Sable Company Elite Marine

Tarris Mercer's page

53 posts. Alias of Rojosama.


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Tossing my name out there for this. Full stats and back story are out there on my page, including trait to tie the back story and reason for being on the ship.

Future Plans:
Depends on the party. Most likely staying full fighter. If there is another frontline fighter would like to dip into ranged combat a bit, if not will take up the role.

Honor plays a large part in everything Tarris does or says. Not like paladin honor but honoring ones debts and word. He loathes oath-breakers.

Male Human Fighter


Hearing the Mountain the Rides is fighting, Tarris will withdraw. However he will gladly enter the Archery fearing no man when it comes to the bow.

Male Human Fighter


Find quarters and ask around about those entering both the Melee and the Archery games.

Male Human Fighter

Tarris simply goes about the party, quietly talking to those who know his family, talking of the North, gather info about the current state of the Wall.

Male Human Fighter

And my brother wonders why I don't like to come to court Tarris mutters shaking his head.

Male Human Fighter

Delay next to Ser Orten, wait to see if his men can catch Fox

Male Human Fighter

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Male Human Fighter


House Lugus is it? When you attacked us at the Dannet farmstead you wore no such heraldry. You simply fired arrows, poison arrows hold up the arrow for the gathering to see from the treeline. You nearly killed the merchant Rog, whom I was traveling with. He could not attend tonight due to the poison and the wound still inflicting him, so I came in his stead. Now ser explain your actions.

Diplomacy - 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 2 = 23

Male Human Fighter

Slowly make my way around him, looking for men-at-arms of the House. As I approach the man call out, Pardon ser but I feel you may have lost something upon the road. Hand him the arrow from Rog, cleaned of poison of course.

Male Human Fighter


Good Master Rog took ill after a bandit attack upon the road. Thank the gods, both old and new, that we were able to treat him enough until we got to a proper healer here in the city.

Male Human Fighter

I took archery so I will take up the ranged support role with a gusto.

Male Human Fighter

So we are sitting on two melee, myself as ranged, and one caster?

Male Human Fighter

Level Up:

+1 BAB
+1 Fort/Ref Saves
Combat Style Chosen - Archery - Combat Feat - Precise Shot
HP - 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
7 Skill points

Male Human Fighter

What fighting style does everyone feel we need?

Do we need more ranged?

Male Human Fighter


1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

What are the odds

Think I will take chances and take the heal checks. Can't do much better.

Male Human Fighter


Can I take my roll and then, if they are not enough choose to use my Hero Point, or do I have to choose first?

Male Human Fighter


Ride on till night and then rest, placing watches. Then head out in the morning. Ride until the city.

Male Human Fighter


Hold fast good ser. Let me see if I can find something to help. Now we know these were no ordinary bandits.

Kn-Nature to know if there are any plants around that slow/heal poison -
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Male Human Fighter


Another foe for another time.

If he (the foe) is in range shoot him -
Hit - 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Dam - 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Then tend to Rog, see if I can patch him up a big, at least enough to travel.

Heal - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Male Human Fighter


If my men are not too hurt, hunt the runner down. If they are tend to them first.

Male Human Fighter


Init -
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Fight my bow at anyone who has a bow out and ready, then drop it and draw my sword.
To Hit - 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Confirm - 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Dam - 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (7, 2) + 2 = 11

Male Human Fighter


Just Tarris will do. My brother is a Lord, his son will be Lord, but I am just a man.

I keep my men-at-arms mounted and on watch while I dismount and take a closer look around. Looking for tracks, searching the farmstead for anything or any information I can find.

Male Human Fighter

I am no ser, no knight. I too would like to see what can be seen of this homestead, or what remains. I think we have time if it is not too far.

Male Human Fighter

I cannot unspoiler your last post for some reason.

Male Human Fighter

I would be honored.

Male Human Fighter


How much for the bow ser? I have little material wealth upon me in the form of coin but I may have trade if you'd prefer.

Male Human Fighter


Nay, keep your silver. Have care should you attend your feast. While some hold true to the old ways of honor and guest rights, I fear more and more are forsaking the ways of old. We didn't have a chance to talk the other night on your travel. A merchant I gather? Any wares with a good tale behind them? I've some gold and some trade. I should come with some gift to the Hand upon our arrival, as honor dictates.

Male Human Fighter

I have neither of those skills.

Male Human Fighter


Calm yourself my friend. What do the Lugus say about your friend Hammish?
Do I know anything of the Flowers, specifically Hammish? Or the Lugus?

Male Human Fighter


1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Diplomacy to try and talk to the people of the Inn, learn why they are so quiet. Maybe drop a gold or tow buying drinks to loosen some tongues.

Male Human Fighter


Do I have time to hunt the bandits and still make it to the tourney on time?
If so - try and gather a party of locals to go hunting.
If no - Rest the night and ride out in the morning, tell them I will inform the Lords once I reach the Landing.

Male Human Fighter


I will travel with the group, and be glad of the company, but keep a strong eye on my goods and coin.

Male Human Fighter


Rest a day or two, til my man feels strong enough to ride. Then set out south again to catch up to the train coming from Winterfell.

