person, which is a vessel for the divine energies that make you a godling, you can call upon those divine energies to strike down the heathens who dare defile your physical perfection. When you are hit by a melee attack, you may make a melee attack at your full attack bonus against the attacker. Alternatively, you may cast a touch or ranged touch spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less at the attacker.
Greater Scion Talents [x10GST][-8GST]
Hellish Fury (Su): [1GST] [38/day] As a full-round action, you can direct your wrath at a single target you can see within 10 feet per level. Your anger is obvious to all who see you and may be (but is not required to be) accompanied by a display. the target must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your level + your highest ability modifier) or be staggered for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your highest ability modifier.
Counter Power (Su): [1GST] A godling with this talent can counter the powers of other powerful beings, for a time. The godling can target one extraordinary or supernatural ability of a target. The godling must either make a DC 20 Knowledge check (of a Knowledge skill appropriate to having detailed information about the creature involved) to be aware of the target’s abilities or have seen the creature use the targeted ability. Only a single ability can be targeted with a use of this talent and spellcasting abilities cannot be affected. A godling may use this ability once per day at 11th–15th levels, and twice per day at 16th–20th levels. A clever godling using this power makes a ranged touch attack as a standard action. (This attack may be as simple as throwing a rock, but may also be ranged powers gained through lineage domains, ranged weapons, and spells with ranged attack rolls all qualify.) On a successful hit, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + clever godling’s level + clever godling’s Wisdom modifier) or lose use of the selected ability for 1 round per 2 godling levels. If the attack misses, the godling still expends one of his daily uses of this talent.
Impressive (Ex):[1GST] Once per round as a free action, the godling can make an Intimidate check to demoralize a foe who has just been struck for damage by the godling.
Divine Weapon (Su): [1GST] You have developed a supernatural weapon of pure immortal power. Summoning the weapon is a free action, and it is permanent until you dispel it (a swift action) or it leaves you hand (causing it to dissipate at the end of your turn). You may wield the weapon as any weapon with which you are proficient. It deals 4d6 base damage if used as a 2-handed weapon, 3d6 damage if used as a 1-handed, thrown, or ranged weapon, and 2d6 if used as a light weapon. The weapon deals energy damage of a type chosen when you select this talent (Force).
Immortal Effort (Su): [1GST] As more than a typical mortal, you can call upon internal reserves of supernatural power to put extra effort into your attacks, though such power comes at a price. As a swift action, you gain a bonus to your next melee or thrown attack roll equal to your highest ability score bonus, and a bonus on damage equal to your level. Your maximum hit point total is reduced by half your level until you sleep for at least 8 hours. Nothing short of a wish can restore this loss to your hit-point total early
Guarded (Su): [1GST] SR40 [Devine] The godling gains spell resistance against divine spells and spell-like abilities. This includes spells from divine spellcasting classes, spells and spell-like abilities from creatures that are cast as equivalent to a divine spellcasting class, and spells and spell-like abilities from any sort of outsider. This spell resistance is equal to 10 + godling level.
Improved Evasion (Ex): This talent functions like the rogue ability of the same name.
Counter Power (Su): [1GST]
The godling can target one extraordinary or supernatural ability of a target. The godling must either make a DC 20 Knowledge check (of a Knowledge skill appropriate to having detailed information about the creature involved) to be aware of the target’s abilities or have seen the creature use the targeted ability. Only a single ability can be targeted with a use of this talent and spellcasting abilities cannot be affected. A godling may use this ability once per day at 11th–15th levels, and twice per day at 16th–20th levels. A clever godling using this power makes a ranged touch attack as a standard action. (This attack may be as simple as throwing a rock, but may also be ranged powers gained through lineage domains, ranged weapons, and spells with ranged attack rolls all qualify.) On a successful hit, the target must make a Will save (DC 10 + clever godling’s level + clever godling’s Wisdom modifier) or lose use of the selected ability for 1 round per 2 godling levels. If the attack misses, the godling still expends one of his daily uses of this talent.
