The Outlaw Josie Whales's page

108 posts. Alias of Jeremy Hansen.

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I really want to like the use of gunslingers within pathfinder. I think it's an incredibly cool concept and should work. I mean this with absolute sincerity. However for some reason I have this mental block that is preventing my imagination for completely embracing the idea. It's like I can't picture it like I can picture other more typical fantasy stuff. And because of this I can't fully enjoy it. Logically I completely understand this makes no sense. It's fantasy first of all! Also I love star wars for crying out loud!

Has anyone else had similar issues? Can anyone point me in the direction of some good concept art of firearms combined with fantasy?


This is my first pathfinder adventure.

Story is pretty basic. There is a large old fortress which has been magically sealed for many years. Recently a large earthquake rocked the castle opening it up for would be explores and treasure seekers. This is where the PC's come in. However, there is an unknown danger which also has claimed the castle for its own!

I love the way Master of the fallen Fortress starts out. Bam, you’re at the fortress which you’re exploring and by the way here come some vicious dogs to attack you. Perfect for a new GM & new players.

Party(4 1st level characters)

Rutten Vas, Fighter: light crossbow & scimitar

Luna, Elemental bloodline sorceress: dual wielding sickles

Jeremiah, Cleric : Morningstar Sun & Healing domain

Eli Jax, Rogue : short bow

Part 1.

The party approaches a gaping hole in the eastern wall of the fortress brought on by a massive earthquake with the rogue taking the lead ready with his bow. Before they can enter however they are attacked from behind by a 3 rabies infected dogs

Luna reacts quickly and slashes the lead dog with her sickle wounding it badly. Eli sides step in order to get a clear shot and then buries an arrow in the 2nd dog.

No more hits are scored on either end and the 2 wounded dogs flee leaving just one which Rutten kills with a massive shot from his crossbow.

The party has tasted its first combat and now prepares to enter the fortress.

The party moves into the 2nd room on the ground floor and is immediately set upon by a large spider lurking in its web on the ceiling.

DM’s note: I was unsure how to deal with the whole fighting in web thing but I did rule that as long as the spider was using its ranged web attack it was doing so from a the ceiling and could only be hit with ranged attacks.

As Eli Jax was the first to enter I had him first do a DC 21 perception check which he passed (otherwise Spider gets a surprise attack). I then had Eli & the Spider do an initiative roll and then attack. After the first round the remaining party members rolled initiative and moved into normal combat.

Although the combat was more dangerous due to the Spider being out of range for melee attacks the party was able to finish it off quickly using a combination of bow/crossbow attacks combined with Luna’s elemental bloodline lighting strike which came in handy.

After killing the spider Eli Jax spotted a jeweled dog collar and assumed its former bearer would no longer miss it. The first rewards of adventure.

With the first level cleared out, the party prepares to climb to level 2!

I want to make sure I have this correct

pc is dual wielding sickles and has selected two hand fighting & weapon finesse feats (dex 16)

The TWF + using light weapons reduces her attack penalties to minus 2 on each but she gets an extra attack with her off hand so three total attacks at -2 ea but when adding weapon finesse she adds her dexterity bonus so now has 3 attacks at +1 each.

Is this correct and does the dexterity bonus apply to the damage rolls as well?


I am preparing to run a game and was looking at the various other items and pondering how I should incorporate their use.

For example something as mundane as a bedroll? Do your characters purchase these sorts of things and do you add in a benefit/mechanic? For example either an extra +1 bonus due to restful sleep or perhaps a bonus to a survival skill check to determine if indeed there was restful sleep.

As someone who served in the Army and spent many nights in the field I can attest to the value of a good sleeping back vs not having one. It makes all the difference the next day.

Also what about backpacks? Again in the Army the rucksack while a pain the ass is also vital. Do you require its existence for things like carrying torches, collecting treasure etc?

Finally a couple of questions about clothes? Do you make use of any of the outfits available or do you just go with the presumed clothes. If so do the standard clothes every character starts with affect encumbrance?

I've read a couple of threads about starting hit points and there appears to be a variety of opinions with a basic consensus of "use what works for you".

My players and I tend to enjoy hack and slash affairs (meaning choosing combat more often) causing me to want a method which favors higher starting hit points.

I'd like get opinions on the following. We will be mostly running pathfinder modules and adventure paths.

Starting hit points = constitution score + 1/2 max HD. Example fighter with con of 14 would have 19 hits points. My rationale is that starting hit points is function of the character's natural health/stamina (starting con) and initial training (class hd)

My concern is if this would be too many causing the adventures to not be as challenging as they should be.

Thank you

also sorry for double post, not sure what happened

A fighter gets a bonus feat starting at first level and every even level (meaning he gets a feat at every level).

Does the fighter start with 2 feats at first level(1 standard + 1 bonus)?

Thank you

Edit also with skills does putting the first rank into a class skill result in a +3 bonus or a +4 bonus (+3 class skill + 1 rank)

How many times per day can an inquisitor cast 0 level spells?

He knows 4 but I don't see where it says how many per day unlike for levels 1 + which is captured in table 2-3 and adjusted by wisdom modifier.


I'd like to experiment with a single opposed attacking mechanic and would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.

By single opposed attacking mechanic I mean both the attacker and defender rolling to determine the outcome of the attack and those rolls determining how much if any damage was incurred by the defender.

Here is what I have right now.

Attacker rolls 3d6 + his whatever dice he would roll for damage based on the attack + applicable modifier

For example a morning star attack would be 3d6 + 1d8 + strength modifier.

At the same time the defender would roll 3d6 + an assigned dice for armor (based on the AC bonus rating ie 5 = 1d4+1) + ability modifiers.

Both sides total and the amount by which the attacker exceeds the defenders total is the damage.

Note: 3d6 is substituted for 1d20 based on my own preference for having a standard curve built into the mechanic, you could use the standard 1d20.

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated.

I can't seem to find the rules for starting hit points in the core rulebook. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction?


I would like to later this week run a quick mini adventure for 6 1st level characters that is combat focused. Specifically I am looking for ideas for 3 interrelated encounters which get more difficult culminating in a "big boss" type ending (although it doesn't have to be a solo) I would like the series to be challenging and the creatures to not be completely random, ie as above related in some way.

thanks for any help.

Do the stats in the srd already in corporate any bonuses for ability scores? So for example

A kobold has stats of initiative +1 and BAB +1. Is that already including what it gets from DEX 13? Or does that need to be added in?

I am assuming the stats are already including ability score mods but wanted to make


I remember looking at a pdf that was of all the artwork, characters & maps for part 1 of Age of Worms. I am beginning the AP today and would like to print out those supplements but cannot find it anywhere. Any help appreciated.

Is dated August 30th 2009.

I am working on a character with a player and we are wondering how much can be done with quickdraw.

He wants to dual wield but as we understand it attacking with two weapons take both the move and standard action ie you can't move 30ft and attack in the same turn. Are we understanding this correctly?

If so we started working on options such as initially starting with one weapon readied allowing him to move/ charge etc and engage then we he is in a static position, draw the second weapon and attack (quick draw)

But can he for example, switch from a bow to a sword using quick draw?

or sheath the dual swords, take his bow from his shoulder and start firing?

Just looking for some clarification on what can and cannot happen. thanks

I've have seen on this board reference to a different Barbarian rage System than the one in the Beta rule book. While I've read the iconic example I still do not understand how this works. I am creating a barbarian character and would like to understand (as much as possible) how the new system works. Any help would be very appreciated.


In preparation for the release of the Pathfinder Core Rule Book I want to update the classic adventure The Keep on the Borderlands.

I started just by updating the stats for all of the encounters but then decided why not take it further and actually rewrite it, keeping core spirit and things that work and redoing the things that don't. Of course what works and what doesn't is subjective but general this is how I see it.

