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Talking Skull's page

Organized Play Member. 101 posts (105 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


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Turin the Mad wrote:
I have the first entry in Homes' adventures in the Giantslayer AP posted. Wish me luck in keeping a YDFC Cavalier alive for any length of time!

Alive or dead, doesn't sound like it'll be boring. You're running around with an MMO staple, a leftover Candybar, and two writers.

Looking forward for the gigantocide to come!

Turin the Mad wrote:

No comments on Sorshen's +87 Bluff bonus? Add on a +23 from moment of prescience, the Runelord of Lust can lie to a friggin' Gawd and probably pull it off with a +110 bonus on a Bluff check.

*le sigh*

I didn't catch that combo, which is admittedly very sweet, because I'm still working my way through Sorshen's...comprehensive spell list. That, and I start to weep uncontrollably when I see that many 9th level spell slots on one individual.

One question I have is : What is the Automatic Bonus Progression? You mentioned it gave you some extra vorpal nastiness with the already unbelievably nasty weapon, but it looks like it's giving her some other bonus.

They beat Volnagur, the End-Singer.

Volnagur. The End-Singer. And eight jubjub birds.
okay maybe not against the real thing, but they could probably pull that off too

Your PCs have hit critical mass, Turin. I'm looking forward to the final write-up with their slobberknocker session against Sorshen.

And I look forward to seeing what goodies Sorshen will absorb from the blood shed so far...

Only thing I can find on the subject is a couple threads dating back to the playtest. No mention of errata or FAQ clarifications.

Obviously, this is all rhetorical until your fellow party members yay/nay, but...Well, despite all the Pally abilities that use Charisma, and the obvious benefits that come with a higher score, it doesn't need to be any higher than a 14. The main places you'll be feeling the low(er) CHA will be save boosts and smite attack rolls...and saves will receive some compensation early on from Dwarfdom, in the Hardy racial ability and, if you want, Steel Soul. Spells are only good for buffs, and you can use a feat and likely a magic item to increase the daily uses of Lay on Hands and/or Channel, if you use either of those a lot.

Concerning the spells, the only one that looks too powerful for it's level is Volley, and that's just because all the 2nd level damage spells are...underachievers. Volley's a late bloomer, comparatively, but it hits it's stride after Scorching Ray loses it's luster. I never questioned that Barrage is fine where it's at, and I'd certainly get some use out of it(especially with a Magus). Swarm I vacillated on, because it has more competition than the others at it's spell level, but ultimately I think it's fine where it is now. So, yeah, these spells receive my Seal of Approval.

I suppose it is pretty neat for the GM to outright confirm that, yes, you would be powerful enough to solo this AP.

...I think you should roll a paladin.

no wait don't go hear me out

At level 11, you'd get aura of justice. For 2 uses of smite evil, you can grant party members in 10 ft. the ability to smite using your bonii.

"But Talking Skull, you putrescent hot air balloon, that only lasts 1 minute! There's better uses for Smite. I only get 6/day, max!"

Even if the duration was one round, it would be worth it! long as one of the beneficiaries was an arcane spellcaster with magic missile, or one of your variants, which I'd comment on if I had any notion of spell design. That magic missile spell will now do 1d4+17 damage per missile. If you have one of those magic items that boosts the level of your class abilities(Silver Smite Bracelet, Bracers of Avenging Knight, etc.), that's 1d4+21 damage per missile. Against evil-aligned dragons, which I've heard exist in this AP, that's 1d4+41 damage per missile. An archer with rapid shot and manyshot or a two-weapon-fighting build would also be ideal targets.

This isn't quite the same as your previous build, capable of doing so much worse without needing to expend dailies, but it serves much the same purpose. And AoJ is just part of the basic Pally package, so you pretty much have carte blanche for builds.

Turin the Mad wrote:

Hunter's Bond (companions) is really nasty when you can share half of a +20 favored enemy bonus against a single target for (WIS) rounds as a move action. It gets better when you have favored defense (mountain terrain enemies) and there's a wee bit o' emphasis on Vital Strike... ;)

*THWACK!!* "Shoot 'em there." *group gains +10 attack, +10 weapon damage, +5 dodge bonus to AC*

Oh, man. Combine that with a Pally's Aura of Justice. Whole group will get massive bonii against evil mountain dwellers.

Good luck to you Mrs. Turin both!

If Zecara's got a good CHA score, I'd go with Swashbuckler, myself. Brawler looks to be pretty nasty, though.

That Giantslayer build...oh, man. Nasty, nasty s+*%. Especially since you spend at least half the AP in the Mindspins. Sounds like you'll be focusing on the Horizon Walker, though, and that means you'll miss out on some of the higher-level ranger goodies. Still, +20 vs. mountain natives is disgustingly awesome.

Turin the Mad wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Once Sorshen wakes, Asheia will as well, and seek her out through her dominated wielder, a la Chellan.

3 mythic ranks is the nastiest +1 CR I can think of. So many new toys...

Interesting Facts:
Overwhelming Presence, maybe?

It seems I have yet again underestimated your PCs and what nastiness they are capable of. Put bluntly, I don't think there's a PrC that can help you here - Mythic might. I think you should take a look at some of the Mythic benefits and see what will help you prevent your players from trivializing this fight - you would know better than I. I will volunteer this, however, since you brought it up:

Note the absence of anything resembling CL checks. It's status as an Extraordinary Ability means it can't be shut down by antimagic. It's not fueled by any mythic power surges, and being mythic does not automatically overcome it. There is only one bypass I can contemplate, and that's to bascially undo Sorshen's Mythic tiers. Good luck with that, suckers!

