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Adam Daigle wrote:
Rides Water wrote:
Insane KillMaster wrote:

Star Stelae Questions

  • Does the Star Stelae consist of the steps and pedestal as shown on Page 7?

  • Would walking onto the stairs qualify as touching a Star Stelae for purposes of triggering the telepathic connection? If not, should this touching be much a more deliberate hand-to-pillar kind of thing?

  • Do the symbols of Hastur need to be held in hand, worn, or can they just be anywhere on the person (like stored in a backpack)?

Right now a cleric has six symbols of Hastur tucked into his backpack. He definitely doesn't want to wear one and is totally unlikely to pull them out when near the Star Stelae. I really want to have the PCs learn about the abilities of the Stelae because I think it will be a hook to make them want to discover more and add to the desire to chase down Lowls; however, I don't want to do it in a manner that goes against their intended design.

Perhaps they are only to be understood by characters with a leaning towards the occult and not stumbled upon by someone lucky/unlucky enough to be carrying a symbol of Hastur in the right place?

The intention is that a character has to touch the actual stela, not just its base, and it should be deliberate. I think just having a Yellow Sign on one's person should be enough. You don't necessarily need to be wearing it openly.

It would work best if the PCs tried to actively investigate the Star Stelae, but having them just happen to touch one of these weird monuments and get a flash of insight doesn't hurt.

Another thing to mention is that if the PCs defeat Melisenn and acquire her copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts, studying the book would likely reveal more insight on the capabilities of the Star Stelae.

"Melisenn got her hands on the copy of the Pnakotic Manuscripts the count owned, where she found confirmation of a primordial connection between the cult of Hastur and the trio of Star Stelae erected in Thrushmoor."

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For those of you incorporating elements of the Horror Adventures book, I came up with a corruption that might work well if any of your players go down a darker road at some point.

This is essentially a variant on the ghoul corruption, but I added elements of the seeded creature template therein.


Seeded corruption stems from a desire for forbidden lore and dark rituals never meant for mortal minds. It can also be contracted through knowledge of the Great Old One Xhamen-Dor.


You have a desire to share forbidden lore with suitable hosts. Each week, you must share the knowledge of Xhamen-Dor with another sentient creature and spread the seedborne infection to them.

After a week, if you haven’t corrupted another creature through some other means you must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 15 + your manifestation level) each day until you’ve spread enough of the infection. If you fail the save, you feel a burning desire to discuss the lore of Xhamen-Dor. When in this state, if a creature listens to you speak about Xhamen-Dor for at least 30 minutes, they must make a save against the seedborne consumption manifestation, even if you do not possess it. Additionally, the next time you sleep you emit a cloud of spores that expose other creatures within 30 feet to seedborne consumption (DC = 10 + ½ your HD + your Charisma modifier). If you corrupt an innocent creature through either of these methods, your corruption progresses to the next stage.

If circumstances make it impossible to spread the infection you start to slip into madness, taking 1 sanity damage per hour, and you continue to desire spreading the infection until you infect at least 1 creature. If your allies are able to restrain you and provide sentient creatures to corrupt, your corruption doesn’t progress. However, the DC of the Will save against your corruption progressing increases by 2. These increases stack each time this occurs, and they last until your corruption reaches the next corruption stage.

In addition to sharing knowledge, you can’t resist attempting to discover dark secrets. Whenever you are in a library or see a book or journal you’ve never read, you must spend time reading to extract any potential secrets you can.

Corruption Stage 1: Once you corrupt 1 suitable host your alignment shifts one step toward evil and spells that detect undead or plants sense you, though the peculiar result they return informs the caster that you’re still a living non-plant creature. Other spells and effects don’t treat you as undead or a plant. You can use speak with plants at will as a spell-like ability.

Corruption Stage 2: The second time, your alignment shifts another step toward evil and you are affected by spells and abilities as if your creature type were undead or plant (including effects like bane and the favored enemy class feature). This doesn’t grant you any of the immunities of being undead or a plant, nor does it make you immune to effects that target living creatures or change how negative and positive energy affect you.

Corruption Stage 3: The third time, you become an NPC seeded creature under the GM’s control.

Removing the Corruption

Curing a seeded creature requires a special occult ritual to remove the parasitic infestation or use of a miracle spell.


Lurker in Darkness
Gift: You gain darkvision 60ft. If you already have darkvision, this increases your darkvision by 30ft

Stain: You take a –4 penalty on saves to resist seeded corruption.

Fungal Armor
Your flesh is unnaturally tough.

Gift: You gain a +2 bonus to your natural armor. At manifestation level 5th, this bonus increases by 1.

Stain: Your body begins to decay and makes it harder for you to move. You take a –2 penalty to your Dexterity score.

Fungal Defense
Gift: You gain channel resistance +4 and damage reduction 5/bludgeoning or slashing.

Stain: You take a –4 penalty on Fortitude saves to resist diseases.

Improved Fungal Defense
Prerequisite(s): Fungal defenses, manifestation level 5th.

Gift: You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects, cold resistance 10, and electricity resistance 10.

Stain: You take a –2 penalty to your Charisma score.

