
The Italian's page

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I am a DM and player who enjoys his digital laptop as an accesory to his tabletop gaming. I know rpgexplorer is doing stuff( am not a fan ) but I saw that HeroLab is gonna support Pathfinder materal, and was wondering when your version of an OGL is gonna be released for them to use. Also, some of us twinkies on the DMGenie have been tryig to convert for Pathfinder, in case anyone wants to assist.

The Italian

Use Kloogwerks. It is the VT that blows all others away. With ventrilo, I played 3.5 DnD for 5 months until I got together with a regular group again. Check them out

If you truly want my copy, you have to sit through at least 3 game sessions with my crew, and then you can have it:)
I live in FL btw

My point exactly.

Except, I am sort of a traditionalist, and I like to actuall HOLD the book
I am reading. And if they just released free pdf, how long do you think paizo would last?

Actually, I think I was swept into the hysteria of it, to be totally honest with you. My 2 gaming groups went into 2 diretions, 4ed and now Pathfinder. I, like alot of ppl, pre ordered both. Now looking back, I wish I had not. I cannot blame anyone but myself, but I can honestly say I was not overly impressed with the "fixes" in this 3.68 version, and am now starting to lean a bit toward a housebrew of sorts, though I wish I wouln not have to because of the amount of rules lawyers who love to quote in the middle of a game:)
Anyway, this was a post on niggles, and was just expressing mine:)

My niggle is that I spent $20+ on a softcover beta, that basicly is saying"hey, we want you to pay us to test this system for us, and maybe over the next year we may change it, and then you can pay us 39.99 for the gold version." Then what, if I want to see a Pathfinder Psionic version, I am gonna have to pay $20+ for a beta, than buy a gold version? If thats the case, I should just stick with WOTC, at least with them I know what I am getting myself into.

Thanks for the advice. I switched from Nitro Pdf to Adobe and it works perfectly now!

Every time I download the pdf's in either version, I only get every other page? The pages are there,but no writing is present. What can I do?


I am in the boat that Pathfinder is the RPG I wish to play in the future. I got into DnD in 1983 and have played it one form or another ever since. But, I have also enjoyed other RPG since, like marvel super hero's, Paranoia, Twighlight 2000, Rifts, Gurps, etc. etc. But I play in 2 diff gaming groups, one that Pathfinder is our future, the other switching to 4th. What I see is that one group is high on role playing, the other on Roll playing. It doesnt make one better than the other, just that ppl are diff. I enjoy PRPG more for my tastes, but I can see teaching a room full of teens 4 ed alot easier. The simple fact is, if you like a rule system that works for you, Its DnD, no matter whats on the cover.

See I have this addiction, when I start to get into something, I must have ALL that is out there. About 10 years back my RPG wasnt much fun at the time, so my FLGS decided to introduce me to a CCG called L5R, what I was told was a Samurai based game more complex than Magic( a game i wasnt a fan of). I bought my little starter deck, a few boosters, and I thought I was ok, until I was thouroughly trounced by the local boys, who had all these cards I had never seen before. SO, being the person I am, and having the resources I decided to go out and BUY my self EVERYTHING related to the game, and I mean EVERYTHING. I bought CASES upon CASES, to the point where I had more cards than every single player in 3 counties around me. A new edition would come out, Order me a case please. And so it went, to the tune of about $3500. So now YOU bastards are trying to sucker me in with all these little subscritions, and the 30% off cover, and 15% off back issues, knowing my addiction, I feel ashamed of the fact that ppl like you are out there.

And I am SOOO glad you don't take PAYPAL, for I would already have bought everything Pathfinder related:)

I am a DM/Player, and can tell you that the most annoying thing is the dependence on Magic items from most aspects of the game. I ran an Iron Hero' game for about 4 months, and the gaming group at the time loved it, for it was more low magic and alot more deadly. I love L5R for the same reason, that the possibility of a rank 1 samurai can really have a chance at a Rank 5( rare but possible). But I also know that most ie. younger gamers want the +8 dagger of ogre slaying, just to say they do. Older gamers like myself have been there done that, and we enjoy the ROLE play alot more, and knowing that if you face an Adult dragon that you should be pissing your pantaloons, not reaching for your Lance of doom.
James, just keep up the good work, and add PSioncs as fast as possible:)

