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![]() Pyromaniac Press has launched its second kickstarter to fund the continuation of the What Lies Beyond Reason AP for Pathfinder and 5e The Kickstarter campaign is live. You can follow us on facebook. And you can read Endzeitgiest's reviews of the previous products (all rated 4.5 stars+) here. Thanks for your support Micah ![]()
![]() Pyromaniac Press has released four adventures and a Campaign Guide for its new Adventure Path What Lies Beyond Reason These new products were funded through a Kickstarter campaign, and constitute around half of the total material for the adventure arc. Work has already commenced on the next instalments! These modules and supplemental material can be found here on OBS, including a free player’s guide as an introduction to the setting. Cheers Micah ![]()
![]() Pyromaniac Press is proud to announce our inaugural products launched on kickstarter Please consider backing and help get us off the ground The KS page can be found here ![]()
![]() Hi all, While I'm sure this has likely been covered before my search-fu did not uncover it so I'm hoping the community can help me out. An issue came up at yesterday's session. A paladin on a mount Charged a T-Rex. She has a lance with reach (10'). The problem is the T-Rex has a reach of 20'. Actions in Combat table in PHB states that the act of charging does not provoke AoO, but has the caveat that this does not stop AoO from moving out of a threatened square. Further, the Ride By Attack feat states that "you and your mount do not provoke AoO from the opponent that you attack". After much discussion it was ruled that the Ride By feat was referencing not provoking an AoO from leaving after the attack rather than on the approach because without reach in the equation it would be the condition that normally provokes (or leaving the threatened area after 'riding by'. Because of the reach it was ruled that the T-Rex would get an AoO on approach of the charge as she left the 20' square into the 15' square. She would also provoke again at 15' to 10' (there would be no 2nd AoO because T-Rex does not have combat reflexes, but we were establishing conditions). It was then ruled that she could leave the threatened area (multiple squares) under the 'protection' offered by the Ride By Attack feat. All agreed in theory feeling that there was adequate hedging both ways if we had indeed misinterpreted the rules. The paladin was grappled off her mount in the first AoO, and subsequently swallowed next round, much to the amusement of all after a 30 min conversation about the rules. The question is this- how does the Charge action and the Ride By feat work when the target has more reach that the standard 5'? Cheers ![]()
![]() Are their any specific rules beyond basic logic that disallow opposing elements on weapons? If so would they vary by circumstance when; Permanent enchantments - ie a sword with both the flaming and frost abilities. Permanent vs semi permanent - an arrow with the flaming property fired from a bow with the frost property. Permanent vs spell - ie sword with the frost ability temporarily imbued with the flaming ability from a spell. Permanent vs class ability - ie a flaming arrow imbued with frost from the arcane archer PrC ability. Thanks ![]()
![]() I just got my copy of advanced race guide and i've been leafing through it. In the race builder section, under senses, it lists Low light vision as being 1RP and Darkvision as 2RP (3 for 120' range) However in a lot of the racial breakdowns at the rear of the book, these costs are listed as "-". not 1 or 2 or even 0. Now i'm sure this question has been asked before, and i did at least attempt to peruse the forums for an answer before posting this, but since i couldnt find the answer i ws hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks |