Race |
| SP 7/7 HP 10/10 | RP 5/5 | EAC 11; KAC 12 | Fort +1; Ref +0; Will +6 | Init: +0 | Perc: +8, SM: +8 |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed: land: 30 | Starship combat cheat sheet |
Gender |
Gnome Wild Card 1 |
About The House
The House
Gnome Mystic 1
Small Gnome
Init +0; Senses Perception +8
EAC 11; KAC 12
SP 7 HP 10 RP 5
Fort: +1, Ref: +0, Will: +6
Speed land: 30
Basic Melee Unarmed Strike: -1 (1d3-1; critical -; Archaic; Nonlethal; )
Small Arm Arc Pistol, Static: +0 (1d6; critical Arc 2; Stun; )
Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 12,
Base Atk +0 Grp +0
SkillsAcrobatics +0, Athletics -1, Bluff +5, Computers +1, Culture +3, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +1, Engineering +1, Intimidate +1, Life Science +2, Medicine +1, Mysticism +8, Perception +8, Physical Science +1, Piloting +0, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +0, Stealth +0, Survival +8, Profession(Gambler) +8
Long-ago emigrants from the primal fey realm called the First World, gnomes are a vivacious people who have adapted to their tumultuous heritage in curious ways, and evolved significantly from accounts found in pre-Gap records. Gnomes today fall into two ethnicities: feychildren and bleachlings. Easily recognized by their brightly colored skin and hair, feychildren remain physiologically and socially close to their otherworldly heritage and are intensely mercurial, possessed of wild whimsy and a ravenous, reckless appetite for adventure. Bleachlings, by contrast, are believed to be the descendants of those who survived the virulent gnome plague called the Bleaching, which to this day threatens to drain the color and life from any feychild gnomes who don’t constantly seek out enough new experiences to retain their vibrancy. Bleachlings are typically born with monochromatic features, their palettes ranging from black and white to brown and gray. While they are usually more even-tempered than their feychild cousins, Bleachlings have an exaggerated—but only half-deserved—reputation for dourness. How exactly the bleachling adaptation occurred—whether it was an intentional and experimental genetic solution to the ancient gnome disease, a freak mutation, some deific blessing, or something else entirely—has sadly been lost to the Gap, and many feychild gnome researchers desperately attempt to re-create it in corporate laboratories and magical universities. In the meantime, bleachling gnomes continue to pass their immunity on to their children and those of mixed relationships, founding a new subrace that, while still currently a minority, is poised to someday completely replace their parent race— for better or worse. Gnomes of both types usually have spindly frames and large eyes that give them a youthful (and sometimes disturbing) appearance. Both ethnicities remain extremely curious and have a passion for new experiences, yet they often take different approaches to this need for mental stimulation—while feychildren are constantly chasing new physical situations and sensations, bleachlings often find their search for novelty sated through purely intellectual pursuits. As a culture, gnomes rarely build lasting social structures among themselves or other groups. Instead, most gnomes choose to constantly pursue their whimsy and passions alone or with a few close companions. Many feychild gnomes in particular find that keeping interesting friends is a good way to stave off the apathy and eventual madness that is the Bleaching. Gnomes often find it difficult to relate to other races, as their humor and thought processes can seem wildly bizarre to those who don’t share their unique viewpoints or context. As a result, most gnomes don’t expect to be understood, and thus don’t bother to explain themselves, further widening the gap between themselves and others. Yet while they are often complex and erratic, gnomes generally have kind and generous hearts, especially when it concerns their friends. Both ethnicities tend to get along best with humans and ysoki, while finding kasatha and vesk overly stodgy, though bleachling gnomes are also commonly found in the company of lashunta scholars. Feychild gnomes make excellent fasttalking envoys, while bleachling gnomes often lean toward studious, intellectual classes like the mechanic, mystic, and technomancer. Gnomes are most often found on Absalom Station and Castrovel, though their curiosity has spread them across the Pact Worlds and beyond. Strangely, though the elves of Sovyrian are notoriously standoffish to other races, gnomes are not only tolerated but welcomed freely within their borders, supposedly in honor of some pre-Gap bargain forgotten by outsiders.
Curious: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to Culture checks.
Eternal Hope: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear effects. Once per day, after rolling a 1 on a d20, the gnome can reroll and use the second result.
Gnome Magic: Gnomes gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, and token spell. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome’s character level. In addition, gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects.
Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see in dim light as if it were normal light.
Mystic Strike: Your magical power flows into your weapons.
Your melee and ranged attacks count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction and other situations, such as attacking incorporeal creatures.
Theme: Bureaucrat, bonus: +1 int, wis or cha
You’re a civil servant, facilitating the day-to-day operations of a governmental agency and leaping systemic hurdles to accomplish your goals. Whether you’re a minor dignitary in the Pact Worlds, the Veskarium, or beyond, you operate within institutional boundaries to effect change, navigating the proper channels to find solutions and dealing with opposing bureaucrats who block your way. You’re now an adventurer, and the skills you’ve developed as a bureaucrat continue to serve you well in encounters with organizations across the galaxy.
