
Teiran's page

Organized Play Member. 398 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

So a while ago there was a very good conversation about the interaction of the power sources the designers have talked about, the way certain classes will be updated, and when a particular class will be coming out.

We know that the initial power sources are going to be Martial, Arcane, and Divine, and that the Bard (and arcane leader) will be i the PHB2 and the Swordmage is in the Forgotten Realms books.

The Players handbook 2 will feature Primal and Psionic, in time for Eberron, and that Ki will probably be coming in the PHB3 probably along side the Shadow power source.

I organized things a bit, and made a list of each role and the powersource, and what the best guess we have for what each role/power will be. We don't know them all, but there's some pretty good guesses to be made.

What are your thoughts?

Power: Martial (The Body)
Leader: Warlord
Striker: Rogue
Controler: Ranger (Actually a striker)
Defender: Fighter

Power: Divine (The Gods)
Leader: Cleric
Striker: Favored Soul
Defender: Paladain

Power: Arcane (The elements)
Leader: Bard
Striker: Wu-Jen
Controler: Wizard
Defender: Swordmage

Power: Primal (The Nature)
Leader: Shaman
Striker: Druid (Striker/Leader hybrid)
Controler: Sorcerer
Defender: Barbarian

Power: Psionic (The Mind)
Leader: Ardent
Striker: Wilder
Controler: Psion
Defender: Soul-knife

Power: Shadow (The Unnatural)
Leader: Blackguard
Striker: Necromancer
Controler: Illusionist
Defender: Hex Blade

Power: Ki (The Soul)
Leader: Shugenja
Striker: Ninja
Controler: Monk
Defender: Samurai

Power: 8th Power Source Unknown (???)
Leader: ???
Striker: ???
Controler: ???
Defender: ???

So, in my next campaign, I'm going to be doing something a bit strange. I'll be whisking my players away from their normal adventuring, into the middle of crazy fights through a Summon Adventurer spell. A mage, who the players will meet very briefly in the first game, is going to be constantly summoning them every time he gets into a fight he and his adventuring party can't handle.

Basicly the PC's will get put into tough spots like the middle of a royal court, and be ordered to "Kill the king and cover my escape!" Or, they could be dropped into a swamp, right under the heads of a huge hydra, and be told "Kill it!". Strange and crazy things like that.

I just need a few ideas.

What kind of crazy situations would you drop a group of the PC's into?

What kind of strange NPC's would be on the side of the wizard? I'm thinking of having a Paladain be his most constant compainion, and need repeated saving.

And what kind of wizard should it be?

Let me know what you think!

So, I put this order in on Feb 27th, and it hasn't arrived yet. I figured it might take a bit longer then usual, because of all the discount items, but I think something is wrong.

Any idea what might have happened with this order?

So the new edition of Shadowrun turning out to be a really good system, and I'd like to run a few games for my friends.

Trouble is, I'm new at running Sshadowrun, and so I'm hard up for ideas. Does anybody have a good war story or idea they could share? I've looked over the adventures they provide on the website, but I'd love to know what some long time runners enjoy.

4th edition is coming, and 3rd editon is dying.
So can we please move on to the Bargaining phase please?

I mean, really lets move past some of the craziness that has been cluttering the Paizo boards. Yes, I understand that some people are upset that 4th edition is coming, that things are changing and that bothers people. 3rd edition D&D is a great game, but can we please move past the Denial and Anger stages of this process and get on with the Bargaining? I mean, come on! These boards have become almost unbearable to read since GenCon. Everyone is so convinced that the world is ending because 4E is on its way. “All my old books are useless!” “Wizards is going to go belly up because of this.” “I’m never buying a 4th edition product!”

Fine, if you really feel that way could you please stop posting on the 4th Edition boards? I come to the Paizo's boards because I can’t get anywhere near the Wizards forums from work and I'm dying for there to be real content on these boards. I want to read gossip and rumors about what cool new things happening in my favorite game. I want to hear people who are excited and happy about their favorite game is getting revamp.

Lets start talking about what might actually happen in the new edition. What do you want to see and why, as opposed to bashing Wizards? They gave us an amazing game. They supported it for seven years, and now they're going to retool it and release a new edition. Hopefully it will be better then 3rd edition was. Maybe it won't. Don't like it? That's fine, 3rd edition is a wonderful game after all. If you see no reason to change, then don't. Just please stop complaining about it and let those of us intrested in the new edition find out about what's coming next.

To get that discussion started, and turn this post into something other then a total rant:

The WotC crew at Gencon each had "Ask me about 4E" buttons and were each allowed to reveal a secret about the upcoming game. One of the guys on the D&D pod cast had "Multi Class: Any combo, any level, always works." So, looks like those annoying favored classes are out the window, which is good because my group ignored them anyway. Do you think the new level based race abilities will encourage a 'favored' class in some other way?

Thoughts? Other secrets you might have found out at GenCon?

Does anybody remember this old Black Isle RPG? It was made by the same folks who made the Fallout series, and made for a fantastic PC game.

It might also make for a fantastic D&D campaign if done right. The story was good, there's tons of quests to keep my players intrested, and y players never played the PC game, so the story will be new to them.

It should work out well if I can just figure out the right way to convert the tech system into 3.5 terms.

Anybody got any good ideas on using the technlogy of Arcanum in a 3rd editon game?