Blackfire Adept

Tamayra Barrow's page

143 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).

Full Name

Tamayra Barrow




Obsidian Walker (Ranger) 5








Corridor Guard

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Tamayra Barrow

[b] Max HP: 35
Current HP: 35
STR 10 (+0) DEX 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 14(+2) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 12 (+1)


AC: 10+Dex(+3)+Natural(+)+Armor (+3)= 16
Touch: 13
Flat footed: 13



Masterwork black studded leather



BAB:+5 CMB: + 5 CMD: 18

Melee: Masterwork Bayonet +6 damage 1d6
Melee: Handaxe +6 damage 1d6
Ranged: Masterwork Musket +8 1d12 x4 misfire 1-2 40ft range 14 bullets

2 fuse grenades
2 Iron pellet grenades
1 Adamantine pellet grenade

Initiative +3 (+5)

Fort: +6 Reflex: +8 Will: +4 (+6 curse, fear, emotion when
wielding firearm)

Special Abilities


Ancestral Focus (Ex) 2/day +2 att/dam
Wild Empathy
Combat style (Musket): Quick load
1st Favored terrain (underground)+1
Hunter's Bond (allies)
Deep Walker (Ex):Deep Knowledge (Ex)

At 3rd level, a deep walker gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (dungeoneering), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks while underground (in caves and dungeons). Every 5 levels thereafter, the deep walker gains an additional +3 on each of those checks while underground (to a maximum of +11 at 18th level).

Ancestral Discourse (Su) 2x/day

Beginning at 4th level, an obsidian walker is able to attune herself to her ancestors while holding her memory crystal. By meditating for ten minutes, an obsidian walker may gain one of the

following benefits:

● +1 to attacks, damage and saving throws, lasting 1 hour

● A yes/no answer to a single question concerning events not in the future, otherwise as an

augury, with an 80 + character level percent chance to be right

● +2 ancestral bonus to a single skill, lasting 1 hour

● +2 ability increase to one ability, lasting 1 hour

● +2 dodge bonus to AC, lasting 1 hour

An obsidian walker may use ancestral discourse a number of times per day equal to 1/5 her class level +1. This means she may use it 1/day at 4th level and 2/day at 5th level. At 12th level, all numerical bonuses gained from ancestral discourse are doubled and the time an obsidian walker must spend in meditation is halved. At 20th level an obsidian walker may gain the benefits of ancestral discourse without meditation, as a swift action.

Languages:Common, Dwarven, Draconic



Acrobatics +5
Bluff +2
*Climb +
*Craft (Alchemy) +8
Diplomacy +1
*Handle Animal +2
*Heal +7
*Intimidate +6
Jump +
*Knowledge Dungeoneering +8
*Knowledge Geography +7
*Knowledge Nature +6
*Perception +9 (+11)
*Profession +
Sense motive +2
Ride +
*Stealth +10 (+12)
*Swim +
*Survival +9 (roll twice) (+11)



Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms), Gunsmithing



Black Powder Fortune
You have little to fear when there's a gun in your hand.Benefit: As
long as you are wielding a firearm, you gain a +2 trait bonus on all
saving throws against curse, fear, and emotion effects.

Dungeon Dweller (Any Subterranean Dungeon)
Not only are you competent while deep underground, you thrive in these
perilous environs. Whether you were born in the labyrinthine tunnels
or your mysterious parental figures brought you up in sand-ridden
corridors of some forgotten pyramid, your emergence is somehow tied to
one of the world's infamous subterranean dungeons.Benefit You start
with one additional language chosen from the following list: Aklo,
Dark Folk, Draconic, Goblin, Necril, Orc, or Undercommon. In addition,
whenever you must attempt a Survival check to avoid getting lost in a
dungeon, you may roll the check twice and take the better result.

Racial traits:
Negative Energy Affinity: Through a living creature, a human of the
obsidian dome
reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead--positive
energy harms it,
while negative energy heals it.

Humans of the obsidian dome have also learned to access memory gears
to a limited
extent through their work with the gearforged.

Ancestral Crystal (Sp): 2/day--memory crystal. The caster level for
these effects is
equal to the human's character level. This racial trait replaces linguist.



At 1st level an obsidian walker gains access to a memory crystal,
which she can focus on to gain insight into enemies of the past. Once
per day by using her Ancestral Crystal racial ability, the obsidian
walker can focus on a single enemy within line of sight as a swift
action. That creature remains the Ranger's focus until it is reduced
to 0 or fewer hit points or surrenders, or until the Ranger designates
a new focus, whichever occurs first. The Ranger gains a +2 bonus on
attack and damage rolls against the target of her focus. At 5th level,
and every five levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2.

At 4th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the Ranger can use this
ability one additional time per day.



Equipment (lbs)
50ft rope
Belt pouch
10 day's rations

Gunsmith's kit
Memory crystal
20 doses black powder



Light: lbs
Medium: lbs
Heavy: lbs



Tamayra was born to be a member of the Corridor Guard. The daughter of one of the most decorated guard members, her propensity for bravery and natural talents, both physical and mental, were clear from an early age. Having lost her mother early to illness, her bond with her father was doubly strong, and she strove to be like him in every way possible.

Against standard regulations, Aemon taught his daughter the intricacies of the musket, the Corridor Guard’s signature weapon, a discipline to which she took with great intensity. She developed an understanding of the unique weapon that granted her as sense of strength and security in the knowledge of her ability to face the bizarre horrors that lurked in the darkness, things the average citizen had no idea existed.

She spent the developing years learning to survive in the subterranean wilds, picking up the skills of tracking, and dungeoneering to supplement the intricate craft of working with and maintaining a gun.

When her father fell in combat, holding a corridor against a swarm of morlocks, allowing his companions to get to reinforcements, it came as little surprise that the girl would volunteer to take his place in the guard. As such, she holds a special place in the hearts of many of the older Guard members, a sort of adopted daughter of the exclusive group that serves to protect the city from things it would rather not know exist.

Her focus and exceptional performance, along with a burning intensity driven by her loss have propelled her to excel beyond the majority of her peers in the Corridor Guard, garnering the attention of a few of the community elders.






pp gp sp cp