I like the ideas for Sorshen's bodyguards. For the polearm guardians, I'd recommend Lamia Matriarchs with some class levels and/or Harridan template. Aside from the Moses moment, they're everything Sorshen could want - Shapechanger kinkiness, natural divine spellcasting just begging for shield other, wisdom drain, big...erm...charisma scores - perfect fit. Only other thing I'd add is that every runelord needs a champion...

This online PFS group put 10 negative levels on Krune before he got to act. Crits are fun.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Talking Skull wrote:

Well that was ominous.

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...

This Spoiler will self-destruct 10 seconds after you push this button:
hehehehehehehahahahahahahhaHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHH man that is nasty. I love this, especially the blood magic. I can see that comboing with Rune magic in nasty traps.

I believe word of Paizo puts Sorshen with Trickster mythic tiers, though no word on how many, and at least one template. If you decide against Mythic(and I don't blame you - I haven't played it and only toyed with it a little, but it looks silly broke, even for this crew), maybe give her half-blue-dragon as well, since there's bits of Zon-Kuthon's favored in the Everdawn?

Krune is Sloth, the Weakest, and the lazy putz is the BBEG in one of the PFS seasons. Because an 17th level wizard with 25 point buy needs to be taken down by at minimum 4 7-th level PCs, he's...not built as strong as a runelord should be,IMO.

Gluttony's a good choice - statting him out now, hoping to make him a BBEG in a Belkzen-based campaign. Out of curiosity...why the dragon turtle(besides awesome)? Gluttony should only need his phylactery reunited, and some poor schmuck to hang onto it for a couple weeks.

Well that was ominous.

Shoo, Players!:
Which runelord(s) are you going to spring? Krune's pretty underwhelming as written.

Turin the Mad wrote:
If memory serves, an example of how tapped out the spellcasters were when the battle with Xin was concluded is how many of her spells/day she had remaining: 2 1st level, 3 2nd level, 3 each 3rd - 5th level, 4-6 6th level, 2 or 3 7th level and 2 8th level. Zabba's remaining spells/day were a bit lower than that. Keep in mind "Sorshen" has a 34 Charisma while Zabba has a 32 Charisma. They cleared out the entire top floor, the seven starmetal vaults and Xin's entire workshop in part of a day of game time.



Turin the Mad wrote:
Now that the group is 18th level Kit Kat's first 9th level spell known is wish...I've not heard if Abba Zabba plans to similarly select miracle as his first 9th level spell.

It begins. Wish-boosted attributes! Miracle-replicated spells! Combat rounds that didn't happen!

Good thing Wish's material component's so costly. You need a 50 Str to Blood Money this - not something you can do on a lark. And you have some say in what Miracle does - if they try to do too much with it, you can tax them a Wish diamond.

Turin the Mad wrote:
Making matters even more entertaining/complicated is that the group has a pile of artifacts asides from the Sihedron: the guardian key major artifact; two (2) philosopher's stones, the four surviving spellwells, the timeglass, the spindle of perfect knowledge and the flamma horacalcum. I've let the players know that there are definitely some parties that would purchase them, which would give me an excuse to ramp their WBL up to ~20th and be done with worrying about loot until the end-game of Chapter 7.

That's...a lot of loot. I'd usually be worried about dropping this many artifacts on the players, but I don't know what half this stuff does, and I know the Spindle's obsolete, and all the philosopher's stones are good for is literally liquid cash.

The guardian key might be useful, if Kit Kat wants her iron golem shield guardian(125,000 base! That's 5 Wishes!), or dabble in her own clockwork army. I know it gives bonii for constuct building, just forget what.

But really, I can't really think of anything that could make your party stronger that they don't already possess.

Turin the Mad wrote:
The magma flow obliterated what remains of Xin's Palace as Our Heroes returned via teleport to Magnimar.

So, no more miscellaneous adventures on the rest of the island?

Well done! Both to the Candybar brigade, and to you as well, Turin. 8 1/2 rounds is a long time, especially in high level play - test of endurance for everyone involved.

Think you tuned up Xin just right, Turin. Wonderful job and write-up!

Eagerly looking forward to the big fight, Turin! You always manage to come up with a twist your players don't expect.

Will the PCs hang up their choice bits of uber-magical bling after this, or are they going to continue risking life, limb, and lucre in "Chapter 7?"

Turin the Mad wrote:

Take that "ignore 1 thingie that makes me fatigued or exhausted/day " human racial trait and you can smear all kinds of bad guys in a right hurry.



O.O <-- googley-eyed foes.

Gets worse with a wayfinder with a pale green prim Ioun stone inside. Then it becomes 3/day, to better facilitate smearing bigger, meatier baddies.

psionichamster wrote:

Highlights included:

Dodging a high 30s touch polar ray from one of the final spellcaster npcs (dodge ac with combat expertise was about 44-46, iirc)

Stabbing several NPCS to death via rapier, including an "eye patch for you" triple damage crit card on one that already had just one eye.

Melee'ing a solar with near impunity (granted he tore into the alchemist more than I but still would have a hard time putting serious hurt on my pc)

snrk hehehehehehehehehe. Nice!

psionichamster wrote:
Now to twin out a single-hit high damage fighter type...perhaps a titan mauled two-handed fighter with all the vital strike deats?

That's certainly an effective build. I would also ask you consider the Titan Mauler Barbarian, but mostly for Furious Finish. Nasty spike damage, and the fatigue can be a small price to pay, depending on your feats and equipiment.

I don't believe it.

I'm... I'm actually learning more dirty tricks from the players than from Turin.