"Yoritomo Gobei, Master of the Ono, salutes his fellow Magistrates"
I love L5R, it kept me roleplaying when DnD took a turd on me between 2nd and 3rd ed. The CCG and the RPG were the reason I went to GenCon in 2000 and ended up with the 3rd ed DnD books signed and played in an RPGA game. I still have a strong love of L5R, and love the combat system, the deadliness of it makes for more sensible actions than" I charge him with my +8 dagger of Ogre Slaying". There are almost no magic items in L5R, except for a select few Nemurami, and You will almost never get your hands on one. Think of everyting as Masterwork quality, and you will like it:) My upcoming DnD game is gonna run with most of the variant rules for combat such as the wound system, so It will be more think before you leap.
My .02

I am in agreement with you that the soulknife may need a redesign. In my gaming group we are currently testing pathfinder fighter, bard, cleric and Wizard, monk and I am the sole PW. We based our idea around the fact the PW should be a truly seperate body and mind fighter. We are currently at lvl 9 and the only other idea we have come up with is maybe adding the Mantle ideas from the ardent class, so I am currently testing that theory out now. But again, Paizo is killing me with no Psi support in the near future, give me some love ppl!

I have a couple of suggestions about the Psychic Warrior v. Fighter to keep them seperate. I like the Pathfinder Fighter as is and am not a fan of your Psychic Warrior mimicing its abilities. I beleive a PW should be a combo of mind and body. A few suggestions
Fort and Will as the strong saves

By Level

3: Psionic Body, a Psychic Warrior receives this as a bonus feat at 3rd level( a must in most Psychic Warrior builds I have seen)
6: Psionic Bond; A Psychic Warrior attunes himself with a single weapon. This bond allows the PW a +1 insight bonus to hit and damage. This increases by +1 at 10,14,18 level. The PW can also call the weapon to hand with an instant thought.( This is iin keeping with the mind and body, and not stepping on the fighters toes of generalized weapon mastery)
9: Battle Insight; A PW becomes attuned to a point where he reacts on an instinctual level. The PW gains a +1 insight bonus to reflex and Initiative checks. This increases by +1 at 13, and again at 17.( A different look at how the Armor specialization works for the Paizo fighter, instead making the PW more instinctual on the battlefield)
12: Ubiquitous Vision; The PW attunement of mind and body has allowed him to be less apt to be caught by surprise. He gains Ubiquitous Vision(as the Power) as a Permanent ability.
15: Psychokinetic Strike; The PW has learned to channel his power through his bonded weapon. As a Free action once per round, a PW can charge his weapon with 1PP to add +1d6 Psychic damage. The PW can charge his weapon with pp equal to 1/2 his PW level
Example: Erik the 17th level PW chooses to charge his weapon with 8pp to his weapon, and on his next strike will add and additional 8d6 of Psychic damage.
With the PW limited number of PP, this ability isnt abusable as it seems
20: Bonded Critical; a 20th level PW has become so attuned with his bonded weapon, that the weapon in his hand gains either the Body Feeder or Mind Feeder special ability.

This version of the PW makes him a unique class unto itself, instead of a variant of the Paizo fighter.
Just my suggestion

Cool Stuff, I am trying to convince the powers that be here at Paizo that if they add Psi stuff right away, I will take all my shares out of Hasbro and invest in in Paizo stock! Just give me some love!

As of now, I dont see a reason to buy into WoTC or the DDI. If you can only get the company line, and the company line is crap, why bother?

I will support Pathfinder RPG only if they add psionics. Without it, well its just ends up being only tolkien crap.

I use it in my more experienced gaming group. Crits dont have a multiplier, they just do wound=CON dam. Only crits on 20. Every 2 levels you gain an extra wound, and Toughness adds directly to wounds. We also play AEG L5R which is a grittier sytem, so it all depends on how your gaming geeks feel.