Theme Knowledge: (level 1): As a bureaucrat working for a governmental agency, you have become knowledgeable regarding your agency’s field. Choose one of the following skills that most closely relates to your governmental agency: Culture, Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, or a Profession skill (other Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skills might apply at the GM’s discretion). Reduce the DC of checks with your chosen skill to recall knowledge on topics related to your governmental agency and its specific field of expertise by 5. The chosen skill is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to checks with that skill. In addition, you gain a +1 ability adjustment to the chosen skill’s key ability score at character creation.(Life Science (Intelligence): Life Science becomes a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill you instead gain a +1 bonus to checks with that skill. In addition, you gain a +1 ability adjustment to Intelligence at character creation.)
Straight to the Source: (level 6): You find a common — though not necessarily intentional — thread wherever you go in the wide galaxy: the convoluted inefficiencies of governmental organizations. You have learned to expertly navigate such labyrinthine bureaucracies, bypassing their most common runarounds and pitfalls. Once per day when you gather information in a settlement or other region with a notable governmental organization, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the check and reduce the time taken by half (to a minimum of 1 hour).
Expert in the Field: (level 12): You leverage your knowledge of your agency’s field to enhance your interactions with other professionals. When you spend 10 minutes with a creature that knows about your agency or is related to your agency’s field of expertise, you can pepper jargon and insider knowledge into your interaction, such as name- or title-dropping. On your next attempted Diplomacy check to change such a creature’s attitude or Intimidate check to bully such a creature, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus.
Friends in High Places: (level 18): Throughout your career, you have developed connections with all sorts of governmental agents and agencies, and you can use these ties to further your influence throughout the galaxy.
When in a region with either your governmental agency or a different one with a related field of expertise, you can leverage your status to gain an appointment with a minor governmental functionary. You can usually schedule an appointment to take place sometime 1d4 to 2d6 days after you make your request, depending on diplomatic relations, familiarity between the two agencies, your personal reputation in the region, and any particular NPC’s attitude toward you (all at the GM’s discretion).
In addition, your expertise in your field and experience in dealing with various professionals navigating it have made you famously difficult to outmaneuver in negotiations. After you spend at least 10 minutes interacting with a creature that knows about your agency or is related to your agency’s field of expertise, you can attempt a Bluff check to lie, a Diplomacy check to change attitude, an Intimidate check to bully, or a Sense Motive check to detect deception against that creature. If you succeed, you regain 1 Resolve Point. This doesn’t count as resting to regain Stamina Points. You can use this ability twice per day, but only once per creature.
You understand that what most people call magic is simply an expression of the innate connection between all things, and you intuitively tap into this unseen power to create strange effects. You may conceptualize the source of your magic as divine grace, a manipulation of fundamental energy, or an unlocking of psychic potential, but always with the knowledge that you are a conduit channeling forces greater than yourself. Though you may study, you understand that spellcasting—like all existence—is messy and intuitive, and you specialize in biology and mental systems too complex to be perfectly understood by science. You sense the intangible and exploit your bonds with others, whether to bolster them or bend them to your will.
Connection: You have a mysterious connection with some force that grants you magical powers. The exact nature of your connection can vary widely, and even mystics who share the same connection may interpret it differently. You must pick one connection upon taking your first level of mystic—once made, this choice can’t be changed.Many mystics serve as priests of various gods, and while you can theoretically choose any type of connection with any entity or concept, deities rarely grant connections that don’t fit within their ethos (for example, Weydan, the god of freedom, is unlikely to look kindly on overlords). As such, each connection lists the deities and philosophies commonly associated with it.(Mindbreaker: You use your raw will and understanding of the mind’s structure to crush and demoralize your enemies. You might be a special ops assassin, a psychic interrogator, or a righteous military crusader breaking the enemy’s spirit on the battlefield.)
Healing Touch: Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes to magically heal an ally up to 5 Hit Points per mystic level.
Unarmed Strike: An unarmed strike can be dealt with any limb or appendage. Unarmed strikes deal nonlethal damage, and the damage from an unarmed strike is considered weapon damage for the purposes of effects that give you a bonus to weapon damage rolls.
Arc Pistol, Static: Arc pistols fire deadly, stunning blasts of electricity at ranged targets. They have a two-pronged emitter that directs the electrical blast and a bulky chamber that holds the capacitor.
Second Skin: This flexible body stocking fits tightly against its wearer and can be worn under ordinary clothes. If a second skin matches the wearer - s skin tone, this type of light armor can be difficult to detect. A second skin can also accept upgrades, making it popular for celebrities, diplomats, and other individuals who want protection without appearing to wear armor.