Still, one hell of a fight, Turin. Hopefully the next wyrm will get to eat Candybar.

Orthos wrote:
Said new member said he got captured by a mummy-wrapped gangly figure with a large crossbow and a big hat. The party is rightfully panicked that the Cinderlander might be back. I'm wondering if mummy rot-inflicting crossbow bolts on a Bolt Ace Gunslinger pale stranger/mummy combo is too over the top... =D

Probably not, even without foreshadowing it. Your party has the knowledge and resources to mop up mummy rot when it comes up, and it takes a full minute for the initial effects to sink in(if the fort save isn't made, that is). Unless the Cinderlander can hold out for 10 rounds, he's not going to be benefiting from it much.

Now, putting him just before another big fight might make things much more interesting...

I look forward to the reactions of the players during the Dovan and Co. fight, for sure. It seems funny on the outside, but imagine a whole lair like this! Open to the sky and still full to the brim with incorporeal undead, getting by by possessing objects like statues, zombies, or even the occasional PC? Player's worst nightmare, DM's greatest dream...

Orthos wrote:

Excellent. Takeshi ate most of it due to his not-exactly-spectacular Will and being the first to get into melee with him, and got driven into negatives once by it, but they figured out what was going on and stopped dealing damage until Elegy got close enough to keep him healed with Faith's Reach, so while he dealt tremendous amounts of damage, he didn't quite manage to kill anyone. Takeshi survived melee primarily by his 20% miss chance, and Elegy nuked his ability to damage them with ranged attack thanks to fickle winds in the first round, after Lilith ate about six arrows in the opening volley and got knocked down into near-single digit HP.

So yeah, a few close calls, but sadly not quite over the dead line.

I'm fine with that, really. With only three PCs present, killing one might've been too great a loss to recover from. And it sounds like he gave them a sound thrashing regardless, so I can't complain much. I'm no Turin, after all.

Orthos wrote:

Also I did a mean thing. I found some stats for some critters on a 3.5 conversions website... okay basically they were Pokemon, which a couple of players figured out fairly quick, but hey, free stats and they worked for what I wanted. Anyway they were ghostly things with a lick/slime attack that dealt negative energy damage. I had them hanging out inside the floor and popping up to turn his regen back on whenever the party hit him with positive energy.

Hehe. Not quite as mean as turning Dovan Scissorhands into an incorporeal clown car IMO, but I approve.

I aim to please!

I see no new entries in the obits. I take it the players don't hold any grudges? And how was Transcendent Pain's trial by fire?

J-Bone wrote:
I offered to bring back to life one of the party members if they'd be willing to give up their first born child to "The Green Lady" of book 6. The player took me up on it. :-)

I believe that's number 53. Nice, J-Bone!

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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Need to have some kind of stone sealant then, to cover it up.
Put up a tarp. Enough to block sunlight, but not enough to walk on. Will just need to watch it at night. Perhaps have some sort of containment spell at the ready. Walls of fire would so it, though a bit high level and ostentatious.
If it gets splashed, though, the ooze'll eat right through.
If you put a stone slab on top it's not really a moat.

Solid Fog, perhaps? Can't support people, blocks out most light...can be made permanent at higher levels...

Pretty sure that's not the case when you're running from an angry dragon.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here's tonight's entertainment!

Live from a crappy dive, NOAM FAUST!:

Noam Faust
Male gnome bard (prankster) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 35)
CG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +2 dexterity, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions, +2 bonus vs. fear and despair
Speed 20 ft. (15 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +2 (1d3-1/19-20) or
scorpion whip +2 (1d3-1)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d4-1/×3)
Special Attacks bardic performance 7 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, inspire courage +1, mock [DC 13])
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 14), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Bard (Prankster) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (2/day)—grease, hideous laughter (DC 14)
0 (at will)—daze (DC 13), detect magic, mending, read magic
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits dangerously curious, excitable
Skills Escape Artist +3, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge (geography) +2, Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge (local) +2, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (planes) +2, Knowledge (religion) +2, Perception +6, Perform (comedy) +7, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +3, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ bardic knowledge +1, eternal hope, gnome magic
Combat Gear cold iron arrows (50); Other Gear studded leather, buckler, dagger, scorpion whip, shortbow, backpack, masterwork, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, black, inkpen, journal, mess kit, mirror, Ocarina, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 20 gp, 8 sp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 7 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Eternal Hope (1/day) +2 save vs. fear and despair. 1/day, reroll a 1 rolled on 1d20.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Appearance: Mop of cyan hair, golden eyes, bronze skin. 3' 7". Little on the skinny side, but he has a smooth, narrow face and pearly whites.

Personality: Goofy and energetic, rarely serious. Does silly light-hearted antics for his comedy, but is only really funny when he breaks out the gallows humor and caustic wit. Kind, but also insensitive.

behind the scenes interview with Noam Faust:

How did you acquire your "job"?
Long story short, I was hoping to take my stand-up routine to the Triodea, and the management took exception to one of my jokes. The first one, in fact. Anyway, I make a living performing in watering holes throughout Beacon's Point...usually.

How did you assemble your starting equipment?
Bought most of it in Kaer Maga before I left. That's why it's kinda patchy. Just like me! Whip's new, though.

What's the worst event of your life so far?
There, uh, there was this time before I found Beacon's Point. The guard had just banned me from street performances. I was drinking it off at the Gilded Cage, and, and one thing led to another, and, and...And I don't want to talk about it anymore.

You got any drinks?

What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Getting out of Kaer Maga. But that's what everyone in Kaer Maga says!