I support Psionics above all other stuff in DnD. I own all Psionics realted material (Dreamscarred, Malhavoc, etc) and I would own anything Paizo puts out. But to think psionics is overpowered compared to the other stuff is ludicous, just take a look at the Char OP board at wizards for proof of this. I play in 2 diff gaming groups and am the only Psi player and I am overshadowed quite easily in mechanics(luckily I am a good ROLEPLAYER). And if paizo needs a new monetary backer, I am willing to buy stock and shares right here right now, but I would like to stipulate a Psionics core book sooner than later.

I would actually prefer if Paizo let DMGenie do the program. Its the most flexible system I have ever seen, and a DM can also put his whole campaign on it( I have run many games this way) and they are working on a new update to make it even more flexible. So PLEASE powers that be, consider contacting Mad Scientist Studio' about this, you will not be disappointed.

I totally agree, Wis should be the Primary stat for monks, I just used a different strategy for it in my build. I took the Monk's Wisdom at first level and made it used in place of STR for attack and damage rolls.

Instead of basing the unarmed strike enhancement on 1/2 wis though, I used their levels at +1 per 4 levels. As it would take a +10 wisdom bonus to attain +5 equivalence, and at level 1 it would be possible to have a +2 equivalence quite easily, which would unbalance the class.

Except I was saying to give Monks this ability as a class feature around Lvl 6 "Zen Mastery" or some such

Adding additional Qi strikes which emulate elemental attacks would be easy to add using my Qi power pool system. 1 Qi could add an elemental attack for 1 round, (or as some people have stated with my build 1 round/2 Monk levels. Though I could see WIS bonus rounds.) 2 Qi could add elemental burst. I would leave "Bane abilities" out tho.

Yes, use the Ki, Chi, or Monk pool to improve their strikes for a # of rounds would allow them to be versatile in every combat encounter. It works in my book

Like I stated in the band aid thread, I think Wis should be the main stat for Monk. I hate the idea that the Monk should have magic fist amulet or ki straps of destruction. I would rather see them get enhancement to their unarmed strikes based on 1/2 Wis mod, and use a ki pool based(monk lvl+wis mod) to say get some elemental stuff going, say a Ki point to enhance the unarmed strike for flaming,frost,acid or whatever that lasts for 1/2 monk lvl+wis mod rounds. Think about it, a Monk's strength should be versatility, throw in some Ki strikes based on somehow debilitating an opponent, and the ability to use his inner Ki to summon up a flaming fist, or freezing touch. At the same time, the inner Mr Miagi in them should let them ease anothers pain, by say tapping into another characters Ki to help someone heal, or remove blindness, isnt that also what a Monks supposed to do? The idea that they can self buff with their Ki points also excite me. But instead of making the buff enhancement related, I would prefer to see it insight related to make it more flavor oriented.

Just my .02

Fighters and Paladins should get Perception as a class skill. With only 2+int skills, its not like they can max out all the skills at their disposal. I still dont get why they are deaf, dumb and blind to things. Sentries are fighters who just happened to use their skill points to Spot/listen/Perception, instead of crafting armor or animal handling or riding. It won't take away from the sneaky characters, it will just make fighters more versatile.

Just my .02

I personally would rather have a fighter gain access to perception as a class skill. I play Psionic Warriors alot and it irks me to no end how neither fighters nor PsiWarriors cant"spot or listen". What the hell is that, are you telling me that all those guards on duty have no ability to see or hear someone coming? It's totally idiotic, basicly only rogues, monks or rangers have to pull guard duty, because the fighter is deaf dumb and blind.

Squirrelloid wrote:

Getting back on topic:

So Jason, could we get some feedback from you on the following issues:

(1) What is a monk supposed to be doing offensively? DPS? Disabling Status Conditions? Combat Maneuvers?

(2) Monks should receive more bonuses to hit, but how? (Enhancement, use wis mod for to hit, both)? You seemed sympathetic to enhancement - is it enough?

(3) Should monks get these bonuses to hit from items only? Class features? Feats? (Wis to hit as a feat like weapon finesse gives dex to hit). Something else?

There are two alternate versions of a proposed monk fix.

My Monk Revision is more polished and was intended as a 'usable as is' demonstration piece, fixes things I considered issues with existing monk abilities and added the ki maneuver set of abilities to run off ki. It also rearranged a few abilities to make the progression work better.

