
That Dang Paladin's page

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moosher12 wrote:
Finoan wrote:
moosher12 wrote:
So, today is game day and we're winding up for my Kingmaker game, and I just told my Pathfinder 2E players about how the new Multi-Arm rules work, and boy are they rioting.

So have them make accounts and come here and explain their reasoning for their rioting.

Currently in my mind these people are hypothetical, not actually existent. They likely do exist, but I have no evidence of that. And they should be able to speak for themselves.

And if the reasoning is that they want a power bump that they can use in the Kingmaker game by somehow getting multiple arms on their character, then while that is a valid reason to riot that they aren't getting what they want, it isn't a valid reason for the game developers to change the game rules to give them what they want instead of giving me what I want - which is multi-armed characters that don't break the game balance.

My friends are coming.

Alright, I already have an account; I've been here a long, long while. I've complained about many idiotic, pedantic, moronic, and stupid things that your set of folks love to do.

So, go sound yourself with a pineapple, I don't even want to use the Four-Armed rule. I like my character with two.

The operational purpose of Four-Armed was to enable Multi-Weapon fighting. Gutting it is pointless, if you're so worried about balance why bother having characters with four arms? Just have everyone have two, don't put a badly worded, badly implemented rule- Oh, sorry, as for my reasoning? It's that the action economy for it is pointless. An action to switch arms? What, is the Kasatha you're playing deficient mentally? Do they not understand how their bodies work?

It's like flying with you people, flying doesn't change anything- just shoot the flyer with arrows or spells.

I'd rather you not include multiple limbs at all if you're that scared to let them use their bodies properly. Like flying.