About *TerraTerra character stats:
terra Human (Azlanti, Pureblooded) geokineticist 4 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 10, 89) N Medium humanoid (human) Init +4; Senses Perception +8 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 53 (4d8+36) {61} Fort +10 {+12}, Ref +9, Will +4 DR 2/adamantine -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 35 ft. Melee . . devastating infusion +6 (1d8+5 {1d8+7}) Ranged . . kinetic blast +9 (2d6+8 {2d6+10} / range 30’ / B|P|S) (includes Point-blank shot) {with overchannel. . kinetic blast +10 (2d6+10 (2d6+12} / range 30’ / B|P|S) (includes Point-blank shot)} . . devastating infusion +9 (1d8+6 {1d8+8} / range 30’ / B|P|S {by weapon type created}) (includes Point-blank shot) . . Kinetic Blast extended range infusion +8 (2d6+7 {2d6+9}/ range 120' / B|P|S / cost 1 burn) {with overchannel. . Kinetic Blast extended range infusion +9 (2d6+9 {2d6+11} / range 120' / B|P|S / cost 1 burn)} Special Attacks kinetic blast
Languages Azlanti, Common, Dwarven
create pit spell for reference:
Duration: 4 rounds You create a 10-foot-by-10-foot extra-dimensional hole with a depth of 10 feet. You must create the pit on a horizontal surface of sufficient size. Since it extends into another dimension, the pit has no weight and does not otherwise displace the original underlying material. You can create the pit in the deck of a ship as easily as in a dungeon floor or the ground of a forest. Any creature standing in the area where you first conjured the pit must make a Reflex saving throw to jump to safety in the nearest open space. In addition, the edges of the pit are sloped, and any creature ending its turn on a square adjacent to the pit must make a Reflex saving throw with a +2 bonus to avoid falling into it. Creatures subjected to an effect intended to push them into the pit (such as bull rush) do not get a saving throw to avoid falling in if they are affected by the pushing effect. Creatures who fall into the pit take falling damage as normal. The pit's coarse stone walls have a Climb DC of 25. When the duration of the spell ends, creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the course of a single round.
backstory condensed version:
Valterra hates her life. Her parents are nobles and so she must behave as such. She dosen't openly rebel knowing that she won't be able to practice her magic if she does soemthing that displeases her parents. So she wears the dresses and her fake life as gracefully as she can with out erupting. She plans to run away one day whee she can forever be free of her stupid parent rules. she goes by the nickname Terra
Valterra is respectful on the outside but on the inside she wants to rip off people heads. Her only vent for her anger is using her oracle abilities. It's the only way she's allowed to destroy things. In the following story I inserted a character for interaction but intentionally left parts unfilled to added later. this is the place to provide a connection to another player. the other person's profession, name, etc are really just left blank to allow a tie-in. more detailed story (a page of her life):
I sighed and simply said, “Yes Mother.” I stared down at my pillow while my mother continued.
I tightened my hands into fists but continued to look down at the pillow my hair making a curtain over my face. “Yes Mother.” I whispered this time in a tighter voice. I felt her hand grab my chin and jerk my head up. My hair fell away and I was looking into her dark brown eyes. I didn’t blink as she coldly said, “You’ll do as your told or trust me you’ll find that this recent punishment is nothing.” I couldn’t stop my mouth. My stupid filter less mouth. “Like being in this hell hole isn’t punishment enough.” I mumbled. I felt the sting on my cheek before my brain had registered what had happened. Have you ever watched tar trying to go down a hill? Even if it’s a really steep hill it takes awhile. That’s how my brain was. It took a minute to register the slap. I had been slapped before of course. Usually once or twice a week ever since I started roaming the streets at night. Something about this slap was different though. It felt as if there was some finality about it. I closed my eyes deeply and felt my fists begin to shake. The pots in my ever so beautifully disgusting room started to quiver and I took a deep breath. I opened my eyes to look into my smug mother’s face. She quickly humped and left through my door. My mother had no idea the damage she was causing. each slap each punch to the face, I lost more and more of my vision. was it the punishment or the fact that I was going blind what got me angry, did I even care. I felt a tear escaping from one of my eyes and quickly wiped it away. I went to the bathroom and changed out of the elaborate dress I had been wearing into loose pants and a matching loose shirt. I grabbed a cord from one of my drawers and put up my hair out of my face. I moved my stuff out of my way then stood in the middle of my bedroom. I got into my fighting stance, the same stance I had been tuaght since I was old enough to walk and started breathing in and out very slowly. Suddenly I made all