Male Human Fighter


Add this new information to the message on the ravens.

Male Human Fighter

I have neither of those so I will accept what help I can.

Male Human Fighter


Take a night to tend to my wounded and resupply here, then head out in the morning. Ask that they send a raven to both Whitehall (my home) and Winterfell to tell them of the wilding raiders in the wood around here.

Male Human Fighter


Continue along, watching out for my wounded man. Keep heading to meet up with the folks in Winterfell.

Male Human Fighter


Loot what I can/need from the dead. Set up camp here, tend to my man.
Anyone better suited to bind these wounds?
If no one is then continue to aid the wounded man while leaving the other 3 men-at-arms on watch and Ethan is tending to the animals.

Male Human Fighter


Heal -
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

was that loot, the Valarian Steel Handaxe, on one of the wildings I dropped or one that ran away?

Male Human Fighter


Launch some pot shots at them as the flee, set camp and watches.

Male Human Fighter

. . .

Male Human Fighter

What is my timeframe? If I spend time riding them down, can I still catch the main body of Lord Stark?

If yes - Ride them down with any men at arms not wounded
If no - Fire a couple of shots to scare them off and tend to my wounded.

Male Human Fighter

I added in the favored enemy already

Int - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Male Human Fighter


Draw and fire bow at the wilding with the longbow
To Hit - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Dam - 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Call out Ho! They are upon us. Ethan, your bow. Men have at them!

Drop bow, draw Foe Seeker and close with the nearest wildling.

Male Human Fighter

Perception - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Male Human Fighter


More nobles are their pretty fights. Does the realm really need another war? We only just finished the last two.

Men, keep yourselves ready, this does not bode well for travel on the Kings Road. Ethan, keep your bow handy at all times.

Continue to travel south, keeping the trails paralleling the Kings Road when possible, and only use the main road what needed.

Male Human Fighter

I've tangled with wildlings often enough, my lands sit in the shadow of the Wall, just off the Gift. White walkers? Like in the old stories? Gah. Wean-mother tales to scare wee ones into bed. I seek the Wall for my own path. They say even the lowest born can rise high in the brotherhood. Fancy parties and noble ladies have never been to my taste. I much prefer a fire and a horn o' mead. Let's talk of the Wall. How does it fare? Tarris spends to rest of the night swapping tales with ranger. Wildlings, tales, the lands, the Old Bear, the First Ranger, all tales flow freely as does the mead.

Male Human Fighter

Of course. Innkeep, a round for the Watch if you please, something with a bit of fire to it to keep the chill at bay. Tarris tosses a gold to the innkeep to cover his meal and the round of drinks.

Alas I cannot stay long, but maybe this night we can share a meal, aye and some mead, and you can tell me of the Wall. It is my hope to make my way up there following the appointment of the new Hand.

Male Human Fighter

Always around, but never within reach.
A man of the Night's Watch should never lack for company, mind if I join you? Tarris slides into a seat near to black brother, and glances at his charges.

More men for the Wall? Would that I could follow. Too few men stide upon the Wall I hear, and too many dogs, aye. Let me buy you a round, some food perhaps.

Male Human Fighter

All I wanted to do was leave, and now I am pulled back into the politics of the kingdoms. . .

Brother, you know we must go, I am needed here and my son is not yet old enough to even squire. Aside, you have always been the better knight than I, even without the title. I know you had plans to leave, but do me this last honor, I pray you. Lucas turns to around, letter in hand. Another tourney. . . that would make what, 7? 8? I've lost count. With a sigh and a shake of his head, Tarris squares his shoulders, as if adjusting himself to a new weight, he raises his chin and nods to his brother.
Aye. The House still comes first, I have spoken no vows. Three weeks time? I must leave soon, I assume you've made arrangements? I'd rather not take a full set of retainers if I may. Walking to the tower's small window, Tarris looks out upon the Wolf's Wood, the truest home he has ever known. How how long will it be afore I step into my home again? Months? Years?

I know, a great host is streaming out of the north as we speak. The Lord of Winterfell has set his own train moving. I've set four men-at-arms to travel with you, and Ethan is to squire for you. I trust you won't object? His father served loyally during the rebellion and the lad is of age. Ethan Rivers. . . aye his father served loyally, up until a wildling axe took him.

Ethan will do. When are we to set out? The morrow?

Yes. One more thing. Tarris. . . you remember Marric? What? Of course I remember my brother. I remember him falling under the blade of an ironborn.

Aye, what of him? Lucas strides briskly over to the mantle and pulls down a very familiar scabbard and blade.

I was never half the swordsman he was, nor you. It was his wish, and mine, that this honor pass to you. As he turns, he holds out the blade in one hand. Honor . . the fickle mistress indeed. To wield this blade, this curse. . .

You know I never wanted this, however I will honor his last wish. I will take the blade south and use it for the House, with pride. Foe Seeker . . . ah Marric you noble fool. Ever did you know my dreams.

I must pack and ready myself. With that Tarris gathers up his new blade and turns to leave.

Tarris, brother, Honor in life. . . Lucas says.
. . . Honor in death, brother. Tarris replies, sadness clear in his voice.

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