Full Name |
Thal Bearson |
Race |
Ulfen Human |
Classes/Levels |
Hunter (Primal Companion) 4 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium, 6'3" |
Age |
27 |
Alignment |
Chaotic Good |
Location |
Varisia |
Languages |
Taldane, Skald, Dwarven |
Strength |
18 |
Dexterity |
12 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
13 |
Wisdom |
14 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Thal Bearson
Thal Bearson
Favored Class Hunter
Favored Class Bonus +4 Hit Points
Experience to Next Level:
Age 27
Height 6’0”
Weight 170 lbs
Male Ulfen Human Hunter (Primal Companion) 4
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +9
AC 17 (Touch 11, FF 16)(+1 Dex, +6 Armor)
Hp 29 (4d8+4[Con]+4[Favored])
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft
Melee Mwk Greatsword +8 (2d6+6/19-20x2) or Power Attack +7 (2d6+9/19-20x2)
Ranged Javelin +4 (1d6+4/x2/30 ft)
Special Attacks Primal Transformation (4 minutes/day)
Hunter Spells Known (CL 4th, Concentration +6)
2 2nd(2/day):Barkskin, Spider Climb, Summon Nature’s Ally II
4 1st(4/day):Lead Blades, Resist Energy, Longstrider, Cure Light Wounds, Summon Nature’s Ally I
6 0(At Will):Stabilize, Light, Create Water, Purify Food and Drink, Spark,
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 12, Int13, Wis 14, Cha 8
BAB +3, CMB +7 CMD 18
Feats Combat Expertise(1st), Undersized Mount(Human), Outflank(B), Pack Flanking(B), Power Attack(3rd)
Skills (12 - 24[Base]+4[Int]+4[Human]) Ride[4] +9, Handle Animal[4] +7(+11 Animal Companion), Survival[4] +9, Perception[4] +9, Heal[4] +9, Climb[4] +11, Knowledge(Nature)[4] +8, Knowledge(Geography)[4] +8
Armor Check Penalty
SQ Track (+2), Precise Companion(Outflank), Nature Training, Wild Empathy (+3), Improved Empathic Link
Languages Taldane(Common), Skald, Dwarven
Traits Giant Hunter, Threatening Defender, Born Rider
Drawback Provincial
Racial Skilled, Bonus Feat
Carrying Capacity:
Light (0-100); Medium (101-200); Heavy (201-300);
{Light (0-116); Medium (117-233); Heavy (234-350);}
Current Load: 84.5 lbs {74 stored} [158.5 lbs Total]
Combat Gear: (48 lbs)
Mwk Greatsword (8 lbs)(350 gp)
Mwk Breasplate (30 lbs)(350 gp)
Javelin [5] (10 lbs)(5 gp)
Ammunition: (0 lbs)
Magic Gear: (--)
Ioun Torch (--)(75 gp)
Consumables: (2 lbs)
Wand of Delay Poison [10] (--)(150 gp)
Wand of Resist Energy [10] (--)(150 gp)
Wand of CLW [20] (--)(300 gp)
Flask of Acid [2] (2 lbs)(20 gp)
Other: (34.5lbs){74 lbs Stored}
Mount-Related Gear (--)(1300 gp)
Cold Weather Outfit (8 lbs)(Free)
Spell Component Pouch (2 lbs)(5 gp)
Veterinarian’s Kit [10] (20 lbs)(10 gp){Stored}
Mwk Backpack (4 lbs)(50 gp)
Dandy Brush (2 lbs)(.2 gp)
Compass (.5 lbs)(10 gp)
Flint and Steel (--)(1 gp)
Cooking Kit (15 lbs)(3 gp){Stored}
Grappling Hook (4 lbs)(1 gp)
Grooming Kit (2 lbs)(1 gp)
Flask of Oil [5] (5 lbs)(.5 gp){Stored}
Lantern, Hooded (2 lbs)(7 gp){Stored}
Scroll Box (1 lbs)(5 gp)
Folding Shovel (12 lbs)(12 gp){Stored}
Rope, Silk [50 ft] (5 lbs)(10 gp)
Soap [2 lbs] (2 lbs)(.02 gp)
Tent, Small (20 lbs)(10 gp){Stored}
Waterskin (4 lbs)(1 gp)
Bandolier [2] (--)(1 gp)
Jewelry: (--)
Wealth: (3 lbs)
0 pp
172 gp
2 sp
8 cp
Total Coins: 182 (3 lbs)
Sir Bearington, Bear Companion:
Sir Bearington
Male Bear Animal Companion
N Medium Animal
Init +2; Senses Low-light Vision, Scent; Perception +5
AC 20 (Touch 12, FF 18)(+2 Dex, +4 Natural Armor, +4 Armor)
Hp 30 (4d8+12[Con])
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +2
Defensive Abilities Evasion
Speed 40 ft
Melee Bite +8 (1d6+5/x2), 2 Claws +8 (1d4+5/x2) or Power Attack +7(1d6+7/x2), 2 Claws +7 (1d4+7/x2)
Special Attacks Primal Transformation (4 minutes/day)
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
BAB +3, CMB +8 CMD 20 (24 vs Trip)
Feats Light Armor Proficiency(1st), Power Attack(3rd)
Skills (4 - 8[Base]-16[Int]) Climb[1] +9{+8}, Swim[1] +9{+8}, Perception[1] +5, Survival[1] +5
Armor Check Penalty -1
Tricks Combat Training (Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel), Improved Attack, Hunt
Evolutions Improved Natural Armor[1], Pounce[1], Trip[2], Ability Increase(Strength)[2], Magic Attacks[1]
Carrying Capacity:
Light (0-200); Medium (201-400); Heavy (401-600);
{Light (0-600); Medium (601-1200); Heavy (1201-1800);}
Current Load: 395.5 lbs (Light)
Combat Gear: (20 lbs)
Mwk Leather Lamellar Barding(20 lbs)(270 gp)
Ammunition: (0 lbs)
Magic Gear: (--)
Muleback Cords (--)(1000 gp)
Consumables: (0 lb)
Other: (375.5 lbs)
Saddle, Military (30 lbs)(20 gp)
Saddlebags [2] (16 lbs)(8 gp)
Bit and Bridle (1 lb)(2 gp)
Thal & Other Gear: (328.5 lbs)
Jewelry: (--)
Wealth: (--)
0 pp
0 gp
0 sp
0 cp
Total Coins: 10 (--)