
The STARPANDA's page

18 posts. Alias of baron arem heshvaun.

Full Name

Antonio Danera




NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7









Strength 9
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 11
Charisma 13

About Antonio Danera

Male Human Vigilante(Warlock) 7
MG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 dex)
hp 56 (7d8 + 14 + 7)
Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.

Melee 2 Mystic Bolt +2 (1d6+1 electric or acid damage)

Ranged 2 Mystic Bolt +6 (1d6 +1 electric or acid damage) or 4 Mystic Bolt +4 (1d6 +1 electric or acid damage)
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 11, Cha 13
Base Atk +5; CMB +4; CMD 17
Traits Clever Wordplay(Bluff),Arcane Temper
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus(mystic bolt), Two-weapon fighting, Arcane Strike, Rapid Shot
Skills (9 points; 4 class, 5 INT) Acrobatics +13, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +11, Intimidate +11, Knowledge(Arcana) +15, Knowledge(local) +15, Perception +7, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +13
Background Skills Knowledge(history) +12, Profession(librarian) +10
ACP -0

Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Celestial

Special Abilities:

Dual Identity, Seamless Guise, Startling Appearance
Social Talents: Renown, Social Grace(Bluff, Diplomacy), Many Guises, Great Renown
Vigilante Talents: Mystic Bolts(electricity, acid), Arcane Striker, Piercing Bolts, Elemental Armor(electricity)


Spells Prepared
0th (at will) Detect Magic, Message, Ghost Sound, Open/Close, Read Magic

1st (6/day) Charm Person, Enlarge Person, Grease, Magic Missile, Silent Image(2) DC 16

2nd (4/day) Invisibility(2), Glitterdust, Web DC 17

3rd (2/day) Haste, Stinking Cloud

Spells Known


1st-Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Enlarge Person, Grease, Magic Missile, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Evil, Reduce Person, Silent Image

2nd-Glitterdust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, See Invisibility, Web, Whispering Wind

3rd-Haste, Stinking Cloud


Headband of vast Intelligence +2, +1 Mithral Chain Shirt, Cloak of Resistance +2, potion of cure moderate wounds, Spellbook
Carrying Capacity
Light 0-30 lb. Medium 31-60 lb. Heavy 61-90 lb.
Current Load Carried 12 lb.

Money 100 GP 0 SP 0 CP


Antonio Danera was born in the slums of the city, one of many orphans living in such putrid conditions. There was no official orphanage in such a place, and orphans were expected to live on the streets with the other beggars and thieves. Antonio was only rescued from the continued life of poverty by a man named Silas Rench, a mage who wished to recreate the slums into a bustling market district. When Silas came upon the group of orphans Antonio belonged to, Silas immediately adopted the lot of them in a tirade of sympathetic tears.
Thus Antonio was shifted from the ruined slums to the home of Silas, a bold mansion that even most of the rich would consider gaudy. Silas saw the potential of another great mage in the young boy, and promptly ordered the education of him, and then the teaching of the arcane arts. Antonio was a diligent student, partly of his joy to learn what others could not and the rest the fear that if he did not learn magic, he would be abandoned once again.
As years passed, Antonio grew to be a young man, while his master, Silas, grew old and weary. Antonio noticed during this time that Silas had become more distant and more paranoid, frequently looking over his shoulder and staying out of the sight of the public. Silas would sometimes disappear for hours at a time, and return back to the mansion without explanation.
One night, Antonio awoke abruptly, having heard a noise coming from the hallway outside his room. As he exited the room, he found his master, Silas, on the ground, covered in blood. Antonio, frozen in fear, was shocked to find Silas still alive, grasping a letter in his hands. Silas extended his arm, giving Antonio the paper, before succumbing to his wounds.
Antonio quickly hid the letter, and stayed quiet about what he had seen. When the body was discovered the next day, Antonio attempted to appear as shocked as the other children. House Thrune, arguing that there was no “true” heir to the manor, as all of the children were mere orphans, would instead be given to them. As there was no disagreement by any other house, the mansion was brought under the control of Thrune, and the younger orphans were evicted to orphanages. The older ones, such as Antonio, were given part of Silas’ riches in order to integrate into society.
It was at this time, after leaving the manor for good, did Antonio decide to read the letter. It was short, the only lines written “The House of Thrune strikes. Seek out Tadloton, and join the mercenary guild there.” Antonio was unsure of who these instructions were for - while they were Silas’ handwriting, the man would frequently write notes for himself. But, perhaps, the message was written for him, and if not, Antonio would still seek them out, for these were his master’s last wishes.
Antonio knew that if he were going to oppose House Thrune, he would need a new identity. There needed to be nothing that could connect him to the other orphans, nor Silas. He could not have any fear of repercussion towards them. Yet, he found that he still wanted to tie himself to them, as a reminder of who he fought for.
Thus he chose to become the Azure Avenger, donning a blue robe similar to those his master once wore. He traveled to Tadloton, and immediately signed up for the mercenary company.

Appearance and Personality:

Antonio bears black hair that he prefers to keep combed and proper, with reading glasses hanging low upon his nose. He prefers fancier clothes and is kind and generous to those he meets. He prefers to work as a librarian, due to his experience in sorting books.

The Azure Avenger dons blue robes that flow freely in the wind, in order to obscure most of his body (to prevent people from observing his physique). An expressionless mask fits over his face. With a keen sense of justice, Azure is willing to fight against any tyranny, but wishes to topple House Thrune most of all.