How do others perceive you in social interactions?
It depends. Sometimes, I get applause. Sometimes I get rotten tomatoes thrown at me. Beats being a guard, though. They're always getting rotten tomatoes!

How assertive are you when making a decision?
Very assertitve! Of course, in hindsight, that's how all my bad decisions are made. Like the... the Gilded Cage.

Yeah, I'll take another, barkeep.

How do you feel when faced by setbacks?
Pretty good!

Yes, that is my actual answer. I wasn't just talking about the ale. Ale's good though, you should try it.

Do you stay in contact with your family? What do they think of you?
I send Mom and Dad a letter every month or so. I don't tell them where I'm staying, though. I already know the reply.
"No-amm, when're'ya gonna find a nice gnomish girl to settle down with? An-ay long gore and your test-tees are gonna shrivel up!" "Oooohhhh No-amm mai boi, stop tryin' to be an acter or whate'er an' get yerrself a REAL job! Why can't you be mor' like yer brudder, he's trainin' ta be a priest!"

Oh, yeah, one(buuurrrrrpppp) one more, please.

Do you have any secrets or conflicts from your past that might come back to haunt you?
Well, ah, there's this one guy. Androgynous elf. Name's Eel-m-rain? SOmething like that. Big shot at the Triodea. Might've said...a joke or, or two about...him? Her? And the mistress. He, he might've reacted...poorly to that. Might've brought the guard down on me once. Or twice. Or thrice.
Was a long year.

How long have you lived in Magnimar and in what part of the city?
Been here for, umm...(one, two, four, eleventeen) 'bout six years or so. Usually livin' ' Beaconspoint.

Yeeeaaah, 'nother. T'nk ye.

What is your opinion of the current state of affairs in Magnimar?

Didn't realize the thing with the name until just now, typing it into the post. Completely not intentional. Might have to change it later. In any case, thanks for the questions, Daniel Stewart!

Been pretty quiet in this corner lately. Everything all right on your end, Orthos?

Loving the encounter ideas. Especially the return of the Maestro - seeing him return to horrify and disgust PCs again brings a tear to my eye.

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DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Rathendar wrote:

I think is a fairly cool sounding idea/premise. You could enforce the 'hard' borders of the region with extreme weather effects or brutal terrain.(lightning storms, magma fields, etc) Gives me an old Star Frontiers-Volternus saga vibe.

Merging the magic into nanites works well enough in theory since arcane can detect divine and vice-versa.

random idea: The trolls could be a survivor fragment group that was infected by something, causing degeneration/bulk. Could even give Hargulka a less monstrous name and have him be met on the ship in transit and the one in his chapter is all he can manage to say now.

Hank Gulka's Mutant Kingdom

"No, Charles. I am called Magneto now."

Bonus points if home base/nation is on an asteroid

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Orthos wrote:
Granted, none of them really can make use of it - between the curse, the difficulty to destroy, and the fact I switched up some of its enhancements in a way that no longer favors a party member, with two people dropping out - it seems to be doomed to be forgotten in a vault for now. Perhaps some time in the future a third Armagk will come seeking it.

Book 4 of CotCT needs some re-write. How about an Armagk rebellion?

Still, that's a pity, especially the players dropping. There's this nice long list of Undead baddies that need exterminating, too.

Speaking of which:

Orthos wrote:
So during normal travels, Dovan plays the part of a gaunt, pale, heavily-garbed humanoid wanderer, while his four companions simply hide inside his body, emerging as needed.


Orthos wrote:
The Cinderlander, pale stranger gunslinger (bolt ace): I think rebuilding him using the bolt ace archetype will make him far, far more effective than a one-shot crossbow-using ranger. We'll see =)


Orthos wrote:
Kargadd, dreadnaught multi-headed rock troll mohrg: In addition to turning the dread troll into a mohrg, Ibrahim also grafted several heads from other dead trolls, including both of Nagrundi's, onto Kargadd's body, in an undead imitation of a Jotund Troll.



That...that's not funny...that's not...

Seriously, though, awesome stuff, some of which I'll be stealing for later use. Love me some Wendigos! Also, looking forward to seeing how the Arcanist works, haven't toyed around with that one yet.

DC 24 is admittedly pretty high for a CR 12 beastie.

Of course, he probably has the least room to complain, since Fort is far and away going to be his best save. And boosted by a +5 cloak at 11th level, too! That's a +12 before Con mod, or the 50% chance of even needing to roll.

In any case, congratulations to everyone for making it out alive - that goes for you too, Turin, for putting up some nasty roadblocks. :)

On the maps, the lower parts of the Hooktongue Slough, Narlmarches, and Kamelands are pretty much the boundary between the Stolen Lands and Mivon. Placing it around there should be fine.

Orthos wrote:

I'm curious who you suspect, because I did set up a couple of red herrings, but I'll go ahead and reveal =)

The actual traitors are Avinash Jurrg and Nakamura Shinobu, Shadrach's General and Marshall respectively. Jurrg is, as in the book, an Oni; I'm debating between making him a nastier breed of such or just giving him more class levels. Shinobu, on the other hand, is the renegade father of Iomrall's general Takeshi, who the samurai came to the mainland and got lost in the Stolen Lands pursuing in the first place.

Well, d@mn. I fell for one red herring; Jurrg, I'd suspected, being an ogre magi, but he wasn't my first choice. Gaetane was my number one pick, since he'd been pretty unreliable in the source material, and figured he'd be easy to bribe and turn, not to mention his similarities with Skather, mechanically(archer assassin) and narratively(assassinating enemy leader). Shinobu wasn't even on my radar at all.

