
Tegnaz's page

20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Would anyone have a listing or url to a list of all arcane pathfinder spells of the Shadow type?

Thank You

The first power under the Shadow school is called Binding Darkness. I have read it a few time. I could not find if it has a save or not. do target get a save if they are hit with the power??????

Thank You for replies.

On Thur, Oct 2,2014 I placed an order for 6 adventure path books. My order is still pending. I have sent 3 email in an attempt to get feedback on this and received no response. Where and how should I proceed.

Thank You

what would be your picks?

What is the first level a ranger can use a wand of gravity bow?

Thank You for any reply.

Can a Zen Archer use the above abilities in the same round.

example= ZA spends move action to steady gains +4 on one attack. So a level 7 ZA would be +9, +5, +0 when he/she flurried.


I misread thank you for the correction.

Blinded PC would lose his/her Dex and maybe a STR hit as well. So the CMB may drop some because of a possible str hit. I'm unsure on weather a 50% miss chance would apply because you do not make a roll to hit for a grapple check.

I would say that Mirror Image and Displacement do not have any effect on the Barb. Both are Illusions and would require him to see.

As for the rest it all depends on what actions are taken.

Can a player take monster feats?

Could someone please site where in the rules it states that you can't sa a person that is concealed.

Thank You

Where would one find that list of safe wishes you spoke of?

You are the GM. If you say the rod has no effect on the artifact then it has no effect.

In that case would the spell ( Make Whole ) work?

In the text of the spell it states "This spell does not function on an animal or plant with an Intelligence greater than 2" so if you cast it on a familiar nothing would happen. A base familiar starts off with Int of 6.

Many templates

Enraged cr0 4str
Advanced cr1 4str
Half Celestial cr1 4str
Half Dragon cr2 8str
Devil Bound cr1 2str
Giant cr1 4str
Ogre cr3 10str
Primitive cr1 4str

totals cr10 40str

Are the skills gained from the headband just INT skills or can they be any skill????

But could the arcane caster research the cure light to add it to his spell list???

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I came up with a nice one.

At character creation everyone gets 1 rank in every class skill. Why?
Because Fred the Wizard and Bob the fighter did something before they became a PC. Like read books, ride a horse or what ever else.

My 2 cents

Lunge is to powerful. With cleave chain or whirlwind attack it can be abused. It gives you reach.

To me it sounds like lunge would give one single attack with reach. You know like in the movies. The good guy lunges get cut on the arm but still stabs the bag guy in the guts.

just my 2 cents worth