
Takashi Tanaka's page

148 posts. Organized Play character for Almonihah.

Full Name

Takashi Tanaka




HP 8/8 | AC 16 T 13 FF 13 CMD 14 | Ref 3 Fort 2 Will 5 | Cleric of Desna 1 | Init +3 Perc +6 | Channel 1/3








Chaotic Good



Strength 12
Dexterity 17
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 17
Charisma 10

About Takashi Tanaka

Medium male Tengu Cleric of Desna 1

Reflex 3 = 0 base + 3 Dex
Fortitude 2 = 2 base
Will 5 = 2 base + 3 Wis

Bite +3 or -2 (0 BAB + 3 Dex) 1d3 +1 (+0 secondary) (+1 Str) x2 Crit
Rapier +3 (0 BAB + 3 Dex) 1d6 + 1 (+1 Str) 18-20/x2 Crit
Starknife +3 (0 BAB + 3 Dex) 1d4 + 1 (+1 Str) x3 Crit; range 20'

CMB 1 = 0 BAB + 1 Str
Initiative 3 = 3 Dex

HP: 8/8
AC: 16 = 10 + 3 Dex + 3 Armor
CMD: 14 = 10 + 0 BAB + 1 Str + 3 Dex

(Skill points 4 = 2 from cleric, 1 from FCB, 1 from Int)
Diplomacy 4 = 1 rank + 3 class skill
Knowledge (Religion) 5 = 1 rank + 1 Int + 3 class skill
Perception 6 = 1 rank + 3 Wis + 2 racial
Sense Motive 7 = 1 rank + 3 Wis + 3 class skill

(+1 to Appraise & Sense Motive while bargaining)

Feats and Traits
Weapon Finesse

Fate's Favored (+1 to all luck bonuses)

Racial Traits
Speed 40' (bonus from Travel domain)
Medium size
Bite 1d3
Low-light vision
Sneaky (+2 Perception +2 Stealth)
Gifted Linguist (+4 Linguistics)


0th level(3): Light, Detect Magic, Mending
1st level(2+1): Longstrider (D), Summon Monster I, Bless

Class Features
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Channel Energy 1d6 3/3 DC 10
Luck Domain:
Bit of Luck 5/6
Travel Domain:
Agile Feet 6/6

Starknife (24 gp) (3 lb)
Rapier (20 gp) (2 lb)
Studded Leather Armor (25 gp) (20 lb)
Explorer's Outfit (free) (8 lb)
Spell Component Pouch (5 gp) (2 lb)
Wooden Holy Symbol of Desna (1 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp) (4 lb)

Belt Pouch (1 gp) (.5 lb)

Backpack (2 gp) (2 lb)
Bedroll (1 sp) (5 lb)
Desnan Holy Text (2 gp) (2 lb)
Flint & Steel (1 gp)
Iron Pot (8 sp) (4 lb)
Mess Kit (2 sp) (1 lb)
50' Rope (1 gp) (10 lb)
Soap (1 cp) (.5 lb)
2 torches (2 cp) (2 lb)
5 days trail rations (2.5 gp) (5 lb)

64 gp 3 sp 7 cp

Weight Carried: 39.5 w/o pack, 72 with pack
Light Load: 43 Medium: 86 Heavy: 130

Tactics and Rolls:

Takashi saves his spells for combats that look difficult, though he spends his Bits of Luck much more freely. He favors throwing his starknife in the first round of combat before darting in with his rapier, trying to help his allies flank. He uses his beak only in dire situations where he thinks he and his friends need every possible advantage to survive.


[dice=Sense Motive]d20+7[/dice]




Takashi maintains a well-preened appearance, his black feathers always glossy and clean... unless he's gotten too caught-up in the excitement of seeing somewhere new to preen his feathers. He generally wears loose, comfortable clothing when not expecting trouble, and his armor is well-oiled and polished when he sets out on a new adventure.

Takashi is the second son of one of the innumerable small-time merchants of Absalom, his family unusual mostly because they are Tengu merchants. His race's reputation worked against the family business constantly, though the customers they did manage to acquire were usually loyal. Thus they got by, but without much to spare.

Takashi himself loved helping out in the shop not to advance the family business but to see if the customer would tell any stories of far-off places and lands. Living at the City at the Center of the World meant that there were plenty of such tales, tales that ignited a longing to see these exotic locales for himself. From such a desire, it was easy to become curious about Desna's faith, and Takashi found her teachings of the value of travel matched the desires of his heart so closely that he pledged himself to her service.

All that he needed was the means to travel... and Absalom is well-known for one such means. Joining the Pathfinders seemed to Takashi to be his only chance to get off the island and out into the wider world. As such, he studied and trained relentlessly to prepare himself, until at last he petitioned to join the Pathfinders.

The tests and studies were as difficult as he had heard, but Takashi's will to travel helped him persevere. At last he has achieved his dream, and is now a fledgling Pathfinder, eager for his first chance to step out into the world and see with his own eyes what he knows now only through tales.

Personality & Motivation:
Takashi tries to be cool and calculating, but tends to get caught up in the excitement of new experiences and new places (or new battles) too much to maintain his facade. He loves nothing more than something new, whether that be a new place or a new bauble. He quickly tires of trinkets, however, and so tends to go through shiny things over time. He's still young and fairly naïve as to the dangers of adventuring and the troubles of the world, but as he matures will likely grow to be more aware of the needs around him and the sacrifices adventuring entails.