Spells knownLvl. 0: 4, Lvl. 1: 2, Lvl. 2: 0, Lvl. 3: 0, Lvl. 4: 0, Lvl. 5: 0, Lvl. 6: 0
Spells per dayLvl. 0: -1, Lvl. 1: 3, Lvl. 2: 0, Lvl. 3: 0, Lvl. 4: 0, Lvl. 5: 0, Lvl. 6: 0
Source CommandCore Rulebook p. 343
Classes Mystic 1
School Enchantment
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration 1 round
Saving Will negates
Spell Resistance True None
You give the target one of the following commands, which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. If the target can’t carry out your command on its next turn, the spell automatically fails.
**Approach:** The target moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round, taking no other actions and triggering reactions (such as attacks of opportunity) for this movement as normal.
**Drop:** The target drops whatever it is holding. It can’t pick up any dropped item until its next turn.
**Fall:** The target falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It can otherwise act normally.
**Flee:** The target moves away from you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round, taking no other actions and provoking reactions (such as attacks of opportunity) for this movement as normal.
**Halt:** The target is dazed for 1 round.
Source DazeCore Rulebook p. 347
Classes Mystic 0, Precog 0, Technomancer 0, Witchwarper 0
School Enchantment
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration 1 round
Saving Will negates
Spell Resistance True None
This spell short-circuits the mind of a humanoid creature with a CR of 3 or lower so that it is dazed (unable to take actions, but taking no penalty to AC). Humanoids of CR 4 or higher are not affected. After a creature has been dazed by this spell, it is immune to it for 1 minute.
Source Detect MagicCore Rulebook p. 348
Classes Mystic 0, Precog 0, Technomancer 0, Witchwarper 0
School Divination
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range 60 ft.
Duration concentration, 1 minute/level
You detect all magic spells, effects, items, and objects (including those on or affecting creatures you can see), as well as hybrid items, in the area. You can’t detect magical traps in this way, as they are created with additional magic that wards them from this common spell. Each round you concentrate on the same area, you can determine if one magic source you detect is from a spell, magic item, or other effect, and the caster level (or item level) of the effect. You can’t determine if there are magic sources in areas you can’t see, or if there was a magic source in an area at one time but that has since expired.
Source Mystic CureCore Rulebook p. 367
Classes Mystic 1
School Conjuration
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range touch
Duration instantaneous
Saving Will half (harmless)
Spell Resistance True harmless
With a touch, you heal and invigorate your target, restoring a number of Hit Points. If the target regains all of its Hit Points as a result of this healing, you can apply the remaining healing to yourself, as long as you are a living creature. On the other hand, if this isn’t enough to restore all the target’s Hit Points, you can transfer any number of your own Hit Points to the target, healing the target that amount. You can’t transfer more Hit Points than you have or more Hit Points than the target is missing.
Mystic cure restores a number of Hit Points to your target depending on the spell’s level.
**1st:** 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier
**2nd:** 3d8 + your Wisdom modifier
**3rd:** 5d8 + your Wisdom modifier
**4th:** 7d8 + your Wisdom modifier
**5th:** 9d8 + your Wisdom modifier
**6th:** 11d8 + your Wisdom modifier
In addition, unlike most healing, when you cast mystic cure as a spell of 4th-level or higher, you have two options to enhance its effects. The first option is to restore an extra 5d8 Hit Points with a 4th-level mystic cure spell, an extra 7d8 Hit Points with a 5th-level mystic cure spell, or an extra 9d8 Hit Points with a 6th-level mystic cure spell. The second option is to bring a target that died within 2 rounds back to life. In addition to healing such a creature, the spell returns the target to life, and the target takes a temporary negative level for 24 hours. This spell can’t resuscitate creatures slain by death effects, creatures turned into undead, or creatures whose bodies were destroyed, significantly mutilated, disintegrated, and so on.
Casting this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.
Source StabilizeCore Rulebook p. 378
Classes Mystic 0, Precog 0
School Conjuration
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration instantaneous
Saving Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance True harmless
If the target of this spell has 0 Hit Points and is dying, it automatically stabilizes. If the creature later takes damage, it is no longer stable.
Source Telekinetic ProjectileCore Rulebook p. 380
Classes Mystic 0
School Evocation
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration instantaneous
You fling an unattended object weighing up to 5 pounds (less than 1 bulk) at the target, making a ranged attack against its KAC. If you hit, you deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage to both the target and the object. The type of object thrown doesn’t change the damage type or any other properties of the attack.
**Variant: Scaling 0-Level Spells (Galactic Magic Pg. 88)**
At 3rd level, add half your character level to damage with these spells.
At 7th level, increase the damage of spells that deal 1d3 or less damage to 2d4. Increase the damage of spells that deal 1d6 damage to 2d6.
At each of 10th, 13th, and 15th levels, increase the damage of these spells by one die of the same type (d4 or d6).
At each of 17th and 19th levels, increase the damage of these spells by two dice of the same type.
| Level | 1 | 7 | 10 | 13 | 15 | 17 | 19 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Dice | 1d6 | 2d6 | 3d6 | 4d6 | 5d6 | 7d6 | 9d6 |