Greater Fungal Defense
Prerequisite(s): Improved fungal defense; manifestation level 8

Gift: You gain fast healing 5

Stain: Whenever you take damage from a positive energy source, you are frightened for 1 round.

Fungal Limb
Gift: You grow an extra limb. This functions as a tendril secondary natural attack that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. You also gain a climb speed equal to your base land speed. Your tendril also has the grab special ability and a reach of 10 feet. Attacks with your tendril are treated as evil and magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Stain: You are treated as an undead creature when subjected to channel energy, cure spells, and inflict spells.

Insidious Mind
Prerequisite(s): Seedborne consumption, Manifestation level 4th

Gift: When you succeed a saving throw against a psychic charm or compulsion, or any type of mind-affection spell or spell-like ability your dreams of dark lore infect the spellcaster’s mind exposing him to your seedborne consumption.

Stain: You take a -2 penalty to your Charisma score

Extra Fungal Limb
Prerequisite(s): Fungal limb, seedborne consumption, manifestation level 6th.

Gift: You gain an additional tendril. Your climb speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally, when you succeed at pinning a foe, you can spend a swift action to tie up the foe with a tendril. Doing this causes you to lose 1 tendril attack and you can only have one creature tied up at a time. Every round they remain tied up they are exposed to your seedborne consumption manifestation. The tendrils have hardness 5 and 10 hit points. If a creature tears free or destroys a tendril, it grows back in 1 minute.

Stain: You take a –2 penalty on attacks with manufactured weapons and on all ranged attacks.

Death Burst
Prerequisite(s): Manifestation level 7th, improved fungal defense, seedborne consumption

Gift: Your seedborne consumption DC is increased by 2. When you fall below 0 hitpoints you release psychic spores and all creatures within 30ft of you become exposed to your seedborne consumption manifestation.

Stain: The flesh on your hands is covered with pustules and fungal growths. The penalty you take on ranged attacks and attacks with manufactured weapons increases to –4.

Seedborne Consumption
Prerequisite(s): Manifestation level 2nd.

Gift: Natural or touch attack; save Fort DC = 10 + 1/2 the seeded one’s HD + the seeded one’s Charisma modifier; onset 1 month; frequency 1/month; effect 1d2 Charisma damage (this damage cannot be healed while the creature is infected); cure 3 consecutive saves.

When a creature’s Charisma is reduced to 0, instead of becoming unconscious it falls into a feverish mental state where its mind is scattered and inattentive. The creature can still move and perform actions, but it can concentrate on only a single action, and for only a few moments. It takes a –4 penalty on saving throws; Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks; and skill checks. Within 24 hours of a creature’s Charisma score reaching 0, it dies and rises as a seeded creature.

Stain: The stench of the spores flowing within you allows creatures with scent to notice you from twice the usual distance, and makes it extremely difficult to disguise yourself. Any living creatures that have a sense of smell have their starting attitudes toward you reduced by one step. Your supernatural scent is not affected by the negate aroma spell.

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Music in an AP has become the norm with my regular RPG group. It can set the right tone you want to portray and makes moments quite cinematic. It also gives players a certain drive with their characters and helps combat go faster when waiting for your turn.

I've used quite a few different songs so far in Iron Gods. The sci-fi genre opens so many doors. My list used so far is as follows:

Torch Theme - Welcome to Lunar Industries, Moon OST
Inside Chrysalis - Dead Space Theme
Fighting skeleton kasathas - space pirates theme, Metroid Prime
Fighting robots to save Khonnir - Keys to the Kingdom (instrumental) Linkin Park
Meyanda - I am Machine - Three Days Grace
Torch is saved - Guardians of the Galaxy theme
Fighting the Smilers - Take Out the Gunman, Chevelle
Scrapwall - Phazon Mines, Metroid Prime
Helskarg - Driving with the Top Down, Iron Man OST
Infiltrating the Lords of Rust - Lemurian Star, Captain America: The Winter Soldier OST
Kulgara - Lights Out, Breaking Benjamin
Hellion - Kill Everybody, Skrillex
Iadenviegh - Kakariko Village, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Aurora - Unauthorized Entry, Elysium OST
Seerath - Battling Robots, Robo Cop OST
The Choking Tower - World War Z theme
Furkas Xoud - The Necromorphs Attack, Dead Space
Thought Harvester - Omega Pirate Battle, Metroid Prime
Scar of the Spider - Into the Wasteland, Fallout 3
The-Stars-Whisper - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites, Skrillex
Fungal Caves - Humanity Pt. 1, The Thing OST
Dominion Hive - Title + USCSS Nostromo, Alien OST
Maukui - Ascendancy, Halo 4
Dweller-in-Dark-Places - metroid prime battle, Metroid Prime
Starfall - Heaven and Earth, Elysium OST

I'm also planning on using songs from Oblivion, Deadpool, Tron: Legacy, and The Matrix. There are several other songs I've used that I can't remember. And you can probably tell I'm a fan of the Metroid series.

I like the previous suggestions, especially Blade Runner and Mad Max: Fury Road. I'll have to listen to those soundtracks and see where I can fit them into the last two books in the AP!