On the other hand, that's a really cool backstory for a villain, and it sounds like the perfect lead-up to the Betrayer template!

Orthos wrote:
**spoiler omitted due to overload of awesome**

Somehow, that is even better than what I had imagined. Nice work!

That's a great idea! The module presents a framework that could apply to almost any 'war-between-two nations' scenario, and I can see some geographically similar points between the Elsir Vale and the map of Pitax Book 5 provides, so fitting the areas together won't be too hard. Plus, frankly, I love the Spawn, especially the Godslayer. I do hope the Rushlight tourney part of Book 5 stays, however.

Unfortunately, RHOD isn't perfect. There's one bit in particular that really doesn't work in the module as written:

RHOD Spoilers!:
The whole last act tends to feel tacked on, especially after the big siege, and doubly so since you basically just kicked the collective asses of the Red Hand. The 'a new, more invincible army is being summoned' thing just cheapens the PC's accomplishments up to that point, makes the main villain(in this case Cuorvhain)look detached from his own plot if not straight-up incompetent, and reeks of an a$$-pull to boot.

In this case, here's the solution I'd recommend: you have two nations being directly threatened by the march of the Red Hand here, Weuland and Shadrach. Have two columns set out and have both columns hit a nation's center of government. Whichever column the PCs engage, the other razes a nation to the ground, and the remnants of both armies fall back to re-group with a force Cuorvhain's held back so he can steam-roll the places he's softened up. This re-group gives the PCs the time to strike Cuorvhain in his command post, before the forces can rally and march.

That's how I'd handle it, anyway. It's up to you how you want to play it.

Minor idea - while I can hazard a guess who the 'untrustworthy' members of Havelock's cabinet are, here's some food for thought:

More RHOD spoilers!:
Annamede Belavarah, the Shadrach bard from your previous Rushlight, could be 'Miha Serani' in disguise. Maybe she can persuade certain people to betray their current loyalties, and soften up Abednego for an invasion or siege in doing so?

Lastly, a question.

Seriously? Another Spoiler Tag?:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is Cuorvhain going to become your Kazavon, and Briar your Serithial?

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Just going to copy-paste those last few posts here into the Evil-GM-notes-folder. Don't mind me.

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Going to give you guys kudos here, and you deserve it, because I think this is the first time I've seen someone end a war by re-enacting a lost script from Leverage.

What about barbeque sauce?

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Andrea - might I recommend, in the future, taking this sort of comment to Orthos' thread on the Kingmaker section of the forums?(called I Don't Believe in Faeries!) Players don't peruse it at the GM's behest in case something spoilerish needs to be discussed.

Like Orthos says, he takes a -2 to his touch attack roll, but he can still take it. While obviously a little suboptimal against a Monk, Vordakai can still try using his paralysis touch as a desperation move. After all, if it works, it's permanent!

Lastly, a reminder about the other big effect a lich has: FEAR AURA! It would basically give the shaken condition to characters of this level, and even a -2 to CMB and saves could make a difference in the coming fight. All he has to do is fail a will save at the beginning of the fight.

So, how low did those Soul Eaters bring his Wis down again? >:)

Touch spells can be 'held,' so if he can cast it beforehand, it should be fine. He might not even need to cast - a lich's paralysis touch should stop any grappling going on if the monk fails his save. It's a touch attack, and he can do those if he's only grappled.

Ray of enfeeblement is a possibility, if V's CMD is high enough, but I'd combo it with Ray of Exhaustion, myself. (But then, I'm evil, and I'd prepare two just in case he resists it the first time.)

Anything that gives a miss chance should be considered as a buff as well. Blur, displacement, heck, even darkness(since he's a human and doesn't have darkvision) can work. I'd probably combo darkness and fly, and if he still manages to touch V, much less grapple him...I tip my hat to him.

Seems like you've adapted pretty well to the surprise. You've got a working plan, and most of the original 'big' events of BFB are still intact.

I suppose one thing that bugs me most, looking at this, is why Marae and Ngara have this particular arrangement in the first place. It looks as though it is more of an inconvenience for both than anything. Rusalkas tend to prefer a core group of strong thralls to act as enforcers and guardians, mostly, and they look to whole communities for adulation and tribute, which Ngara seems to be getting from the Boggards. As for Marae, if she needs to disappear someone, I'm sure she doesn't need to send them to go "sleeping with the fishes." Perhaps they are simply acting on the behalf of their patrons, and you can look to their cooperation for reasons why they'd gather more young women.

Here we go again:
Maybe Ilthuliak sacrifices the thing these women love the most to help fuel the Stolen-Lands-in-a-bottle ritual or her own transformation, and the Irshyan cult recruits the women after? I imagine they'd certainly be full of anger and envy afterwards.

But then, that's just how I'd go about it. I'm sure you can think of something that works for you and your setting if that doesn't work out for you.

Yeah, I think these Faerie courts are going to stop making new deals with these PCs soon. They're clearly getting too good at haggling and bargaining for it to be fun much longer.

Also, a wedding where no one dies? Scandalous! Looking forward to seeing more of Casimir, in any case. Seems to have it together for a 'dilettante.'

Why a liliend is in Thousandbreaths...well, Liliends are like celestial muses with a great love of nature. This could've been a favored grove of hers, either before or after it was assimilated into Thousandbreaths, or she could've just gotten lost inside when she visited the area around the entrance to Thousandbreaths.

Have I got a deal for you!:
She could even have been summoned expressly for this. Likely, her imprisonment is either a means of keeping a section of Thousandbreaths anchored, or a sacrifice for greater power. Or both. Why else would the memory be siphoned off from the rest(Into a jewel not unlike Errol's memories, no less!)? Pay for your infusion of fey power in just four easy installments!

Orthos wrote:
Instead, after some false starts and debating, she offered a counter-offer: the potential unborn children from her human life instead. While a significantly lesser amount, the fact that that phase of Elegy's life was currently non-existent made the deal much more appealing to Oberon, and he accepted for the chance to seize something forever lost.


*Slow Clap*

First: mad props to Elegy/Scintillae. That was...inspired. Played right towards the sensibilities of Fey nobles, and completely out there. My hat is off to you.

Second: Orthos, what I wouldn't give to see what you have planned for this!

Orthos wrote:
They proceeded to spend the next three days in the enemy camp making the soldiers' lives a living hell of faerie pranks, while the spies rode out along the edges of the camp and reported things back to Elegy via Glaicyd's sendings. Lilith herself even snuck into newly-named Count Medvyed's tent and spent the entire trip dosing him with Insanity Mist poison, so that by the time the army reached Iomrall he was a WIS-dumped, raving, hallucinating wreck.

And the mad props keep coming! Sounds like it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I am impressed by Lilith's skill and chutzpah, for daring to do and doing... while never getting caught.

And, of course, diplomacy roll of 60.

'Nuff said.

Orthos wrote:
FWIW, Scintillae is the player of Elegy, our Viscountess and the person behind 9/10 of the nonsense that happened to Staggy in that fight.

Which makes the dedication doubly suitable!

But...better than Vordakai? Now I know you're pulling my leg, man. Your version looked pretty mean, and that's before getting buffed up for the next fight.

Congratulations on your success here, pennywit! I tip my hat to you, and your crazy awesome adventures.

I'm back, baby! And to celebrate my return, I'm giving out presents! Behold, Staggy 3.0, firmly nestled in CR 20!

The Hit Sequel to Brawn of the Dead!(It's actually objectively better):

Pox sores oozing from cracked flesh pulled taut over bony ribs like papyrus leaves, the beast has all the appearance of a starved, diseased horse – up until the neck, where the head should be. In its place is a half-eaten human torso bleeding a small stream of maggots, rippling with dying muscles that snap and crack as it heaves breathlessly. And on top of that is a skull of what once must have been a majestic megaloceros, poking out of the human-sized neck as though it were a tight-collared tunic. Eyeless sockets wash over you, and it opens its mouth and screeches at you with a moldy tongue. The bubble of shadowy tendrils that wash around it a moment later cannot hide the nightmarish form entirely, leaving you to imagine how its features move, rustling behind its veil, for the rest of your life.

Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Rapid Shot and Manyshot are included in the following stat block.

XP 307,200

CE Large Exemplar Construct(augmented monstrous humanoid) Ranger 3/Rogue 6
Init +17; Senses blindsense 45 ft., low-light vision, darkvision 90 ft., scent; Perception +17
Aura Crypt Musk 45 ft.(DC 16, 2 rounds), Transcendent Pain 90 ft.(DC 26)

AC 42, touch 22, flat-footed 29 (+8 armor, +13 Dex, +12 natural, –1 size); +2 deflection vs. Good
hp 225 (15d10+6d8+27); regeneration 10(positive energy)
Fort +15, Ref +29, Will +23 ; +2 resist vs. Good
DR 15/Good and slashing; Immune Variant Construct traits, magic
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge, resiliency(6 hp)
Weakness Trauma

Speed 60 ft.
Melee +3 gore attack +32 (2d8+32 plus Scars of battle), 1 +3 slam +30 (1d8+22), 2 +3 hooves +30 (1d6+22 plus Scars of battle)

OR +3 speed keen scimitar +32/+32/+27/+22/+17 (1d8+29 dmg plus Scars of battle, 15-20/x2), +3 gore attack +30 (2d8+32 plus Scars of battle), 2 +3 hooves +28 (1d6+22 plus Scars of battle)

Ranged +4 adaptive speed composite longbow +29/+29/+29/+29/+24/+19/+14 (1d8+31 dmg plus Scars of battle; 19-30/x3)
OR with poisoned arrows +29/+29/+29/+29/+24/+19/+14 (1d8+31 dmg plus Scars of battle plus purple worm poison; 19-20/x3)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks powerful charge (gore, 4d8+31), Scars of battle(DC 26, 3d4+3 bleed), favored enemy (human +2), sneak attack +3d6, Point Blank Shot, Purple Worm Poison(25 arrows)

Str 48(+19), Dex 36(+13), Con --, Int 18(+4), Wis 30(+10), Cha 26(+8)
Base Atk +16; CMB +33; CMD 43 (47 vs. trip)

Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Minotaur’s Charge, Multiattack, Power Attack (-5 atk, +10 dmg), Toughness, Ability Focus(Transcendent Pain), Point Blank Shot, Deadly Aim (-5 atk, +10 dmg), Weapon Focus (longbow/comp. longbow), Quick Draw, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Blind-Fight, Manyshot, Improved Precise Shot, Improved InitiativeB, Iron WillB, RunB

Skills Acrobatics +37, Appraise +28, Climb +23, Intimidate +32, Knowledge (geography) +14, Knowledge (local) +28, Knowledge (nature) +28, Perception +37, Stealth +33, Survival +34, Swim +23, Use Magic Device +32

SQ undersized weapons, favored terrain (hills +2), Rogue Talents(combat trick, resiliency, weapon training), track +1, trapfinding, wild empathy +8

Combat Gear +4 adaptive speed composite longbow, +3 speed keen scimitar, +5 arrow deflecting light steel quickdraw shield, 25 arrows coated in purple worm poison, 125 arrows Other Gear Belt of Physical Might(+6 Str, Dex), Headband of Mental Prowess(+6 Wis, Cha), Bracers of Armor +8/Falconer’s Aim, Amulet of Mighty Fist/Natural Armor (+3 both), efficient quiver, greater sniper goggles, ring of Invisibility, 2677 gp

Variant Construct Traits (Ex)
This particular intelligent construct is immune to death effects, disease, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). Constructs are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. Constructs are not at risk of death from massive damage.