Skill Mastery (Ex):[1GST] [13 skills, Can take 10]
Demigod (Ex) True divinity. Become an outsider (native). Leadership feat + Cult of followers, use sending 36/Day Add your level to the negative hit point value you must reach before dying, Stacks with Mythic Hard to Kill. If you are ever dropped to negative hit points, you automatically stabilize. Any time an event would normally cause your death (including taking hp damage that exceeds a sufficiently low negative value), you make a DC 20 Constitution or Wisdom check (your choice). If the check is successful you do not die, instead your hp total resets to a negative value one point shy of dying, and stabilizes. You can plane shift once per day
PSION Ascendant / Nomad / Telepath / Generalist - L20 [Saves +13/+9/+17]
Psion - Discipline-Ascendant
Bonus Feats [X6], Detect Psionics (Ps) Detect psionics/Magic at will, as long as they maintain psionic focus., Discipline Talents (Ps), Ascendant Far hand-Missive-telekinetic punch, NomadBurst-Detect Teleportation, Telepath Mind Link--, Genralist ---, Ascendant-Hide Mind (Su) Cannot be identified as psionic by anything unless its 4 levels higher then her.
Nomad-Nomad’s Step (Su) [Nomad Step] 155'
Swift/Move action you may teleport to a location up to 15 feet away. You must have line of sight to the location and you can bring along possessions that amount to as much as a medium load. The distance increases by 5 feet every psion level thereafter.
Telepath-Mental Intrusion (Ex)
At 2nd level, as long as you maintain psionic focus, increase the save DC of any mind-affecting power you manifest by 1 for every 2 power points you spend augmenting the power, provided the augmentation does not already increase the power’s save DC. For the purpose of this ability, you may spend additional power points augmenting a mind-affecting power’s save DC even on a power that normally does not have any augment options.
Generalist-Bonus Feat [x6]
At 2nd level and every five psion levels thereafter, you gain a bonus feat. You must choose a metapsionic feat, an item creation feat, or Expanded Knowledge. You must still meet all prerequisites for the bonus feat, including minimum manifester level requirements. These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. You are not limited to the categories of item creation feats, metapsionic feats, or Expanded Knowledge when choosing those feats.
Ascendant-Assume Likeness (Su)
An ascendant psion of 8th level can assume the likeness of any Small, Medium, or Large creature as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The ascendant psion’s abilities do not change, but he appears to be that creature, relying on his Bluff and Disguise skills to deflect suspicion. Alternatively, the ascendant psion can simply alter his appearance to not look like himself. In either scenario, an ascendant psion gets an additional +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks when using this ability.
This ability replaces the discipline ability normally gained at 8th level.
Nomad-Inconstant Position (Su) 11/day
At 8th level, once per day as an immediate action when someone attacks you, you can force them to suffer a 50% miss chance. This ability can be used an additional time per day every two psion levels thereafter.
Telepath-Telepathy (Su) 620' At 8th level, you gain telepathy out to 400 ft. and can communicate with any creature, regardless of intelligence, so long as they have an Intelligence of 1 or higher. The range of your telepathy increases by 10 ft. every psion level thereafter.
Detect Telepathy You can detect other creatures within 30 ft. using telepathy to communicate, although you cannot determine the content of the communication.
Generalist-Breach Power Resistance (Su) [35+11]=[+46]
At 8th level, anytime you manifest a power, you may expend your psionic focus to add your Intelligence modifier on any check to overcome power resistance. This bonus increases by 1 every two psion levels thereafter.
Ascendant = Telekinetic Force (Ps) [AT WILL/standard action] Mythic Inherent Power 750Lb at 70mph Range 155'
20th level Ascension The ascendant psion becomes unbodied, The ascendant psion’s creature type changes to monstrous humanoid, and he gains the incorporeal subtype, including the deflection bonus to AC equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum +1).
Psion Discipline ability x2+1 DC50
01:Detect Psionics 60' [Incarnated] 02:Far Hand 25lb 60' 6r {Force} 03:missive 60' 04:telekinetic punch 60'
From Feat[b]
[b]Talents: 5 DC50 [Psionic focus]
POWERS PP343+520=[863pp a day] Mythic/ Epic powers [Max Power Spend 30pp]
So, in a nutshell, she can remake herself with Mythic Psychic Reformation - Discipline Powersand so like a classic picks her powers on the day of combat.
