The Executioner of Lilies's page

4 posts. Alias of Charles Evans 25.


Female 'Daughter of the Morning' High level ranger (but no divine spellcasting)

A cloaked woman stands for a while, surveying the destruction left behind in the wake of the Ch'acks, toying with a lily, a cryptic smile touching her lips.
So predictably the Ch'acks violated the ordering of this place, and by their acts of destruction and chaos have furthered the causes of destruction and chaos elsewhere. Embers flaring in the heart of Aidan, a champion of flame, and the stoking of a lust for vengeance in the heart of a dragon being but the first of the sparks to take fire from what has been done here. They closed the way to the physical world from this place behind them when they left, to prevent the 'Soul Eater' from following, but gave no thought to the metaphysical brush fires that their acts of force and wrath have ignited.
The woman departs, back to the Realm of Dreams, a thing of a shadow and light so old that like her sisters* the interdictions of the ruler of that place do not apply to her.
She is patient. She can wait, forever if need be.

* 'Sisters' in the sense of a sorority... They aren't literally related by blood to one another.

Before he departs, Plantjack catches the faintest of whiffs of a horribly familiar fragrance in the air, and hears the mocking dulcet tones of the nightmare.
Leaving so soon? Tsk, tsk. So uncivilised to depart without any words for an old acquaintance. Ah well. Perhaps the next time you are passing through these parts...
And then he escapes.

For a moment Plantjack has a sense of unease - a feeling almost of the creeping shadows starting to gather of a tormentor he had dared to hope that he had rid himself of a long time ago.
See the profile, though doubtful that Plantjack knew what she was or the extent of any limits that she has (such as the restrictions to shapechanging); just that she seemed impossible to kill and that for a period of twenty seven days she seemed bent on making his life as miserable as possible without actually physically harming him.

Arielle wrote:
Very Tempermental PlantJack wrote:
Plantjack--no, just Plant now--searches his memories. Finally, he decides on a desperate attempt to reach Lynora's friends, particularly those who have a bond with her. He can only pray it works. For now, though, all he can do is rest, and try to regain his strength. He'll need it.

His rest is interrupted by an annoyingly cheerful voice.

"Mom says to tell you that she hasn't forgotten you and to stop being such a drama queen. Oh, and that she's not allowed in the Realms of Dream so you were asking the wrong person for help in the first place."

The person before him keeps changing as he tries to look at her. Sometimes she appears as a small auburn-haired child, sometimes as an older child with blue hair and blueish skin, sometimes as a young woman. The only thing that's constant is her eyes, a brilliant green.

"I've only got a limited time here myself, so no beating around the bush, so to speak." ^.^

Cruelty to sentient plants... yes... very good.

Dark smile.