Crypt Musk (Ex)
All living creatures (except those with the stench special ability) within 45 feet must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 stench creature’s racial HD + stench creature’s Con modifier) or be nauseated. The duration of the nauseated condition is given in the creature’s descriptive text. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same creature’s stench for 24 hours. A delay poison or neutralize poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to poison are unaffected, and creatures resistant to poison receive their normal bonus on their saving throws.

Transcendent Pain (Su)
Any living creature that comes with 90 ft. of the Stag Lord Reborn feels an increase in air pressure and an unshakeable pins-and-needles feeling pressing on them; unbeknownst to them, the Stag Lord Reborn’s negative energy nexus is tapping into the creature’s life force and creating a sympathetic connection between them. All hit point damage the Stag Lord Reborn takes is halved, and the remaining half is taken by one other living creature within his aura, as the unwilling shield spell. This creature is always the closest individual to the Stag Lord Reborn that fails a Will save when damage is calculated (DC 10 + racial HD + Cha modifier). If there are no living creatures within 90 ft., the Stag Lord Reborn does not receive this benefit.
This aura of sympathetic connection also magnifies pain and uses it to supplement the Stag Lord Reborn. Whenever the Stag Lord Reborn deals 10 points of damage or more to a living creature within 90 ft., he gains a +1 luck bonus to AC and all saving throws until the beginning of his next turn.
Lastly, whenever a spell with the [Pain] descriptor is cast on a living creature with 90 ft. of the Stag Lord Reborn, that spell receives a +3 profane bonus to the DC.

Immune to Magic (Ex)
The Stag Lord Reborn is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
• Gentle repose causes The Stag Lord Reborn to become stiff and helpless for 2d4 rounds if it fails a Will save against the spell.
• Any spell that inflicts positive energy damage deals no damage; instead, it disables his regeneration ability if he fails his save against the spell. See the Regeneration section for further details.
• Any spell that inflicts negative energy damage deals no damage; instead, it reactivates his regeneration ability (no save) and gets rid of the shaken and staggered conditions, if The Stag Lord Reborn currently suffers from them. See the Regeneration section for further details.
• Rest eternal slows The Stag Lord Reborn (as the slow spell) for 4d6 rounds (no save).
• Animate dead and create dead haste The Stag Lord Reborn (as the haste spell) for 3d6 rounds.
• Any magical attack that deals cold damage adds 1d8 points of cold damage to all of the Stag Lord Reborn’s attacks for 1d6+1 rounds.

Regeneration (Ex)
The Stag Lord Reborn was infused with a nexus of negative energy upon creation for the purpose of stitching together any wounds it might take in combat, giving it the ability to regenerate despite having no Constitution score. However, unlike most forms of regeneration, if the Stag Lord Reborn is hit with an energy type that causes his regeneration to stop functioning, it does not resume functioning in another round. Rather, the regeneration is de-activated until The Stag Lord Reborn is hit with a negative energy attack, at which point it begins regenerating hit points as normal.

Scars of Battle (Ex)
The corpses that comprise this abomination were both slain in terribly violent fashions, and when they were re-animated, they were driven to spread the pain and misery of their battles to any that have the misfortune of fighting them. When a creature fails its save against this curse, another wound like the one that passed the curse appears on the creature’s body, as though it were struck again; like a hoof-shaped bruise or a bleeding hole like a goring horn. The bleed damage is a continuous effect; however, due to the immense pain of the curse, the DC for concentration checks is calculated using the full damage of the bleed as opposed to using half of the damage. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. A successful save negates all effects of the curse. After the curse has been inflicted, the bleed damage can be healed using healing magic or a Heal check (DC 15) as normal.
Scars of Battle: curse; gore, hooves, manufactured weapons—injury; save Fortitude DC 26; onset 1 rounds; frequency 2 rounds; effect 3d4+3 bleed damage, staggered for 1 round.

Trauma (Ex)
The magic that gives this unnatural monstrosity its sentience is still flawed. It has exacerbated it’s old fears and even created new ones, as the spells do not erase the creature’s death trauma(s). In this case, the Stag Lord Reborn has a new phobia of fire, after an incident involving spilled booze and a fire elemental resulting in his untimely death, and he has (re-)developed a psychological reaction to acid, the last legacy of his insane father.
• Fire damage causes the Stag Lord Reborn to become shaken for 2 rounds, plus 2 more rounds for every 10 additional points of fire damage he sustains. Fire damage from multiple sources do not stack and cause the Stag Lord Reborn to become frightened; instead, it extends the durations of the shaken condition. Fear effects from other sources stack, and can cause the Stag Lord Reborn to become frightened.
• The first time the Stag Lord Reborn sustains acid damage, he becomes staggered for 2 rounds, plus 2 more rounds for every additional 10 points of acid damage he sustains, as he cries and tries wiping the acid away.
• Every time the Stag Lord Reborn sustains acid damage beyond the first, however, he gains the benefits of rage, as per the spell, for 2 rounds plus 1 round for every additional 10 points of acid damage sustained. During this time, he focuses his attacks on the source of the acid damage, only stopping if the target is destroyed or the duration of the effect expires, whichever comes first.
Any time fire or acid damage would reduced to zero through resistances or immunities, including the Immunity to Magic ability, treat the Stag Lord Reborn as though he has sustained 1 point of the corresponding damage for the purposes of this ability. Any fire or acid damage negated by Reflex save or the Evasion ability does not count as having sustained damage for the purposes of this ability.

