Wild Elf

Taellosse's page

2 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Vic Wertz wrote:
We will be making the black dragon case premium available to those who order cases from paizo.com, and in other ways as well. Details on that will be announced later.

I just want to chime in and say that I REALLY hope you're seriously considering selling that dragon on its own, directly. I don't mind it costing something in the $25-50 range--I'd buy it. I happily purchased both the Colossal Red and Gargantuan Black Dragons from the D&D Iconics line when they were relatively easy to get (I didn't get the blue or Drizzt/White Dragon ones because I think D&D blue and white dragons look bad), and I'd gladly do the same here. But I'm probably not going to spend $275 on 40 other random minis to get it. I've, at this point, got a pretty wide selection of minis from various sources, and am not planning to get more en masse. I'll likely peruse the set lists for individual minis and pick up a few here and there that I think are particularly cool, and I might get some of those encounter packs if they fill gaps in my collection, but I don't need that kind of volume of new minis (or that kind of expense!).

Hell, I've never even found a legitimate use for either of those D&D Iconic dragons in a game I ran, and I'm still glad I got them. They sit on either side of my desktop monitor at home, guarding my speakers, and they look awesome just for their decorative value. That paint master looks to be up to pretty much the same standards, and I'd be glad to pay a similar price.

Edit: I should add that I did pre-order the PBBH 4-pack, and am looking forward to getting them this fall. And I don't even play Pathfinder!

I say this not because I think it will be impossible to buy by itself--I'm sure there will be no shortage of enterprising souls that would make it available for purchase themselves. But when that's the only avenue to get something like this, the price tends to get rather horribly inflated, and while I'd buy it for $25-50 without regret, I wouldn't spend $75-150 on it, especially when none of that cost benefits the company that actually makes it (i.e. Paizo and WizKids).