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Goblin Squad Member. 262 posts (275 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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This week, my players completed Savage Tide and defeated Demogorgon. A great ending to a great campaign playing for approx 4 hours a week for two and a half years.

As for how things ended, Obox-Ob reclaimed his position as Prince of Demons, meaning Tanar'ri will be fleeing the Abyss for years to come. The major players in the temporary alliance returned to their planes, ready to deal with the upcoming power shift of the lower planes. Iggwilv managed her plans to resurrect Thanaclan.

Meanwhile, for the players :

Kellen (Human Wood Mage 20) - The leader of the group and rarely with his head out of a book, returned to Greyhawk to work with the sages there to track down the remaining Shadow Pearls and prepare for what they refer to as the 'Obox-Ob Problem'

Rethel (Half-Elf Rogue 20) - Kellens half brother, resumed his relationship with Lavinia Vanderboren, and decided to go into politics, moving to Greyhawk

Apertit (Half-Elf Dragon Disciple 20) - Decided to travel the world, looking to exact his level of justice (he's very LN)

Ajah (Eladrin Dervish Dancer 20) - Trusted warrior of Gwyharwyf, he returned to the Court of Stars under Morwels command

Buntflung (Human Oracle 20) - Declaring that spending the last year trashing through the Abyss, he was sick of dealing with demons, and decided to leave civilisation and live as a hermit somewhere remote

Rikki-Tikki (Phanaton Monk 20) - During the campaign, Rikki-Tikki was temporarily the only member of his race. He struck a deal near the end of the campaign with Ehlonna to return a number of his species back to life. His payment... his own life, he was ascended to Celestia to serve by Ehlonna

Sir Tremane (Human Two Weapon Warrior 20) - Sir Tremane was Malcanthets proxy during the battle for Wat Dagon, and when he failed to become the new Prince of Demons, Malcanthet abandoned him. Partly to pay for his crimes (for being the proxy) and save the lives of his friends, he atoned and accepted the position of replacement of Shami-Amourae with Ahazu, so once his affairs were taken up, he returned to the Wells of Darkness and willingly become prisoner. In his honour, his colleagues ensured he was credited with the slaying of Demogorgon and was canonised, becoming Saint Tremane of Farshore.

I'd like to thank Paizo not only for a great campaign (there's so many options for a sequel, I really want to carry that on) but the fact that they have these forums which has been a massively useful source of information. Also, anyone here who has gave me ideas, advice, stats or even listened to me rant here (you know who you are)

Savage Tide is a great game, I would recommend it to anyone. I get to put away my DM hat for sometime now (other people starting campaigns now) so it looks like the next time I DM will be for a sequel, which may or may not be in PFRPG (whatever we'll be playing then)

If anyone has any questions to how we played something, what my players did, or want access to my campaign notes (I got stats for adventures 1-7, I used Charlie Bells for 8-12), then feel free to give me a shout.

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From the posts, it seems like the guy in the OPs post is simply trying to 'cheat' himself an edge over his colleagues. If that's what he needs to do to get his RPG kicks, and you're ok with it, then fine.

Personally, I wouldn't be. Nor would my friends around the table be either (especially if it was so obvious)

I had a guy (I think many of us have been here) who almost continuously rolled a D20 over and over again, and when it come to his action, if the last roll he made was good he'd claim to use that 'Hey, I rolled a 17!'. If that roll wasn't good, he'd make an 'official' roll. Also, he'd try and discredit any low roll stating it was cantered and needed to be rerolled.

Errr, no. Stop that.

Thankfully, my current group are well past that, and tend to have much more fun sessions when things do go badly. Failure can be half the fun, especially when they learn from it and succeed the second time.

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Tides of Dread conversions should be up in the next week or two

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I love it when players do this... I've currently got my lot in Tides of Dread, and I've introduced Gentleman Nurn (as suggested by other people here) as one of the colonists.

Nurn is the smooth talking noble, who's secretly planted to make sure that the defence of the colony doesn't go too well. As soon as I introduced him I got...

Player 1 - "Has he got a beard?"

Me - "Yes, a goatee"

All Players - "He's clearly the bad guy / a spy!"

The great thing is, is that HE IS THE SPY! But my players probably won't do anything about him, as IC they have no reason to suspect him. They've spent two weeks in town and not found anything to implecate him yet.

In your case, is it worth just going with it? :)

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I've been thinking about if you did tether the ghosts to the corpses (say 100ft), and your PCs found this out, if they would go as far as throwing the corpses into the volcano...

Now I'm thinking if MY PCs would do that ;)

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On a related note, Shalelu is bi in my game, and currently 'romantically linked' to the groups female elf druid. This was the same druid that was Alderns obsession as well... the player just sees her as having a bit of an allure.

Meanwhile, Shayliss got pregnant with the party half-elf rogue and has had a baby girl. She's now turned from harlot into a mothering figure. The half-elf (now reincarnated as a Dwarf) doesn't want to know, and is hiding out.

All good fun :)