the pots in my room come flying toward me. I closed my eyes and shatered them all together while I ducked. The shards flew everywhere in my room and I made the pieces avoid hitting me. Next I looked at the wall in front of me and yelling in anger I hurled a block of stone ripped from the floor and blew it out. A servant outside stared at me wide eyed and scurried away down the hall. I slammed another stone block into the next wall. Now my room had shards all over the floor and two of my walls were condensed to rubble. I then screamed as the shards around me exploded in every direction impailing themselves in the remaining walls and shattering everything around me that I didn't destroy yet. I pulled the cord out of my hair and let it fall around me. I grabbed a bag and stuck a few pairs of cloths in there. I walked out of my non-existent wall into a new room down the hall. My room would be cleaned in a day or two. New walls pots and cloths included. Sadly I did this frequently. I flopped on the bed of the new room, and stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly I had the urge to runaway again. So what if my mother said I can’t. I-I just want to leave. Go someplace. Maybe even to the Lower districts this time. I quickly packed my clothes and some money into a backpack and changed into some used cloths that didn’t look as expensive. I left my room through the window and landed in the rose bush that sat under it. I winced as my face and arms got cut but moved around the bush. I avoided the guards around the house and climbed over the high wall that surrounded my family’s house. I landed barefoot on the pavement. There were people all around me and some looked at me oddly as I jumped over the wall but then ignored me. I walked quickly not even noticing where I was going. Hopefully Mother didn’t realize I was gone or at least I hope she won’t find out any time soon. Okay I read this again and realized how much she sounded like Toph >< However awesome that would be no... she isn't like Toph. I don't know how to explain it really but it's diffrent.... she's more.... I don't know.... tame I guess. Inside she's terrified of the world and she's afraid someone will find out so she hides it by being destructive. Any lets continue... Lots of people started glancing at a person behind me. I tried not to look back hoping whoever it was wasn’t one of the big body guard people my mom regularly sent to find me when I ran off. I heard a voice behind me and turned around. "This is going to sound really weird, but shouldn't you be, you know...home? It's getting late and you look pretty young. I could take you back to your house if you want.” I flinched at the sound and I recognized the face. Famous local kid. Hot attractive, had fan girls running after him frantically all the time. Oh look I DON’T CARE!!!!! Now I was really irritated. Apparently I still looked to rich or what ever it was that had made this boy (I couldn’t remember his name) offer to walk me home. I crouched down before I answered him and got as much dirt on my hands as possible then rubbed it roughly onto my face. I now looked like I had rolled in mud. Now, turning to the boy I glared fiercely at him. “First off, I don’t want to go home.” I held up one finger. “Second, I can take care of my self.” I ticked off another finger. “Third and last, buzz off.” I now held up three of my fingers and smirked at the boy in irritation. “Got it macho?” "I'm not actually deaf," he replied, "and despite the fact that you seem to think I'm an idiot, I can understand what you're saying." he glared back at me fiercely, not willing to back down to any opponent, no matter that he wasn't in an arena or on some stage surrounded by thousands of fans. I sighed and said, "I never said that I thought you were stupid. You wouldn't be so good at whatever it is that you do if you were." I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I tended to have some problems with filters. My mother had gotten mad at me allot. I hope she didn't get mad at me when I got home..... I was shocked. I realized then that I wasn't going to go home. I wouldn't. I hadn't realized until now that that was what I was planing. I had just been trying to get away from them. Away from everything that my family imposed on me. A small smile lit my face up. I started saying softly, "I'm not going back. I'm never going back." I was in complete and utter awe. The fact that I would make such a choice. I looked back up at the boy, I had completely forgotten about him. "I-I..." I smiled at him and said, "Today is the happiest day of my life! Thank you so much! I'm never going home! Never again!" I started laughing hysterically and when water started coming out of the sky I tilted my head back to feel it on my face. I had never been allowed to stand in the rain before, my mother had said 'It was bad for my hair.' Or something like that. I laughed again and started spinning in circles splashing through the small puddles that were all ready accumulating. "I'm not going back. I'm not going back." I stated singing happily. I think this is how kids were supposed to feel. Officially the BEST moment of my life!