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Sir RicHunt Attenwampi wrote: The Game Hamster wrote: The real victims of the whole affair are the half-elves, who have too many cooling methods, which only helps in desert climes, and everywhere else makes them rather chilled. In dessert climes, though, they have to bundle up even more at night than most. [unsourced "biology"] Half-orcs and humans recognized this "too cool" effect early on, and often employ half-elves to sit in food pantries to cool the perishables. Half-elves make excellent wait staff, with their touch chilling the average beer stein by 5°-7° F just from a few seconds of skin contact.
Dwarven brewers would seem to benefit the most from an association with half-elves, but they inherit the dwarven tendency to be dumb. [/"biology"]
Edit: I think I have that exothermically backwards, now that I think more about it. I'm beginning to suspect my halfling pipeweed may be spiked with a hallucinogenic adulterant. Tammy only gives out the good stuff.
Dormin, the Colossal wrote: Gloves of Improvised Might allow you to apply an enhancement bonus as well as Enchantments to any improvised weapon you're holding. Body Bludgeon allows you to use a creature one size smaller than you as a two-handed improvised weapon.
So can my Half-orc barbarian use the party rogue as a +2 Flaming Burst Halfling?
You touch Tammy, you die.
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It's always nice to have minions and body donors.
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Tammy has some bodies to bury.
Tammy misses Wiggles.
begins plotting a way to bring him back, using the life force of Longacre as a fulcrum.
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Tammy likes the snake trees.
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Tammy has plans, big, big plans!
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Tammy already has her pen ready!
Hold on, it looks a little dry dips pen in the pool of blood gathering on the Lord Mayor of Westcrown's desk, most assuredly from the dead Paladin slumped against it.
That's why Tammy's doing WotR, divine source and immortality sound better than casting Gentle Repose every morning and having to restock the dungeon every time a bunch of dumb ass hicks roll through smiting everything.
Cage free Rust Monsters are surprisingly expensive.
Tammy wants to be worshipped.
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Tacticslion wrote: Tammy the Lich wrote: Tammy isn't subtle. But I thought she was a Ranger... Rangers don't have to be subtle.
Sometimes you just have to find out how long those entrails stretch across the town, does it really matter if it's the middle of the day.
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The only thing bloated Tammy sees is this Half-Elf.
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Tacticslion wrote: Similarly, you won the super-lottery, and gained mythic tiers! 3d3 + 1 of 'em! (And you gain class levels to match; please feel free to change your previous answer if this does so for some reason.) What path do you take? (Alternate option: substitute a single tier for a simple mythic template.) Tammy's going Champion! All the way! you get to throw people through walls, cripple demon lords in one hit! why would anyone take anything else! Tammy's also taking Divine Source! Why Lich after all, when you're Suicide Squad-ing WotR, besides you have way more fun as a cult leader!
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Tammy's just going to kill everyone, and let Pharasma, or whoever sort them out.
Because that's just how Chaotic Evil does it.
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Tammy strikes frequently.
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MMCJawa wrote: Sundakan wrote: Meh. I still think the "three halflings in a trenchcoat" theory is the most likely one. That's actually my interpretation as well. Trenchcoat optional :) Tammy approves.
Starbuck_II wrote: Set wrote:
Anywho, on topic, I love me some evil that's actually *evil.* Not just wearing an evil nametag that lets them be detected as such and smitten by Paladins, but actively doing evil things and *wanting* to do evil things. Musty old ghoul scholars sitting around an ancient burial site nibbling the bones of thousand-year-dead folk and arguing about experientalism versus the purity of objectivism? No. Flashy goth vampires who... Speaking of evil:
I made sure to add puppies to Tannery just so the PC would kick some puppies.
Tammy made sure she saved the poor little dogs at the Tannery.
Then she burned it to the ground, with that tax dodging rebel supporting b+%%! ass f#~$er knocked out inside it.
Tammy isn't subtle about it.
Otherwise you gotta hire a Dwarf to drag a tiefling around, and then they bleed out so much faster.
It's a big hassle.
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Tammy found Imp cages the real hidden cost.
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Tammy's going Ninja at third level.
If it helps, he was probably going to do that anyway.
That's what Stabbyface is for.
Rysky wrote: Tammy the Lich wrote: Rysky wrote: Berselius wrote: Is that confirmed CY?
Also, what are the Ninkonda Angel all about?
What is the reason behind their mutilated appearance?
Are they risen Kytons or some other sort of fiend?
They were wicked mortals in life who repented and turned good but when they died and eventually became celestials the memories they kept of their former wicked life vexed them so much that they transformed into these creatures.
Their goal is the redemption of once good but now evil creatures. Tammy wasn't convinced. A higher CR one will be along to serenade you shortly. Tammy has fodder, she's not worried.
looks up at the parapet
Besides, she still has them around, it's important to redecorate your new crib when you move in. :-)
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Tammy hasn't committed to it yet, she's still collecting chumps... really swell people to take part in a ritual of some sort...
Tammy hates all Paladins.
What deity they worship is irrelevant to their sanctimonious uppity holier than thou bullshit.
Besides, Tammy doesn't want to go to Hell either, she's got plans, big, big plans.
If Abby wants that b#!*! in a shallow grave, Tammy's putting that b&$@! in a shallow grave.
Tammy just wants Longacre, to do with as she pleases.
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To be fair, Tammy isn't in it for Asmodeus, she just wants power.
She also wants a belt made out of a Paladin's entrails.
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Tammy just wants to go shopping with Abby.
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Tammy's ready for immortality.
Tammy calls negotiator for Thrune!
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thegreenteagamer wrote: captain yesterday wrote: I really hate that it's okay to own slaves in PFS, and most people are totally cool with it. ...but yet you can't be evil...
The implications are, among other things , that the people who make the rules for PFS think slavery isn't evil. Tammy doesn't need to be validated by the Pathfinder Society.
She could really use their souls though... for... having over for... cupcakes...
Tammy needs a doomsday dragon head.
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Just wait until we double cross 'Grazzy when he's set to double cross us. Now, that will make you laugh!
Tammy's a psychic, call it a story revision.
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Tammy and Nyci are going to have a blast!
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In hindsight, if I had seen Gravity Falls BEFORE coming up with Tammy. She wouldn't have been essentially an evil version of Mabel.
Which wouldn't be nearly as awesome.
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Yes Wiggles, Tammy prepared Explode Head today. Just like she does every day. It's important to have those LOL moments in life.
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The only thing Tammy cares about is making sure the world feels her pain. Slowly and dramatically if at all possible.
And Wiggles, Tammy misses Wiggles.
Where can Tammy find this spell. She has some celestials to kabob.
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A Halfling Psychic based on a lich (created by James Jacobs no less!) that was based on a bunch of posts I made in jest to lighten the mood. :-)
Although, I've been pretty open about wanting to play her, so I guess it's not secret. Still weird though!
Tammy's a psychic, but there's no wrong way to go.
Subterfuge is always fun. Slayer, alchemist, and Swashbuckler are all possibilities for awesomeness.
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Tammy hasn't stopped laughing. :-D