It does rely on the existence of feats or items to make the monk hit often enough to matter, but I think a Zen Fighter feat (replace str to hit with wis to hit with 'monk weapons' and unarmed strikes) is a reasonable thing, and that the more readily available enhancement bonus was certainly in the works.

I only list it first because Xaaon's has incorporated some of my ideas into a more general framework.

Xaaon's Monk Revision is less polished but has more options. The level progression is rather uneven, but this could be a good start for a rather indepth workover. It requires slightly more work on a DMs part because he has to make choices. (Admittedly, this didn't seem to be a barrier to the Barbarian rage powers). It has the definite advantage of unifying all the ki/qi powers into one mechanic and letting the monk player choose the ones he wants. As far as I can tell, it didn't...

I like both yours and Xaaon's idea's on basic Monk, throw that in with the Wis mod's to hit ala weapon finesse, and the idea I had for Zen enhancements, you can get a truer feeling of the harrier who truly causes havoc on the battlefield. I just think Monk's should have most boosts revolve around Wis, I picture the old school Shaolin or Hindu master who will whip you a new booty hole not based on his physical frailty, but on his ability to know where to hit and touch.

Give the Monk the ability to draw out debilitating abilites using his Ki pool as a boost. Think Mr Miagi in the Karate Kid, easing Daniel-san and allowing him to continue, or knowing how to draw the poison out of someone through his zen mastery. A Monk could and should be a alt to the Cleric class in his ability to help "soothe" the party of ailments. Everyone thinks the Monk should be some kinda of straightforward fighter, but the Monk should be a true utility person, able to be either be a harrier or party booster, do some minor healings.

Also, as an aside, I always thought that a higher level monk should have such control over his body that he should either have Fast Healing 1 or have the ability to negate crits on his person ala how you see some Shaolin Monks able to be "pressed" up on the air on the tips of spear points, or how they can lay on a bed of nails or walk across hot coals with no damage. That to me is the way I see a Monk.

Again, just my .02

In my opinion the Monk is a Wis base character, they are a "Zen" machine. I propose these solutions to the Monk:

1st Level"Zen Insight: A Monk can use his Wis modifier in place of Str to determine bonuses to hit."
6th level Zen Mastery: A Monk's superior knowledge and control of his body allows him to add 1/2 his Wis modifier as an enhancement bonus to his attack and damage rolls, up to a maximum of +5(this eliminates the need for gauntlets, ki straps, amulets of mighty fists etc., only if u wish to add elemental damage. Given that lvl 6th Monk will probably have a Wis of no more than 21(PC characters i am thinking) the enhancement will only be +2 to hit and dam, and you would have to have a 30 Wis to make it +5.

I am also with the bandwagon of Monks should be a debuffing harrier.
I propose that a Monk should have to use his Ki pool as an immediate/swift action when he lands a successful strike to have any one of these debuffs occur:
Blindness: a Monk on a successful attack can use 1 Ki point to cause blindness to occur in an opponent that lasts 1d4+1 round if the opponent does not succeed at a REF save 10+1/2 monk level+wis mod(think Muay Thai elbow strike acroos the bridge of someones eyes,causing blood to bleed into them)
Debilatating Blow:on a successful strike, a Monk can use 2 Ki point to cause the opponent to temp lose 2 Dex for 1d4+1 rounds. The Dex ability damage can be increased by one for every Ki point the Monks uses on the strike.
Hamper movement: On a succesful strike, a Monk can use 1 Ki point to reduce the speed of an opponent by 1/2 for 1d4+1 round if the opponent fails a REF save vs 10+1/2 Monk levels+Wis mod(think Muay THai low kicks to the shin of inner thigh)
Improved Stunning Blow: A monk can increase the duration of a stunning blow by adding Ki points on a 1 point per additional round of stun.

Also, a Monk should have Ki points equal to his Monk level plus his Wis mod.

This wont make the Monk the frontline fighter, but it will make him less MAD dependant, and his role will make him a staple of alot of parties, setting up opponents for the others to take down.

Just my .02

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