
The Rural Juror's page

Goblin Squad Member. 8 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

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Just got a shipping email from Lion Rampant, looks like Canadian books have started shipping.

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I'm gearing up to GM this AP once our Rise of the Runelords campaign wraps up in a few weeks, and this volume has me very excited to see what the rest of the path brings. Originally I wasn't planning on running it -- while I found the concept extremely exciting, the high-level play coupled with mythic was turning me off of it (I much prefer running lower-level games).

After reading this though, I don't think I've ever been quite so excited about the direction an adventure path is taking. The opening is great, and I even love those first few encounters against vermin -- I love the contrast of that, after the characters having just witnessed the scene in the city above.

Of special note are the NPCs. The four major NPCs are fully fleshed out with interesting personalities and rich stories, and reading about how Anevia and Irabeth met and fell for each other made me tear up a little bit.

Of course, this leads to the "controversy" that's engulfed this forum about Anevia. I'll put it in spoiler tags so that those who aren't interested in this ongoing conversation can just ignore it.

I really don't get why a few posters feel that Anevia has "to much" going on with her. She was physically a man who, from a young age, identified as a woman, but also likes folks of that sex as well. I think it's important to keep in mind that this is not unusual. I love that, on the one side, we have the demons, creatures of pure malice and hate, while on the other we have a pair of women who, despite their trials and differences, have a beautiful love that's blossoming.

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Cory Stafford 29 wrote:
I have to say that Pathfinder is supposed to be a game that facilites lighthearted fun. The last thing I want in the game is something that promotes the homosexual agenda or any other political or philosophical agenda. I was highly annoyed at having to change the gender of the love interest in "The Midnight Mauler" so I could run the scenario in good conscience. This sort of thing has no place in your typical rpg game.

As a homosexual myself, I gotta say thay I'm feeling a bit alarmed that I haven't been fully briefed on this "homosexual agenda. Any chance you could direct me towards it? I do hate being out of the loop.