Psion Powers, 1st Level DC51 1pp [5 powers], 2st Level DC52 3pp [4 powers], 3st Level DC53 5pp [4 powers, 4th Level DC54 7pp [4 powers], 5th Level DC55 9pp [4 powers], 6st Level DC56 11pp[4 powers], 7th Level DC57 13pp[4 powers], 8ed Level DC58 15pp[4 powers], 9th Level DC59 17pp[7 powers]
Ascendant Powers
1st – Mindlink 2nd – Read Thoughts [30m] [155'] 3rd – Ectoplasmic form 3rd - Escape detection 4th – Control body 4th - Mind Control [60 days] 5th – Mind Probe 8th – Mind Block 9th - Epic Tornado blast
EPIC POWERS [22/Day, Level 30 DC65], Epic Psionic Powers The following adjustments should be made if taking psionic characters to epic levels, Epic Psionic Seeds
Psionic characters can acquire epic powers. Generally, all the epic spell rules work for epic powers as well, except as noted below for displays.
Psionic characters take the Epic Manifestation feat, which works just like the Epic Spellcasting feat. The prerequisites for this feat are 24 ranks of Psicraft, 24 ranks of Knowledge (psionics), and the ability to manifest 9th-level psionic powers. Just as spellcasters use no spell slots to cast epic spells, psionic characters use no power points to manifest epic powers. Instead, they freely manifest their known epic powers a number of times per day equal to their Knowledge (psionics) skill divided by 10 (round down).
MYTHIC POWERS KNOWN[Change with 1 Mythic power]
01:Mythic Concussive Onslaught 60-foot radius burst. Choose to have the power damage any unattended, mundane objects in the affected area.
Augmented: If you expend two uses of mythic power, the power deals d8 damage instead of d6.
01:Mythic Time Regression 02:Mythic Telekinetic Force** 02:Mythic Reality Revision 03:Mythic Mid Thrust[1/2 DMG on save 04:Mythic Psychic Reformation 05:Mythic Concussive Onslaught [60' Max Power 270DMG round, 30 rounds] 05:Mythic Inertial Armor x50% Crit hit, sneaks 50% miss chance.
06:Mythic Barred Mind {Immunity to non-mythic mind-affecting effects/A non-mythic creature trying to use a mind-affecting effect on you is dazed for a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier (Will negates). 06:Mythic Temporal Acceleration [1 hour] 07:Mythic Pierce the Veils 07:Mythic Read Thoughts 08:Mythic Psychokinetic sphere 08:Mythic Planar Travel 09:Mythic Mind Probe 09:Mythic Cosmic Awareness 10:Mythic Disintegration 10:Astral Seed 1 Day No neg levels
-:Mythic Incarnate [Incarate powers cant be Dispelled] -:Mythic Psychic Reformation
This ability replaces the power list normally gained when selecting a discipline.
Legendary Reputation: From 1st level on as you advance in the prestige class, tales of your exploits begin to circulate. When people match your face with your reputation they are more likely to be friendly toward you. You add twice your level to determine your Commander rating, your Leadership score and any Diplomacy check you make to influence the attitude of any NPC who is not already unfriendly or hostile and gain advantage in negotiations with other kingdoms.
Extra cohort: At 1st level You gain an additional cohort and gain other cohort at 5th and 9th level. [+3 Cohorts]
Bonus feat: An Epic Leader gains a bonus feat at 2nd level and every two levels thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th and 10th). For each of these bonus feats, the Epic Leader must choose only a Leader or Battlefield Feats.
Grand strategist: Beginning at 3rd level, you shout orders that help coordinate your allies to gain additional benefits. Under your direction, your allies coordinate their actions to a much greater degree than normal. Onece per round when you flank a foe, you and allies who flank the enemy with you gain a bonus on attack and damage rolls against that opponent equal to your level.
Domination Domain: Starting 5th level, Upon adopting the Epic Leader class, a character gains access to the Domination domain. The character gains the granted power associated with the domain (Spell Focus Enchantment feat.) and can choose the spells in that domain as his daily domain spells.
Heroic Success: At 7th level your deeds become truly legendary, and you demonstrate your ability to beat the odds even when the situation looks bleak. Once per day, you and your allies can choose to automatically succeed on a single saving throw instead of rolling the dice.
Geass: From 9th a Epic Leader gain true domination and monstrous thrall as spell like ability (see the spell´s description in Complete Divine, page 169). The save DC equals your leadership score.
Trusted Leader: When you reach 10th level, because of their supreme confidence in their own abilities, Epic leaders are not subject to effects that would shake others' resolve. When you enter this class, you become immune to enchantment and fear effects. Your followers will accompany you to the ends of the world, and beyond, any followers or cohorts gained from your Leadership feat are immune to charm, compulsion and fear effects (including morale checks or any effect that makes them lose control or temper).
