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Through the Eyes of Man
A Observation of the City of Atah-Ouahe
By Ozmandus Serpentus

Culture is one of the most interesting things man can observe. At the start of my life I lived in a culture that believed a certain set of rules. One in which my mother, and eventually myself never fit into. We were driven across the land, scorned whenever we tried to lay down roots, and attacked and beaten several time. Why? Because mom simply choose to live her life within her own set of rules! Now admittedly mothers set of rules were a bit offensive to the majority of the population, her love for madness, chaos, and the undead brought us the hatred of almost everyone we met. A few “Uncles” I had along the way, the ones drawn to my mothers particular brand of madness schooled me on the finer arts. I learned that everything in this world has it's place. A persons perception plus a great deal of power can forge you a place you may call home. When I came of age, and mother, the dark lords help her, begin to falter somewhat mentally, I decided to move us. Out of this nation that had brought us disdain and hatred to place we could be accepted, a place I had learned about in our seemingly endless forced travel across the lands, Atah-Ouahe.

Atah-Ouahe is a mish-mash of races and culture, mainly, Garundi, Keleshite like myself, Mwangi, and Ouahen, whom are apparently the original people to settle this land, and to quickly become en-slaved to the superior races that knew which end of the sword to stab people with. Honestly I'm still researching this history of this place, the constant battles between the people, the driving out and eventual enslavement of the entire Ouahen race, the magical oasis the Ouahen seem to possess the secrets of maintaining, I've spent many a evening, and I will spend many more going over ancient tomes, but this isn't a history lesson. It's my observations on this city, and how I plan to exert some influence over this city. As I must choose a place to start I will begin with my most recent developments, the forming of a coalition of like minded individuals who seek to change the very foundations of the city we live in!

Given the long life span of elves, do they have a longer infancy? Do they stay terrible 2 longer? Or do they age through childhood like a human, and then just live longer?

I ask because in my campaign I'm running I might end up with some half elf babies being born to some humans. And it seems like that would cause some worry for the parents, if there half elf kids took a lot longer to age. I really I hope they do age slower in that sense, because I could create some nice drama with that.

Well, my campaign is off and running. It's been a bit difficult doing something with as many puzzle pieces as King Maker, and I really need to get a binder for all the things I've printed off these forums from helpful people. The 6 player conversion works really great, and the extra quest I found in the thread really add a little bit more fun to some of those empty hexes. So thanks forum goers for making this more fun for myself and my players.

One of my players has started a campaign journal for his Paladin. Now as you know Law is a bit hard to define when you make them up yourselves like you sometimes have to do in the stolen lands where there are no laws. So I'm really proud of my pally for taking on the hard issues in the most difficult way he possibly can. And I like the rest of the parties makeup that leaves tension between my people, but also teamwork. Anyway if you want to read about it here is the campaign journal link to it over in the campaign journal section! Obviously is has spoilers, it is a campaign journal.

Six out of Restov

I'm going to use a spoiler tag to talk about this in case some of my player wander across this thread, as I don't want to ruin one of the characters back story, also revealing info about the King Maker hidden stuff, so don't read unless you don't have anything to spoil. But my question is about Witches and the being behind the familar that empowers them in the King Maker setting in particular.

Witch Example:
Okay, I have a player who is doing an older sailor who sailed the seas, living a somewhat happy if solitary life. One day storm catches him off guard dumps him into the ocean he starts to drown. He's approached by something from the depths of the ocean and offered a choice, live and accept the power, or die now. He accepts, and finds himself back on shore after the storm has passed, with an old battered Cauldron with an Octopus swimming in it(His familiar). Since then he has been lead further and further inland making his way to brevoy where he did a fortune reading for a young man where it was revealed to him to travel with him, on the King Maker adventure.

Now all that being said, I'm trying to determine what this power in the sea was that is basically funding my adventure with his magical powers. I'm thinking since Nystta (however you spell it) the evil Fey is one of the driving forces it might be some Fey force in opposition to her? What sort of deep ocean Fey might I draw on to be the witch backer? Though I'm open to other ideas.

I've also thought about adding a coven of witches living in the green belt that he might eventually ally himself with, but I'm not sure about how approach that, any suggestions there?

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I've noticed in King Maker that while a lot of the important sites have nice descriptions, the less important places don't go into much detail. While I don't exactly want to read a book to my players everytime they walk into a new Hex I've been putting a couple of sentences together for some of the various places described. Is there a topic that has peoples descriptions they might have written down? If not let start here.

King Maker Info:

Here's some of mine.
B. Barbarian Cairn
The open plains make exploration much easier and you find yourself for once able to stretch out your legs and enjoy a scenic view and the safety of not being ambushed. But even with the lack of trees ample grass and even black berry bush you often stumbled upon in small hidden drop offs. In one section of over grown berry bushes you discover a cairn of ancient stones piled carefully together to mark the passing of some unknown person, an adventurer or perhaps a bandit lord? Who knows whose bones lie in this place claimed by nature.

D. Bokken's Hut.
As you begin to travel across the plain you make note of a plume of smoke in the distance. As you ride closer to investigate you see a rock strewn hill with a twisting path leading to the top where you can see the top of a small hut.

H. Spider's Nest:
The woods give way to, and border a small plain full of thorn bushes, tall grass, and the incessant chirping of small birds flitting in and out feasting on the abundant insect life that seems to thrive in this area. However, something is soon wrong as the air has a faint reek of death to it. Along your path you pull to a stop and see decaying skeleton laying in the grass all around you. Boar, Deer, Bears, and a few human skeletons are scattered around a 200 foot area.