
Thauma's Obozaya's page

14 posts. Alias of Thaumascourge.

Full Name



Vesk (Briskwander) | HP 24/24, AC 18, Fortitude** +9, Reflex* +5, Will* +5 (s>cs vs fear effect), Perception* +3 (low-light vision) | Speed 25 ft | Exploration Activity Scout| Active Conditions


| Bombard Soldier 1








Akitonian, Common, Pahtra, Vesk

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 18
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Thauma's Obozaya

Acting in combat:

Obozaya puts herself between her allies and danger, unleashing Auto-
Fire from her weapon and swapping to her doshko if an enemy gets too
close. Obozaya Auto-Fires on as many enemies as possible, focusing her
suppressing fire on enemies Navasi calls out with directives.

Friendly Fire: When Obozaya Auto-Fires, she avoids harming up to 2 allies in the area. Enemies who succeed (but not critically succeed) their save against such an attack are still suppressed until the start of your next turn.

Defenses: Obozaya Barricades to create cover for herself and an ally.

Suppressing Fire: When Obozaya Auto-Fires, she suppresses her targets.
Enemies in the affected area who succeed (but not critically succeed) their save against her attack become suppressed until the start of her next turn. A suppressed target takes a -1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls and takes a -10-foot status penalty to its Speeds.


You hastily create a barricade using nearby items, junk, or debris. The
barricade provides lesser cover for you and one other ally, though you can Take Cover to increase this benefit to standard cover. The barricade is flimsy and falls apart at the end of your next turn. There isn’t
normally enough material for you to build a second barricade in the same space unless you’re in a particularly cluttered area (at the GM’s discretion).

Primary Target Class Feature:

Obozaya chooses a single target to bring down while using Area Fire or
Auto-Fire. Choose a single creature either adjacent to the center point of the attack or the closest to you within a cone or line to be your primary target. After resolving the area of effect attack, make a ranged Strike using your weapon against the selected target. Ignore the unwieldy trait on your weapon when using this action. This follow-up Strike consumes an amount of ammo from the weapon equal to its expend, and you can’t make this additional Strike if you don’t have sufficient ammo. If two or more creatures are equidistant or closest, you can choose which one is your primary target. If you successfully hit your primary target with this Strike, then that target is suppressed until the start of your next turn. This Strike uses the same multiple attack penalty as your Area Fire or Auto-Fire action but doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty.

QUICK SWAP: Trigger You are wielding a two-handed weapon and an enemy creature moves adjacent to you.
You can switch weapons in stressful situations to quickly set yourself up to punish incoming foes. You stow your current weapon and draw another two- handed weapon. If you have multiple sets of arms, you can instead choose a set to become active.

commercial freebooter armor (with a comm unit installed).
Doshko +5 (1d12 P, Parry, Analog, Unwieldy, Vesk)
Machine Gun +5 (1d8 P, Analog, Automatic DC 17, Reload 1), Range 40, Mag 20, Expend 1

Auto-fire (area, attack)
You hit each creature in a cone with a range equal to half the weapon’s range increment without making an attack roll. Any creatures in the area take damage equal to the weapon’s damage (basic Reflex save against your class DC plus the tracking value of the weapon).

This damage is area damage. Creatures that critically fail this save are
subject to effects that occur on a critical hit with this weapon, including the weapon’s critical specialization effect. Automatic Fire has an expend equal to the number of targets in the area × 2.

This pocket-sized device combines a portable computer and communications
device, allowing instantaneous wireless communication with other comm
units in both audio- and text-based formats at planetary range. A comm unit includes a calculator, flashlight (emits bright light in a 5-foot radius around you and dim light in the next 5 feet), a browser that accesses any local infospheres, and several entertainment options (including games).

Acrobatics/Thievery/Piloting +2
Arcana/Computers/Crafting/Occultism +1
Performance/Deception/Diplomacy +0
Intimidation/Nature/Survival (Trained) +3
Warfare Lore (Trained) +4
Athletics/Stealth (Trained) +5

Class DC:
