Lord Raheem Pandisar

Temeron's page

37 posts. Alias of The Friendly Lich.


God of dreams (0 points)





About Temeron

Chaotic neutral god of art, beauty, night, sleep, dreams (including nightmares), amnesia, randomness, strangeness and misunderstandings. He is the patron of mortals' sleep. He gives them dreams, but he also the one who makes them forget about them when they wake up. He seeks to make the world a weirder place, because for him beauty emerges from randomness.

Titles: The Dreamer, Erratic Lord
Home: shadow plane
Symbol: a pouch filled with sand
Colors: all bright colors, especially red, purple and blue
Animals: moth, peacock, lionfish
Weapon: net
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Darkness, Madness, Trickery