Mythic Overmind/Champion/Genius T10
Mythic Dule Path[Champion]
Ability Score [+2x4]
Hard to Kill (Ex) [-30]
Below 0 hit points, automatically stabilizes. Don’t die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.
Mythic Power (Su) [25/Day Mythic Power]
If an ability allows you to regain uses of your mythic power, you can never have more than this amount.
Surge (Su) [1d12]
Amazing Initiative (Ex) [+10 Init]
In addition, as a free action on your turn, you can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn.
Recuperation (Ex)
Restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as you aren’t dead. In addition, by expending one use of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, you regain a number of hit points equal to half your full hit points (up to a maximum of your full hit points) and regain the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day (such as barbarian rage, bardic performance, spells per day, and so on).
Mythic Saving Throws (Ex)
whenever you succeed at a saving throw against a spell or special ability, you suffer no effects as long as that ability didn’t come from a mythic source (such as a creature with a mythic tier or mythic ranks). If you fail a saving throw that results from a mythic source, you take the full effects as normal.
Force of Will (Ex)
As an immediate action, you can expend one use of mythic power to reroll a d20 roll you just made, or force any non-mythic creature to reroll a d20 roll it just made.
Unstoppable (Ex)
1 mythic power[free action] immediately end any one = bleed, blind, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, entangled, exhausted, fascinated, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, staggered, or stunned. You can use this ability at the start of your turn even if a condition would prevent you from acting.
Immortal (Su) If killed, you return to life 24 hours later, Linked too Psionic Sceed. Not even mythic and Epic weapons can kill you.
Legendary Hero (Su)
Regain uses of your mythic power at the rate of one use per hour, in addition to completely refreshing your uses each day.
OVERMIND PATH - Psionic Secret
Mythic Manifestation As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to manifest any one psionic power without expending any psionic power points. This must be one of your powers known. If the power requires a saving throw, any non-mythic creatures affected by the power roll twice and take the lower result. If you must attempt a manifester level check for the power to overcome a creature’s power resistance, you can roll your manifester level check twice (adding your tier to each) and take the higher result. You can’t add a meta psionic feat to a power you manifest using this ability. The power is treated as if augmented to your manifest level, should the power allow augmenting.
Champion PATH - Champion’s Strike
Distant Barrage (Ex)
As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to make a ranged attack at your highest attack bonus. This is in addition to any other attacks you make this round. When making this attack, ignore the target’s cover and concealment other than total cover, and add your tier to the attack roll. Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.
Genius PATH - Genius Idea
Perfect Solution (Ex)
As an immediate action when an ally fails a saving throw, you can expend one use of mythic power to allow your ally to reroll that saving throw, using your Intelligence modifier in place of its Constitution, Dexterity, or Wisdom modifier.
1stNaturally Focused (Su), 2edArmor of Force (Su) AC+13 , 3edCrusader (Ex)2x Followers, 4thAdditional Discipline (Su) [Nomad], 5thAdditional Discipline (Su) [Telepath], 6thAdditional Discipline (Su) [Generalist],7th]Ravaging Time (Su) [Universal], 8thCompanion Mythic Ability (Su)[Universal], 9thEnthrall Monster (Ps), 10thBoundless Mind (Ex)
, b]Beyond Morality (Ex)[/b]
You have no alignment. Nothing even gods can detect your alignment, effects based on alignment no longer work on you and you can become any class.
Belt: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of --
Body: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of good luck [+2 Luck]
Chest: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of Nimbleness[5,000gp][Crafted]
Eyes: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of Concentration [5,000gp] [Crafted]
Feet: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of --
Hands: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of Object Reading [Crafted]
Forhead:Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of --
Head: Mythic/Epic Psionic Tattoos of Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of Imperial Army+ Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of Inspiring Rule [+6 Leadership] 50Kgp
Neck: Mythic/Epic Psionic Tattoos of
Ears: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of --
Shoulders: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of --
Wrists: Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of absorbing [2x2500gp][2x15lb][Crafted]
Ring L:Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of Ecclesiarch
Ring R:Mythic/Epic/Psionic Cyber-Art of Suzerain
Leadership Score 148
148: 84th cohort + 1 Millen Followers.
840,000 1st, 94,000 2nd, 42,000 3ed, 21,000 4th, 10,500 5th, 5,250 6th, 2,625 7th, 1,312 8th, 756, 9th 372 10th, 175 11th, 62 12th, 31 13th 15 14th 7 15th
All Followers are Astral Constructs