Undersized Weapons (Ex)
Although The Stag Lord Reborn is Large, its upper torso is the same size as that of a Medium humanoid. As a result, it wields weapons as if it was one size category smaller than its actual size (Medium).

Flesh-Stripped Skull (Su)
The megaloceros skull affixed to The Stag Lord Reborn’s neck stump functions as the focal point for an unhallow effect, penalizing the DCs of any positive energy spells cast on him by 4 and allowing him to make a second save against various charms, compulsions, and mind effects. The effects of the magic circle against evil spell are already included in his stat block here, just as the equivalent cost of creating this particular magic item has been taken out of his gp expenditures.
The skull is also somewhat optional – if removed via a vorpal blade or similarly enchanted weapon, the head flies 10 ft. away from the square the Stag Lord Reborn occupies. The Stag Lord Reborn then gains the blinded condition, and loses his gore and powerful charge attacks. He still gains the benefits of the unhallow effect if he’s within 40 ft. of his severed head. As long as the regeneration effect is active, he can re-attach his head as a standard action.
The additional spell effect is currently darkness; however, feel free to change it as needs must!

Director's Commentary:

Some big changes here, some small.

First, DR. I actually found something I liked: Good and slashing. Decently high level and not easy to penetrate, fits in thematically.

Next, Magic Immunity. Mostly just changed the spells to make the critter more individualized, instead of a carrion golem copy. Some nasty surprises for metagamers as well, though I don't think it'll be a problem here.

Speaking of individualized, you're probably wondering what Trauma is about. I wanted to include some consequences from Staggy's earlier defeat, so I read through your CJ for some inspiration. Trauma's goal from a design standpoint is to give the spellcasters some new ways to affect the fight without compromising the Magic Immunity. Instead of damage, they inflict conditions and force a change of tactics. The callbacks are simply gravy. One thing about this ability I'm on the fence about, however, is how Evasion and Reflex fit into it. I've put my personal take on it in the statblock as Word of Maker, but feel free to change it if you don't like it. Staggy's Reflex is scary high, after all.

Of course, part of the reason I'm giving spellcasters a break is because I've made an adjustment to Scars of Battle to really screw 'em over. Buffing up the bleed damage, then making all bleed damage count on a concentration check instead of half gives this ability more bite than before, and it might actually screw your PCs over some.

And then there's Transcendent Pain. Oh boy. This one is a recent brainchild of mine, and it's still pretty rough around the edges. Any feedback you have on this one is appreciated.

But that's not the best part, and isn't the real reason for the increase in CR. I'll admit the reason I feel more confident about this submission the application of the Exemplar template and the addition of PC level gear. His AC is actually pretty good now, and can only increase with his new shield, while his Reflex and Will saves are nasty, nasty business. Compound that with his DR and regen, not to mention miss chance from concealment, and you've got one defensive son of a witch. His offensive abilities are still top-notch, with decent DCs for his abilities, sky-high attack and damage, and now some nasty poison on top of it. Funny thing about poison - it stacks not by increasing the effects, but by increasing the save DC by 2 and 2 rounds increased duration for every failed initial save. 7 ranged attacks a round just make this cheating, and I'm a dirty b@$tard for including this tactic in his statblock. Feel free to change this if you want - Staggy got a little over a 19th level PC's worth of gold. By the time your players get around to fighting him, you'll probably need to bump him up some levels, so don't forget to increase his gp accordingly. >:)

Again, Orthos, any criticisms and questions are welcome. This is much improved, but still needs refinement, especially before I inflict this on any players.

Lastly, I hereby dedicate this monstrosity to Scintillae, author of this quote:

Scintillae wrote:
Well, it's not like anything else connected to the Stag Lord has any dignity left to it.

Which leads me to field an important question:

Do female redcaps have beards? My money's on "yes," personally.

pennywit wrote:
Glad you like it, although Talking Skull came up with most of the guests.

Still a pretty piddly amount compared to the work you've done here, pennywit. I like what you've done so far, and I'm looking forward to the Feast!

Pity the redcaps won't be coming back. Banjos set a mean vibe.

+1 for the Cinderlander! Man's badass enough to earn a second shot against those meddlesome PCs. You know what you're going to make him, yet?

How badass is Maure Castle? I'm not familiar with that one. Now, Ravenloft, on the other hand...

Stag Lord is still being re-worked and customized for your party's eventual power levels. Don't worry, I'll do him better justice this time.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Lloyd Jackson wrote:

"This is why I am the King!"

Hoid, bard ruler of the kingdom, as he prepares to leap from the back of Tenzekil's Giant Bee animal companion to, hopefully, land on the back of the wild-shaped, bee form, Tenzekil who is engaged in an aerial dog-fight with the Tyme, the party druid wild-shaped as a air elemental, involving call lightning, at 300+ ft above the ground.

Okay, this? These balls-to-the wall, (N)ucking (F)uts actions PCs end up doing? This is the sort of stuff I live for, and want to see crop up in my games.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
pennywit wrote:

Gloomhorn the Untamed, CE debased faerie sheep fighter 3, and his flock.



I'm a bad person

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