Who were you before? - Terri Yolts, a pretty cool jock dude-bro at Panthera High. Star Quarterback of the Panthera High Jaguars(yes jaguars are in the panthera family you nerd).
When did you change? What caused it? - I changed last month, still really freaked out about this all man. I think it has something to do with the aliens that injected me with some weird thing, but it didn't like fully change me till i was almost gassed by The Gambler at the mall the next day, like some sort of weird fear response ya know?
Who, outside of the team, is helping you understand your new body? - Agent Yaves, she's with someone called A.E.G.I.S. you know the dudes who clean up any of the big hero messes and take away all the rad dangerous stuff. Says she's monitoring my condition and her superiors are working on a possible cure.
Why don’t you just try to hide yourself away? - Uh like I've got a life, school, and a girl... er well I did have a girl and a life... Coach doesn't even let me play now cause i'm not 'normal'. What does that even mean, just cause my hand tries to absorb the ball doesn't mean i'm not normal.
Why do you care about the team? - Agent Yaves thinks they can help me get back to well being me, and also they're like supers themselves so can't hurt more right? They also don't run away like all my old friends do just cause I look weird. Explore and get used to my new powers in the meantime ya know.