- Good

- The keep as a base site for multiple adventure and it being a lone outpost is a dangerous land full of monsters and evil

- The Caves of Chaos as a vast network of connecting tunnels which are the home of many beasts some of which are incorporated into a conspiracy of evil.

- Jovial the friendly and helpful priest who allies and then betrays the PC's at the opportune time.

- inhabitants of the keep have been taken prisoner, their whereabouts or condition is unknown, people fear searching after them.

- The Mintaur - just bad ass

- The Church of Evil Chaos - as a device to link adventure into a coherent story arc.

- Bad

- different factions of groups each with separate lair set with no reason or justification.

This thread will serve as a sounding board and I will update as I go along.

My first question for those who have played it.

What did you like about the adventure? What did you dislike? What stood out and if you have or were to make changes what would they be.


Looking through the pathfinder products and I think I have the differences between the adventure paths, modules and society down. However I am confused as to how the game mastery fits in? Is it in addition to?


I'm curious about how different the player characters and rules will be in the core rule book vs. the beta rules? Have an opportunity to start a campaign and would like to use the pathfinder rules. However I am concerned that if we create characters now they will be obsolete or require extreme amounts of rework and relearning in a month. If we continue playing it will absolutely be with the new rules. Having to do a moderate amount of rework is fine and will most likely be enjoyable, however complete system changes will not be. The group will all be learning from "scratch" so big changes will be inconvenient.

Thank You

When a wizard is making a ranged touch spell attack (example evocation school ability energy beam) are there any bonuses added to that attack roll such as Dexterity or Intelligence. How about the wizards BAB?

Thank you

If an attacker without any bonus's attacks a defender without a base armor class (10) isn't the mechanic designed so that the attacker has a equal chance of missing and hitting? If so then why does a tie go to the defender? On a D20, 10 rolls should be a miss (1-10) and 10 a hit (11-20) The same would apply to skill checks.

Am I misunderstanding the basic assumptions?

Does a Human 1st level fighter start with 3 feats? In the fighter table it says the fighter gets a bonus feat but in the description it says the fighter gets 1 at each level, is the 1st level bonus feat on top the standard first level feat. Ie 2, meaning then a 1st level human fighter would start with 3 feats.


on page 104 under fighting styles it says.

"Two-Blade Fighting Style: Because of your
focus on two-weapon melee attacks, you can wield a
one-handed weapon in your off hand as if it were an
off-hand weapon. (Make sure to designate on your
character sheet which weapon is main and which is offhand.)

What the does using an offhand weapon as if it were an offhand weapon mean? what else would it be? Is that a typo?

let's say a fighter has quick draw and combat reflexes.

will using his bow for ranged attacks is provoked with an attack of opportunity/ies be able to switch to a melee weapon (free action) and make as many AoO equal to his dexterity bonus?

thank you

please excuse the simple question this is my first exposure to the d20 rules and pathfinder.

A human gets a bonus feat
and a figher gets a bonus feat at 1st level
all characters get 1 at 1st level.

does this mean a human fighter would have 3 feats at first level?

I am currently starting The Keep on The Borderlands using 2.5 rules but I would like to include a Barbarian Character class. I am interested in some ideas for abilities and restrictions I could use.

Here is a general outline which what I'm looking for.


Some type of restriction on magical items used.
no rods, wands, and non warrior misc weapons

Beserking ability.
I figure I could just adapt this straight from 3.5

sometype of movement bonus.

An Armor restriction
this is the one I having the most difficulty with. I know in 3.5 barbarians can wear up to medium armor but I haven't found anything which specifies what types or armor are medium and which are heavy. Ideally Id like them to be able to be moderately armored. Should chainmail be the cutoff and which side would it fall on?

damage bonus? I'm not sure if this is needed in 2.5 as other classes do not have it and they are able to use magical weapons.

all thoughts appreciated