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So in my groups current campaign, we're about to go to war against orcs, trolls, giants and evil dragons. They are based in a mountain and have it completely surrounded.

Our forces consist of mostly human armies as well as dwarves and a few teams of the other standard races. I'm trying to think of anything that could possibly help and a lot of our ideas fall short due to the fact that the bad guys have a LOT of dragons and our side is very lacking in that department (we have one).

So I was hoping someone could point out somethings that could possibly help.

So massive damage is dealing 50% of someone's HP with one hit and then they need to pass a fort save or die. That's awesome and all but what if you don't want to kill them?

Overhealing-If a heal spell brings a target to 150% (minimum 50 HP heal) than the target must make a will save not to be knocked unconscious.

Any thoughts, ideas, alterations?

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In my party's current campaign I play a cleric of Pharasma (Death/Repose Domains) and one party member has acquired an undead horse as a mount. My cleric has made it perfectly clear that he cannot stand undead creatures. Having come across several, he has shown to be fair in his treatment to them by attempting to relieve them of their curse (by means of deity intervention he managed to cure a case of vampirism) before destroying them.

Then this horse comes along and instantly several party members turn against my cleric and claim that he is being over-zealous in his undead slaying as the horse "isn't going to hurt anyone".

My problem is that clerics of Pharasma are suppose to destroy undead they come across, and the Repose domain says that my cleric views them as a mockery of what they hold dear. So wouldn't allowing an undead horse to not only survive, but be around and actively interacting with it risk angering Pharasma?

So am I in the wrong trying to deal with the horse?

In my party's current campaign I play a cleric of Pharasma (Death/Repose Domains) and one party member has acquired an undead horse as a mount. My cleric has made it perfectly clear that he cannot stand undead creatures. Having come across several, he has shown to be fair in his treatment to them by attempting to relieve them of their curse (by means of deity intervention he managed to cure a case of vampirism) before destroying them.

Then this horse comes along and instantly several party members turn against my cleric and claim that he is being over-zealous in his undead slaying as the horse "isn't going to hurt anyone".

My problem is that clerics of Pharasma are suppose to destroy undead they come across, and the Repose domain says that my cleric views them as a mockery of what they hold dear. So wouldn't allowing an undead horse to not only survive, but be around and actively interacting with it risk angering Pharasma?

I'm currently having a debate with one of my fellow players. He claims that if a rogue makes a stealth check, he can remain stealthed even if he is standing in their line of sight without cover or hide in plain sight.

So I've been trying this for a bit, and yes, I know how it sounds. I'm trying to create the Zerg swarms from Starcraft in a Pathfinder game. This would involve creating Larvae, Creep, not to mention a Hivemind.

I decided to start as a Summoner, making my summon into a basic Zergling. As for the Creep I'm trying it as an off-shoot of alchemy. I'm betting the easiest way to do this is through abberations. Anyone got any suggestions?