Ozmandus Serpentus |

Through the Eyes of Man
A Observation of the City of Atah-Ouahe
By Ozmandus Serpentus
Culture is one of the most interesting things man can observe. At the start of my life I lived in a culture that believed a certain set of rules. One in which my mother, and eventually myself never fit into. We were driven across the land, scorned whenever we tried to lay down roots, and attacked and beaten several time. Why? Because mom simply choose to live her life within her own set of rules! Now admittedly mothers set of rules were a bit offensive to the majority of the population, her love for madness, chaos, and the undead brought us the hatred of almost everyone we met. A few “Uncles” I had along the way, the ones drawn to my mothers particular brand of madness schooled me on the finer arts. I learned that everything in this world has it's place. A persons perception plus a great deal of power can forge you a place you may call home. When I came of age, and mother, the dark lords help her, begin to falter somewhat mentally, I decided to move us. Out of this nation that had brought us disdain and hatred to place we could be accepted, a place I had learned about in our seemingly endless forced travel across the lands, Atah-Ouahe.
Atah-Ouahe is a mish-mash of races and culture, mainly, Garundi, Keleshite like myself, Mwangi, and Ouahen, whom are apparently the original people to settle this land, and to quickly become en-slaved to the superior races that knew which end of the sword to stab people with. Honestly I'm still researching this history of this place, the constant battles between the people, the driving out and eventual enslavement of the entire Ouahen race, the magical oasis the Ouahen seem to possess the secrets of maintaining, I've spent many a evening, and I will spend many more going over ancient tomes, but this isn't a history lesson. It's my observations on this city, and how I plan to exert some influence over this city. As I must choose a place to start I will begin with my most recent developments, the forming of a coalition of like minded individuals who seek to change the very foundations of the city we live in!